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Changing Views of Afghan Forces

You didn't answer my question

do you feel that the Taliban should or should not rule Afghanistan?

It's not of my concern, it is Afghanistan's concern. As long as things don't affect Pakistan, I don't care who rules Afghanistan. Did I answer your question now?
What about the views of Afghan soldiers who attack and kill NATO and US soldiers?

You will always have personal problems. Trouble with being in a combat environment is you get used to solving your issues with a gun. (and already prevalent in that culture)

If only the Pakistani establishment thought the way you did, the Afghan problem would have been resolved 5 years ago. Too bad Musharraf and co. don't want to leave it to the Afghans to decide who will rule there.

In the 90s, it was the ISI that powed in weapons and money to try and get Hekmatyar to take over Kabul rather than negotiate with Najibullah an end to the violence and led the Afghans choose their govt. Later it was the support to the Taliban and now its the Haqqani group. The end result is the same and that is interference in Afghan internal affairs by the PA/ISI

If only the Pakistani establishment thought the way you did, the Afghan problem would have been resolved 5 years ago. Too bad Musharraf and co. don't want to leave it to the Afghans to decide who will rule there.

In the 90s, it was the ISI that powed in weapons and money to try and get Hekmatyar to take over Kabul rather than negotiate with Najibullah an end to the violence and led the Afghans choose their govt. Later it was the support to the Taliban and now its the Haqqani group. The end result is the same and that is interference in Afghan internal affairs by the PA/ISI

Afghanistan was "up for grabs" after Najibullah got displaced, India supported their Northern Alliance proxies, Pakistan supported the Taliban. India & its proxies lost, the Taliban took over, & Pakistan hasn't supported them since.

The Taliban have many a times admitted they are not influenced by Pakistan, & Western think tanks have come to that conclusion as well. The Northern Alliance, Taliban, Al-Qaeda & other groups are off-shoots of the Mujahideen, created by the US & ideologically 'transformed' by Saudi Arabia's Salafi brand of Islam; in the light of global/international consensus.

Some other interesting readings:

Taliban 'Winning Afghan Hearts And Minds'

A secret Nato report compiled by intelligence officers has revealed that the Afghan government is losing popular support to the Taliban.

The report, seen by Sky News, also reveals that the Taliban continues to be supplied with roadside bombs by Pakistan’s secret service.

It is the most comprehensive analysis of a new Taliban campaign to win Afghan hearts and minds ahead of the end of Nato combat operations by 2014.

It is based on 27,000 interviews with 4,000 detainees - Taliban fighters, foreign insurgents and al Qaeda guerrillas.

Pakistan exercises direct control over senior Taliban commanders, some of whom live very close to the offices of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI).

Insurgent groups are supplied with "electronics expertise, remote detonators, advanced explosives, mines and suicide vests" to attack Nato soldiers and Afghan government targets.

Pakistan has long played a double game in the region, fighting its domestic Taliban movement while keeping Afghanistan unstable to prevent its arch enemy, India, from gaining a foothold through the government of Hamid Karzai in Kabul.

But the most dramatic findings of the report show the Taliban is successfully occupying the moral high ground among ordinary Afghans.

"Local villagers report a surprising level of satisfaction with Taliban decrees. Conversely favourable government of Afghanistan rulings tend to require bribes, which many simply cannot afford," the report says.

The Taliban, it said, has decided to limit acts of brutality last year and co-ordinate with local elders over where to place mines.
The radical Islamic group, which was deposed by a US-led international coalition in 2001 for allowing Osama bin Laden a safe haven, has even set up mobile telephone helplines which villagers can use to report abuses of them by Taliban officials.
Meanwhile, many of the government forces have "secretly reached out to insurgents, seeking long-term options in the event of a possible Taliban victory".

The arms bazaar in Miran Shah, the Pakistani base of many Taliban groups, has seen a surge in Afghan government weapons for sale, and even the distinctive Ford Ranger vehicles provided by the US to the Kabul forces which have been sold or donated by Afghan soldiers to the Taliban, the Nato intelligence report said.

The report will be a devastating blow to western governments and other contributors to the international military effort to shore up the rule of the Kabul government.

Officials have been stressing how successful the programme to hand security control over to the government and that 50% of the country has already made this transition.

Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson, the Nato spokesman in Kabul, dismissed the secret report by saying that the organisation did not see "any reason to take these findings of the investigation to reconsider or readjust our (own) findings".

Many soldiers who have fought in Afghanistan have come to similar conclusions to the Nato report on their own. They frequently note that the Afghan government forces have a predatory relationship with local people and in the case of the police are frequently linked to drug lords - both of which undermine faith in central government.

In Helmand, where 9,000 British and about 30,000 American troops have been locked in fierce fighting, the report said that even in areas under government and Nato control, the Taliban run a parallel administration.

It also names a senior former Pakistani military officer as being the main link between the Islamabad government and the Taliban. It notes that the Haqqani family, which leads a ferocious Taliban faction in the east of Afghanistan, has safe havens close to the Pakistani secret service headquarters in Islamabad, and in Miran Shah.

But the close relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan is not a cosy alliance of fellow Islamic radicals.

Peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government may soon open in Saudi Arabia and another set may get started in Qatar. But this may be in defiance of the ISI's wishes.

