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Can Pakistan Lead Afghan Peace Process?

Why some one had the urge of inviting Pakistan for peace process, when Zardari regime is near end ?

Is army on board? or a trap is being prepared for army?

At the same moment attacks on Pakistan has been increased!!
So basically India stuck its nose in where it didn't belong and tried to play regional powerhouse but now everyone who has troops on the ground in Afghanistan is finally coming to terms with the fact that it was Pakistan all along and not India who would be the game changer. If only these people followed PDF, this war would have ended long ago but the good news is most people are waking up to the ground realities now.
Well, we learned from the best. :D

These all are strategic moves. Every country try to take advantage of any opportunity they get.
Well, we learned from the best. :D

These all are strategic moves. Every country try to take advantage of any opportunity they get.

And India has seen momentous failures by Pakistan on trying to gain a strategic depth, of course India getting its feet wet is very different from Pakistan taking a swim.
Contrary to the popular belief the majority of 'actual' Afghans feels quite easy about this. After all we have been sustaining 3 millions of them since the last 3 decades, not to mention the flour and eggs that we smuggle out to them :)

BINGO. . .
Speaking truly, as of today there are so many kinds of Talibans that i actually doubt if the "real" Talibans are alive. Nevertheless, the Mullah Omer kinda Talibs have a very clear and singular stance that they are going to keep on resisting foreign rule, so these attacks should not come as a surprise to the 'outsiders'.
I think by Real talibans you mean those who were created and supported (and then betrayed) by Pakistan. Now they are getting support again from ISI against U.S. Mullah omar led talibans are surely focused on their jihad against 'outsiders' right now with secret help from pakistan, but we all know about "afghan character", if you betray their trust they gonna come for ya to take their "revenge"....After U.S next turn is of Pakistan.....They are simple-minded, honest and straight forward folk , you dont wonna get complicated with them, thats what Abdul Salam Zaeef - former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has this to say:

"Look at Pakistan, our neighbour. How does it treat Afghans?
Pakistan, which plays a key role in Asia, is so famous for treachery that it is said they can get milk from a bull. They have two tongues in one mouth, and two faces on one head so they can speak everybody’s language; they use everybody, deceive everybody. They deceive the Arabs under the guise of Islamic nuclear power, saying that they are defending Islam and Islamic countries. They milk America and Europe in the alliance against terrorism, and they have been deceiving Pakistani and other Muslims around the world in the name of Kashmiri jihad. But behind the curtain, they have been betraying everyone."

Contrary to the popular belief the majority of 'actual' Afghans feels quite easy about this. After all we have been sustaining 3 millions of them since the last 3 decades, not to mention the flour and eggs that we smuggle out to them :)
And what Afghan Intelligentsia thinks about you?.....
Islam, 3 million refugees, egg, flour etc is not working on afghans because they simply dont have respect for you .
How about Pakistan lead peace process within its country first and leave afghan to afghanis.

Recently Pakistan is more insecure than Afghanis.
In such a case, you should sit back and enjoy destruction of your arch nemesis. What's there to loose? :drag:

Not much that India can do anyway. But Bond is right. Its been a downward spiral for Pakistan from the day it got involved in Afghanistan in 1980's. But the Pakistani leadership just doesnt seem to learn. They are attaching more importance to Afghansitan than to Pakistan itself
Dude, what do you expect if you finger the arse of two superpowers? I think we did did ok, and will do brilliantly after the withdrawal of US.

Not much that India can do anyway. But Bond is right. Its been a downward spiral for Pakistan from the day it got involved in Afghanistan in 1980's. But the Pakistani leadership just doesnt seem to learn. They are attaching more importance to Afghansitan than to Pakistan itself
I think by Real talibans you mean those who were created and supported (and then betrayed) by Pakistan. Now they are getting support again from ISI against U.S. Mullah omar led talibans are surely focused on their jihad against 'outsiders' right now with secret help from pakistan, but we all know about "afghan character", if you betray their trust they gonna come for ya to take their "revenge"....After U.S next turn is of Pakistan.....They are simple-minded, honest and straight forward folk , you dont wonna get complicated with them, thats what Abdul Salam Zaeef - former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, has this to say:
Just to correct you, the real talibans were thse which were created by the CIA during their 'Jihad' against erstwhile USSR. Yes, Pakistan was the tool that was utilized for the process.

The rest of your post is the same 'writing on the wall' which the yanks have missed since they had entered Afg.
"Look at Pakistan, our neighbour. How does it treat Afghans?
Pakistan, which plays a key role in Asia, is so famous for treachery that it is said they can get milk from a bull. They have two tongues in one mouth, and two faces on one head so they can speak everybody’s language; they use everybody, deceive everybody. They deceive the Arabs under the guise of Islamic nuclear power, saying that they are defending Islam and Islamic countries. They milk America and Europe in the alliance against terrorism, and they have been deceiving Pakistani and other Muslims around the world in the name of Kashmiri jihad. But behind the curtain, they have been betraying everyone."
Speaking frankly, i'll take the above statement as a compliment.

