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Changing Views of Afghan Forces

Once NATO leaves Pakistani national interest will hold supreme, if anyone don't like it, they can go..........
I lost the link to a video where your soldiers are giving arms to Taliban, will surely post that here once found!

I think you are talking about this

********.com - Exclusive Footage/Unbelievable: Pakistan Army Gives weapons to Taliban

Do you think we'll give weapons to taliban like this...... With 100s of soldier in Pakistani uniform....

Its been discussed here 1000 times and its either a ambush later surrender or before a peace talk putting down weapons......
I think you are talking about this

********.com - Exclusive Footage/Unbelievable: Pakistan Army Gives weapons to Taliban

Do you think we'll give weapons to taliban like this...... With 100s of soldier in Pakistani uniform....

Its been discussed here 1000 times and its either a ambush later surrender or before a peace talk putting down weapons......

Yes the same video, but in both scenarios you mentioned the guy should have captured the video freely not 'secretly'.

Although both cases doesn't seem true.
What about the views of Afghan soldiers who attack and kill NATO and US soldiers?

hey areesh wat about ur views on ur army personal killing ur own army personal as was seen in mehran base attack??why dont u worry about it rather than trying to demoralise a weak nation which is trying to stand on its feet??dont do it guys ur reputation is bad u guys lost with who so ever u fought u lost against indians u lost with bangladesh in 1971 i mean who who so ever u picked up a fight u lost..now im scared that u will loose this fight against the afghan ppl too...All the best tough..
Hamid Gul has links with Taliban that is for sure .His son on a Pakistani show a few days ago said with utmost certainty that Taliban would rule afghanistan in 2 years and he said it was good for Pakistan . It is on youtube .
hey areesh wat about ur views on ur army personal killing ur own army personal as was seen in mehran base attack??

Nothing like that ever happened. STFU please.

why dont u worry about it rather than trying to demoralise a weak nation which is trying to stand on its feet??dont do it guys ur reputation is bad u guys lost with who so ever u fought u lost against indians u lost with bangladesh in 1971 i mean who who so ever u picked up a fight u lost..now im scared that u will loose this fight against the afghan ppl too...All the best tough..

Thanks for the rant. couldn't understand what you wanted to say but anyways thanks.
Once NATO leaves Pakistani national interest will hold supreme, if anyone don't like it, they can go..........

munna why such tall claims ?? why after NATO leaves?? why ?? doesn't pak ppl and its army give its national interests a priority and importance when nato is present there??NATO's interest is more imp to u guys??or u ppl are scared of uncle NATO..i heard that there were 6 hellfires falling on waziristan on its way to arabian ocean :P ..Taliban is against the national interest of countries like NATO alliance members well they will leave but what about the iran army, russian army,will u guys scare them off too?? if rusiia india iran even china starts taking care of their national interests they way u guys are planning to do then pakistanis will have to not only leave this region but this planet as well

Nothing like that ever happened. STFU please.

Thanks for the rant. couldn't understand what you wanted to say but anyways thanks.

i dont expect a madrassa chap to understand and digest truth at any moment..as usual pakistan is a happy land of denials..BTW why dont u go and ask ur army why 2 serving ppl were court marshaled ??ask ur army to give reasons then come back..THE FACT IS UR OWN ARMY KILLS UR ARMY AS A PUNISMENT FOR SUPPORTING NATO
i dont expect a madrassa chap to understand and digest truth at any moment..as usual pakistan is a happy land of denials..BTW why dont u go and ask ur army why 2 serving ppl were court marshaled ??ask ur army to give reasons then come back..THE FACT IS UR OWN ARMY KILLS UR ARMY AS A PUNISMENT FOR SUPPORTING NATO

Your posts are even worse than someone who is educated in a madarasa. Anyways thanks for informing us about the "truth". Don't share it with anyone else for your own good.;)

By the way if you read the news properly you would have realized that those two officers were court martial for "negligence". And that's why there punishment wasn't much sever. Anyways don't share such type of "truth" elsewhere and you would save yourself from humiliation.
hope afgani people handle their security themselves without any influence of others. And kick every person out who try to damage its relation with others and use it land for Pakistan. Indian kids first go and learn what really happend in past then come and talk mature. And some people are really deserve to laugh on them here..
Your basic assumption is wrong. Pakistan does not support the Taliban. Pakistan is indifferent to the Taliban, as they are the Afghan people themselves. Hence, the rest of your post is moot.

Maybe using the catch all Taliban is not really accurate.

But there is no doubt that Pakistan is supporting and providing safe havens for the Haqqani Taliban group and provides a free hand.
Senior Taliban representatives, such as Nasiruddin Haqqani, maintain residences in the immediate vicinity of ISI headquarters in Islamabad. And those Taliban leaders like Mullah Baradar who want an end to the violence and neogtiate with them without Pakistani involement are arrested and kept in confinement.

Let me ask this question, do you feel that the Taliban should or should not rule Afghanistan? If you say they should not, then I think you are correct, but a minority view in the Pakistani establishment.
Maybe using the catch all Taliban is not really accurate.

But there is no doubt that Pakistan is supporting and providing safe havens for the Haqqani Taliban group and provides a free hand.
Senior Taliban representatives, such as Nasiruddin Haqqani, maintain residences in the immediate vicinity of ISI headquarters in Islamabad. And those Taliban leaders like Mullah Baradar who want an end to the violence and neogtiate with them without Pakistani involement are arrested and kept in confinement.

Let me ask this question, do you feel that the Taliban should or should not rule Afghanistan? If you say they should not, then I think you are correct, but a minority view in the Pakistani establishment.

You clearly do not understand the difference between supporting someone, & being indifferent to someone. Classic Bush "either-you're-with-us-or-against-us" mindset. Even Obama has admitted there is no actual evidence that shows the ISI actually aiding the Taliban. Pakistan does not want to stir a hornet's nest that the US wants it to. The US wants to negotiate a deal with the Taliban, but refuses Pakistan to do that on its side of the border. The US is stirring many hornet's nests in Afghanistan, & will leave in 2014 without facing any future consequences, Pakistan is not stupid enough as Afghanistan is to fall for this trap.

Maybe using the catch all Taliban is not really accurate.

But there is no doubt that Pakistan is supporting and providing safe havens for the Haqqani Taliban group and provides a free hand.
Senior Taliban representatives, such as Nasiruddin Haqqani, maintain residences in the immediate vicinity of ISI headquarters in Islamabad. And those Taliban leaders like Mullah Baradar who want an end to the violence and neogtiate with them without Pakistani involement are arrested and kept in confinement.

Let me ask this question, do you feel that the Taliban should or should not rule Afghanistan? If you say they should not, then I think you are correct, but a minority view in the Pakistani establishment.

You clearly do not understand the difference between supporting someone, & being indifferent to someone. Even Obama has admitted there is no actual evidence that shows the ISI actually aiding the Taliban. Pakistan does not want to stir a hornet's nest that the US wants it to. The US wants to negotiate a deal with the Taliban, but refuses Pakistan to do that on its side of the border. The US is stirring many hornet's nests in Afghanistan, & will leave in 2014 without facing any future consequences, Pakistan is not stupid enough as Afghanistan is to fall for this trap.

The Taliban are the Afghan people, Pakistan is indifferent to them, they are Afghanistan's headache. The fight-&-talk strategy is perfect for the US & NATO who will evacuate in 2014, but it will put Afghanistan in civil war.
You didn't answer my question

do you feel that the Taliban should or should not rule Afghanistan?
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