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CATIC targets 300 JF-17 sales in five years

The lack of farsightedness is indeed appalling.


Isn't that a tragedy in itself---. Being smart and sassy and a high grade pilot means nothing when are put into management position---you need better managers---managers who are viciously ruthless with truth in understanding the significance and knowing the needs and ascertaining the importance of the time required to acquire new weapons systems and the time needed for integration.

For that reason---no air forces of the world are wholely and solely involved in building and manufacturing weapons systems any where---accept as in consultant positions or advisors---there is a reason for that.

When pilots and air forces get involved---they will lie to hide their mistakes---because they are the high and mighty---they cannot be wrong---but for a business consortium---mistakes are a part of daily life---.
Hi, Your main concern is British Typhoon and F-35A/Bs and you want equally superior Aircraft but have you though Israel-US could stop support of spares-weapons in case of Conflict-War.

FAA operates 14-16 Daggers/Neshers upgraded to Finger Standards, Airframes are quiet old by now 40+ Years. Any conflict with UK...UK-US has the leverage to stop Israel from providing leftover spares weapons.

US made A4AR 30-34 operational could be crippled in any conflict with North America or UK If spares-weapons are stopped.

French Super Etendarts 8-11 in poor conditions though partially operational are worth replacing.

I don't believe China would provide you with J-10A/B which could end up in US it has happened in the past like Mig-25, SU-27...

Although you guys are out of options and I don't know if Argentina has good relations with Russia but you guys need to start concentrating on mesh of SAM Systems and Radars first. Replace older Fleet of Aircrafts with capable Aircrafts such as FC-1 and Flankers A high low mix...A squadron of Flankers and couple of squardons of FC-1s would be a reasonable move in the Future but even FC-1 is a far fetch idea because Argentina has close relations with Israel and they have the habit to poke in.

Yeah we need to do everything from scratch, then again FC-1 is not a good choice at this point, we need a high performance fighter, FC-1 is a good candidate to upgrade the A-4AR and SUE, but only when it gets the fueling probe.

Fighters candidate for Argentina are J-20, J-31 and J-10B. Anyway, we need to wait and see, because as far i know, there will be no reemplacement for Mirages.
Yeah we need to do everything from scratch, then again FC-1 is not a good choice at this point, we need a high performance fighter, FC-1 is a good candidate to upgrade the A-4AR and SUE, but only when it gets the fueling probe.

Fighters candidate for Argentina are J-20, J-31 and J-10B. Anyway, we need to wait and see, because as far i know, there will be no reemplacement for Mirages.

Hi, high performance Aircrafts requires big bank unfortunately FAA doesn't have that kind of a money, Russians might provide you with loans but I doubt any other Country would help in this regards you bring the cash to the table and then negotiate.

Unfortunately there is no other candidate. Candidates you mentioned, non of them would ever be offered-sold to FAA these are complicated technologically superior Aircrafts neither israel or US is allowed to have a look into it considering how close FAA has relations with israel. Perhaps now you guys should try your luck with French for couple of squadrons of Mirage 2000-5s but would generally be expensive when it comes to FAA budget, over the top French never discount.

FAA needs Aircrafts that are sanction proof, low cost BVR-Anti-Ship capable and offer array of weapons I can't find any other seller then Russia or China but no J-10s or anything above that superior. FAA/Argentine Army should concentrate on Air Defense-SAM Systems and Radars before jumping to anything else.
Yeah we need to do everything from scratch, then again FC-1 is not a good choice at this point, we need a high performance fighter, FC-1 is a good candidate to upgrade the A-4AR and SUE, but only when it gets the fueling probe.

Fighters candidate for Argentina are J-20, J-31 and J-10B. Anyway, we need to wait and see, because as far i know, there will be no reemplacement for Mirages.


Are you a parent---do you have kids---do you know what they do before they start running---they learn to crawl---then they get on their spindly legs and begin to walk---then they learn to run---. You can't jump from a 2 1/2 generation aircraft to a 4 1/2 gen aircraft just like that---ask that to PAF---they can answer for you---.

Fighter aircraft are no different---it is just not getting into the plane and taking off anymore---you have to have experience in a transition aircraft---you need to build up on a strong foundation if you need to have 45 gen type aircraft---.

Wants and desires are fine---but the reality is that just because one has been donkey carts for years cannot become and F1 driver in no time.

Bangladesh had the same mind set years ago---when they bought the mig 29 I believe---were thinking the same way---. Didn't work too well.
Bangladesh had the same mind set years ago---when they bought the mig 29 I believe---were thinking the same way---. Didn't work too well.


I'd like to add that Bangladesh did operate 3rd generation planes like MiG-21, F-7 and the A-5 before buying 8 units of MiG-29 SE variants. Initially, the order was for 16 units.

And even given that, operating a 4th generation fighter like the MiG-29 for the very first time in the young nation's history was a formidable challenge.

Along with the steep learning curve, the BAF made many mistakes in the past with the MiG-29. One key mistake was that they bought cheap parts from Central Asian and East European nations instead of original Russian ones. This damaged the aircraft, particularly the engines.

There were even rumors of cannibalization. Things got so bad and costly, that the government seriously considered selling them off. That was 5 years after the MiGs were bought. It's an unforgiving plane. They were ultimately grounded for a while.

After 2007, they were sent to Ukraine for costly overhauls; and they are still flying today and in very good condition. There are strong indications that 8 more MiG-29 SMTs will be procured, and the current ones to be upgraded to SMT standards.

Mistakes and failures are part of the learning process.
Hi, high performance Aircrafts requires big bank unfortunately FAA doesn't have that kind of a money, Russians might provide you with loans but I doubt any other Country would help in this regards you bring the cash to the table and then negotiate.

Unfortunately there is no other candidate. Candidates you mentioned, non of them would ever be offered-sold to FAA these are complicated technologically superior Aircrafts neither israel or US is allowed to have a look into it considering how close FAA has relations with israel. Perhaps now you guys should try your luck with French for couple of squadrons of Mirage 2000-5s but would generally be expensive when it comes to FAA budget, over the top French never discount.

FAA needs Aircrafts that are sanction proof, low cost BVR-Anti-Ship capable and offer array of weapons I can't find any other seller then Russia or China but no J-10s or anything above that superior. FAA/Argentine Army should concentrate on Air Defense-SAM Systems and Radars before jumping to anything else.

Money is not the real problem, the problem is on cultural and political levels, we have only 0.4% of the PBI assigned on defense that that goes all to pay salarys and even pension of retired personal...

Due to what happened on the last military cup, lots of people hates the military, and thats incluides the president, the mayority of the goverment and political factions.

And while i understand what military forces are for and why is a necesary to equip them, maybe only the 10% of the population understand it, the rest hate them and rather see them disbanded, and thats not gona change for another generation or two.
^^Agreed. Ive heard people saying that Pakistan's annual defense budget is 80% and not 18% which i know of. Just crazy!

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