And what Afghan Intelligentsia thinks about you?.....
Islam, 3 million refugees, egg, flour etc is not working on afghans because they simply dont have respect for you .

Do you how many demographies add up and make Afg (intelligentsia)? Because if you ha known it, you would never had grouped them under one banner of 'they simply dont have respect for you'.

BTW, just so that you dont get carried away, i must clarify that i have had direct interaction with ANA both at the borders and abroad when they were being trained at western institutions as part of the US effort to 'groom' them.
Just to correct you, the real talibans were thse which were created by the CIA during their 'Jihad' against erstwhile USSR. Yes, Pakistan was the tool that was utilized for the process.

The rest of your post is the same 'writing on the wall' which the yanks have missed since they had entered Afg.
Speaking frankly, i'll take the above statement as a compliment.

Do you how many demographies add up and make Afg (intelligentsia)? Because if you ha known it, you would never had grouped them under one banner of 'they simply dont have respect for you'.

BTW, just so that you dont get carried away, i must clarify that i have had direct interaction with ANA both at the borders and abroad when they were being trained at western institutions as part of the US effort to 'groom' them.

I'm surprised you even took the time to reply to emotionally hashed-up drivel which ignores even basic notions and basic facts
India does not have physical connection with Afghanistan that is permanent end to indian desire to poke its nose in Afghanistan and in central asia meaningfully. india had been infiltrating and running subversive activities using ride on Uncle shoulder (although that game run into its limit) and using so called assistance. Lately india approached Russia to sneak into the game. And Iran would not jeopardize its strategic interest just so india can poke its nose. So for india its in square one - infiltrate and run subversive activities of terror. But all these rouge indian elements could be cleaned up once dust settles.

Lately Saudi Arabia shown interest in playing role in Afghanistan. If so then there would be greater possibility that Saudi and Pakistani interest would coincide just like in the past. That prospect even more frightening for indians because that means indian inroad in Riyadh will meet dead end.

Chinese interest in Afghanistan is something new but China is here to stay one way or another. This definitely a plus point for Pakistan to have another ally and stakeholder on same side.

Russia sure will look to establish its interest in the game but more meaningful way it could participate is through possible Pakistani-Saudi and Chinese cooperative angle. Given Pakistan holds key, this is the perfect context where Pakistan-Saudi and Chinese cooperation should make sure Russia gets its interest taken care but NOT with any indian baggage. From strategic business prospective Russia should not see any problem with that.

what left is Iran question. Iran does have significant influence and interest in Afghanistan but their interest may diverge with Saudis and in some respect with Pakistani position. But considering greater goods and broader strategic goals these divergence can be bridged. This is where Pakistan can play crucial role to make sure both Saudi Arabia and Iran does not use this historic opportunity to elbow each other out. Both Saudi and Iranian interest will be best served if they look into broader strategic and common interest and not play proxy of uncle. If Pakistan can effectively make Saudis and Iranians act together then it will be crowning achievement for Pakistan besides strategic brotherhood with greater Afghan people.

One can clearly see india will be plying spoiler role running to Tehran, Moscow and again in Washington to cultivate fabricated intel and using subversion. But If Pakistan can hold Saudi and Iran together and China and Russia on their side, all these countries can achieve greater good for themselves and above all for Afghan people; they have suffered enough and deserve some peace and development. Saudi, Chinese and Iranian fund and Pakistan know how can take people of Afghanistan dream to reality.
bottom line -- NATO wont be there forever; a temporary hiccup in history. The Soviets arent there now, nor will RAW be there (hopefully) once we help clean up the place and remove all hiccups post withdrawal
bottom line -- NATO wont be there forever; a temporary hiccup in history. The Soviets arent there now, nor will RAW be there (hopefully) once we help clean up the place and remove all hiccups post withdrawal

Pakistan has long road ahead and this is time for lay the ground work and do some quiet, intense but stealth diplomacy. You can see indians are trying hard to break Pakistan concentration by border incursion. I think Pakistan policy makers, where it matters, knows about it.
Pakistan has long road ahead and this is time for lay the ground work and do some quiet, intense but stealth diplomacy. You can see indians are trying hard to break Pakistan concentration by border incursion. I think Pakistan policy makers, where it matters, knows about it.

Pakistanis also need to take charge and drive change internally. Everyone has a role to play, not just the khakis.

And this was made clear by Gen. Kayani during his speech last week or two weeks ago.
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