"Taliban members believe that neither Pakistan nor the government of Afghanistan are willing to allow a peaceful end to the war, and therefore forsake the considerable material gains to be garnered from the conflict, the reports says.

Significant government officials in Afghanistan are closely linked to the opium trade, worth over $4bn a year and to ISI-related groups which smuggle drugs through Pakistan.

On top of that many members of the Karzai administration have become vastly rich from protection rackets and trucking contracts taking Nato supplies to soldiers on the front.

Neither of these trades can be expected to thrive if peace broke out.

Pakistan, meanwhile, is anxious, the report said, to keep Afghanistan in a state of chaos so that India cannot get a toe-hold.

Pakistani foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar said the report should be disregarded as a "strategic leak".

"These claims have been made for many years," she said.

Afghanistan Government Losing Support To Taliban, According To Secret Nato Report | World News | Sky News
Afghanistan Government Losing Support To Taliban, According To Secret Nato Report | World News | Sky News[/QUOTE]

Afghanistan was "up for grabs" after Najibullah got displaced, India supported their Northern Alliance proxies, Pakistan supported the Taliban. India & its proxies lost, the Taliban took over, & Pakistan hasn't supported them since.

The Taliban have many a times admitted they are not influenced by Pakistan, & Western think tanks have come to that conclusion as well. The Northern Alliance, Taliban, Al-Qaeda & other groups are off-shoots of the Mujahideen, created by the US & ideologically 'transformed' by Saudi Arabia's Salafi brand of Islam; in the light of global/international consensus.

Some other interesting readings:

Taliban 'Winning Afghan Hearts And Minds'

Afghanistan Government Losing Support To Taliban, According To Secret Nato Report | World News | Sky News


It said that the number of people who said they sympathized with the aims of Taliban had dropped to 29 percent compared to 40 percent last year and 56 percent in 2009.
The people of Afghanistan have suffered enough from terrorism, infighting and bad governance. After the Soviets were driven off, and because there was no infrastructure in the country, terrorists from all over the world converged on Afghanistan and established their training and operational bases there. This resulted in a sharp rise in terrorist attacks all over the world, including the United States. Today, when we have dismantled most terrorist organizations and made it possible to withdraw our forces from Afghanistan, we do not want it to fall back to “old times” and that is the reason we have invested in training a strong force for Afghanistan’s internal and external security. This well-trained and strong force is leading many of the operations against the few remaining terrorist groups and successfully performing security duties all over Afghanistan.

One of our objectives is to leave Afghanistan strong and self sufficient in its security. I believe all will agree that a strong and stable Afghanistan is in the interest of all its neighbors including Pakistan.

Capt. Joseph Kreidel
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
^^^ Centcom is the cheapest and most arrogant member on the forum . He hasn't given a single thank on this forum to any member . I just saw

:P Just kidding
@ Loy Afghanistan

Dude get your facts right...today there are more Durranis in Pakistan than in Afghanistan. There are around 28 million Pushtuns (second biggest majority in Pakistan) in Pakistan while on 11-12 million Pushtuns in Afganistan (more than twice in Pakistan)..well i might be banging my head into a wall since most Afghanis are delusional ...and claim 60 percent of Pakistan...lol..pathetic...i can tell that from your display name...that you too suffer from those delusions !!!

Ghaznavi was half turkish..half Pushtun, since Pakistan has more Pushtuns (more than twice Afghanistan has)...Pakistan has a right to use his name. Again Abdali was born in Multan so his name is being used by Pakistan.

Lol btw the chief of so called Punjabi ISI was a Durrani when ISI was funding Taliban in 1990's to make Afghanistan a backyard for Pakistan...lol !!!

If you don't like that...who cares...we are in majority....we have the right to do it !!!
ahaa the news that suit urself is fine....n the rest isnt , rite ?

In all of my post in this thread have i posted any news link??? As I said before my reality is not limited internet articles.
Inside the taliban (national geographics) - YouTube

Dear Loy Afghanistan,

We Pakistanis could really care less about how you feel about us. You talk really big when your President doesn't even control his own country outside of Kabul and will probably be the first person to abandon ship come 2014.

Best Regards,

A Pakistani talking about a government not able to control its own territory? That's rich! When are you guys gonna start nthat offensive into your "sovereign territory"?
Have to laugh at the talibuny lovers that think the taliban are some great warriors yet claim the ANA are a bunch of pussies.

Ever thought they all have the same back ground? If mudjahideen can leg it up a mountain that would give a goat a heart attack carrying and ak rpg and a weeks food why cant his son now in the ANA do the same?

Kabul showed the ANA can kick *** its an Afghan army fighting for Afghanistan and history show thats not some thing you underestimate.

And the guys in Kabul were trained by Kiwis so they know thier stuff, they just need more work on their Haka.
@bilal Looking the other way to a crime makes you an accessory. This is the fact of life! If you guys are indifferent to Taliban, it is as good as supporting it.

THe borders are open and why did Pakistan keep the borders open, why send proposals to Afghanistan to seal the borders from their own country. How cheap this argument sounds!
US and her NATO allies huffed and puffed for 10 year to blow down Pakistan but nothing worked ... ANA will get disbanded after NATO/US withdrawl , thats the reality of it all
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