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Capturing Kashmir...

Loved it. Really felt proud to be an Indian. The frustration with the Islamist Right is very evident though.

'Capturing Kashmir' still remains the guiding principle and 'Hinduisation' an eternal fear. Both terms are mentioned above. :D


This was Kashmir....as a state..Before.


This is Kashmir .....Now..

  • This Azadi lovers first took more than 80% of what they had and made it their own /apna/ apun ka province and called it Gilgit-Baltistan.
  • Then gave a little bit to Chinese as a gift like birthday and wedding gifts and they now call it Shaksam Valley.
  • A major portion is with China ( no capturing or no sentiments whatsoever ).. Aksai Chin....
  • A little tiny portion which is a bit bigger than what they gifted + siachen valley (which they lost) was kept as Azad Kashmir to showcase and proclaim ....." Look People of the world we have made our portion "free ...azad ...heaven... stunning... " now ask India to do the same.

Its a very beautiful logiC.
I think the title is about India "capturing" Kashmir

Oh my bad, I took it otherwise. Then too it's a bullshit thread title, Kashmir is our righteous part. Pakistan and China has captured some of it and ruined that so we don't desire to take that back. We are happy with what we have.
If poster takes it as capturing then he is wrong, in that case for sake saying, i will say like we have already captured Kashmir and not capturing.
I read the article. It has no sympathy left for Kashmiri Pundits, and the writer shamelessly claim, Pandits wrang the Political Headlines during elections. Does these guys know how is it to be to be pushed out of your home after living thousands of Years?
According to some, the same logic appears, its ok if Muslims kills Muslims, or Muslim kills Hindu, but others troubling Muslims, then not ok. The day those some people, that Muslims, Hindu Sikhs are Humans, these problems shall recur.

Sajjad Lone Father was killed by Separatists terrorist. Why the hell would he want to support the terrorist anyway? I agree with his feelings.
Regarding the killing of the boys, its really unfortunate. I hope the writer knows that after they are court martialed they would be standing charges in civilian courts..

All cooked up and no chart. I dont care if the voting percentage is higher just because people dont want BJP in power. Democracy wins at the last.

Lastly 35 Persons per day. That makes it nearly 1000 (assuming its true). It hardly makes a change in 72% people polled.. They are not going to vote anyway.
Kashmiris are realizing that it is far more profitable for them to stay with India.
Right! Except turds like Pakistani sycophant SAS Geelani who thinks that he'll hand over Kashmir to Pakistan! And that other fellow Yasin Mallik thinks of an 'independent' Kashmir! They seem to be unaware of the fact that India is doling out Rs 50,000 crores per year to J&K in the form of subsidies, aids, grants, and infrastructure.

Can Pakistan even think of giving 10% of that for Kashmir to stay afloat every year? Or can an 'independent' Kashmir generate these enormous funds to stay alive? For example, subsidized rice which sells for Rs 2 per Kg in Kashmir, would cost over Rs 100 per Kg without Indian crutches! Talk of starvation! And the complete collapse of Kashmir!
The writer is a Mumbaikar. A Bohra Muslim. The elite kind.

93,000 killed, 7000 custodial killings, 10000 gang rapes, 107,400 children orphaned...

I have difficulty understanding Indians taking the moral route over Bangladesh and say you were raping women so we had to act and are doing the same in Kashmir and expect no one to raise a voice. It proves India was only an opportunist otherwise they would have freed Kashmir.

Pakistan must do everything to separate Kashmir from India.

93,000 killed, 7000 custodial killings, 10000 gang rapes, 107,400 children orphaned...

I have difficulty understanding Indians taking the moral route over Bangladesh and say you were raping women so we had to act and are doing the same in Kashmir and expect no one to raise a voice. It proves India was only an opportunist otherwise they would have freed Kashmir.

Pakistan must do everything to separate Kashmir from India.

and india is not going to Give away Kashmir in Plate ... i dont think this matter will be solved on table , and giving away Kashmir will be the death of Pride of Indians ...

93,000 killed, 7000 custodial killings, 10000 gang rapes, 107,400 children orphaned...

I have difficulty understanding Indians taking the moral route over Bangladesh and say you were raping women so we had to act and are doing the same in Kashmir and expect no one to raise a voice. It proves India was only an opportunist otherwise they would have freed Kashmir.

Pakistan must do everything to separate Kashmir from India.

May I ask where you got those figures from? I hope you don't think the Indian security forces killed all those people. There used to be a lot of random shootings and bomb blasts in kashmir for years. The 90s were pretty rough. However, now that there is relative peace, all the deaths are being dumped on the Indian security forces because they are the only visible party. The claim of 10,000 gangrapes is a obvious falsehood. While I'm perfectly willing to concede that there were "encounters" where civilians were killed and branded terrorists, I have a hard time believing that there would exist opportunity for 10,000 rapes. Please provide the links to your figures. Please make sure it's not some random site that just states those figures.

Coming to your last point, there nothing you can do to take Kashmir away from India. It's too late. We're too powerful to be defeated militarily. More importantly, the world doesn't see the point of taking a piece of land from India and giving it to Pakistan or in creating a new Muslim majority state in the subcontinent only to come back a few years later to find it infested with religious extremists. Right now, India finances not only the state but also it's war against extremists. If the world jumps in and decides to create a new state, they're going to have to take care of it. There is a general fatigue here in the west about spending their blood and treasure on causes that always seem to end badly.

I've provided a link to the number of deaths by year. Please provide yours.

Annual Fatalities in violence by terrorist
Loved it. Really felt proud to be an Indian. The frustration with the Islamist Right is very evident though.

'Capturing Kashmir' still remains the guiding principle and 'Hinduisation' an eternal fear. Both terms are mentioned above. :D

And they are venting out their frustration by attacking innocent Kashmiris ,shooting them throwing grenades against them .
Unbearable situation for 'Freedom' fighters and their masters.
And they are venting out their frustration by attacking innocent Kashmiris ,shooting them throwing grenades against them .
Unbearable situation for 'Freedom' fighters and their masters.
It's all right. Thousands have tried before with guns. Now they are rotting, literally. Some have changed sides. Those left have picked up the pen. Nothing unusual, still a better read than 'Arundhati' Roy. :)

93,000 killed, 7000 custodial killings, 10000 gang rapes, 107,400 children orphaned...

I have difficulty understanding Indians taking the moral route over Bangladesh and say you were raping women so we had to act and are doing the same in Kashmir and expect no one to raise a voice. It proves India was only an opportunist otherwise they would have freed Kashmir.

I think you got these figures from outside earth

Pakistan must do everything to separate Kashmir from India.

Pakistani government and army both are incapable to do that.

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