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Brothers who raped 14-year-old girl in Pakistan go free after paying 1200kg of wheat

Fair enough and I clarified that I picked the most conspicuous example possible of contradiction and hypocrisy.

All I am saying is let's not sit in judgement. Consider every case on it's merit and not stereotype entire countries and societies based.

Please note that there was nothing judgmental in any of posts in this thread. I did wonder how the rate was set at 1200 kg per rape, or is it 600 Kg per rapist. If the former, gang rapists get a perverse sort of discount. If the latter, then at least the compensation goes up for the victim's family depending on the number of rapists. Or may be it is decided on a case by case basis, depending on how rich the affected family is in that community?
Why you won't believe it? Rural Sindh as well as most of Pakistan is infested with such things. Powerful roam freely despite proven criminals
The very few details provided suggest that it's either wild fiction or wildly incomplete.
why I am Not Surprised ... Interior Sindh , Baluchistan , Punjab and KPK full of such retards ..
Fair enough. However Who will hold them accountable? Who exactly would that be? Government, who is of the elite for the elite? Criminal law has serious flaws and loopholes. They are left in there intentionally. If you have enough money and influence, you can linger on the case for decades in courts. Meanwhile apply all sorts of pressures on victim and his family to give up and force a reconciliation on your terms. And this os all within legal framework. It can't be challenged as it is within bounds of law. Throw in a hefty bribe and you can get away with almost any thing. So there are two basic questions:

1- Who exactly will carry out the accountability? Which institution or entity? (Why would they do it honestly?)

2- Only government has the power to change the law. Why would government (i.e. political elite) change the law it created specifically to help them get away from cases? Just why would they do it?

In the end, it is the people who are suppose to demand this. They are the effectee. But they don't. So they will suffer and continue to do so. That's the sad truth. While all this goes on, as an interim measure, people will continue to approach Jirga and Panchayet for their problems as the cycle continues. Such sad stories will continue to come out every now and then bringing shame on us as a society. But hey, if we are not willing to change all this, why would it change?

People of Pakistan should demand it from whom?.................... From a government whose chamchay still believe they can fool you by following 1990's tactics? From opposition who themselves comprises of 99% thugs? Themselves who would not shy from killing, raping, robbing, adulteration, taking bribes, given an opportunity? People of Pakistan are patwari and dancing tabdeeli razakar first and Pakistani latter ............ that too for a cricket match with India ............. hoping that they would unite for their common cause is wishful thinking.

If this suffering continues then there is nothing to Stop Swat and Waziristan happening all over again.
People of Pakistan should demand it from whom?.................... From a government whose chamchay still believe they can fool you by following 1990's tactics? From opposition who themselves comprises of 99% thugs? Themselves who would not shy from killing, raping, robbing, adulteration, taking bribes, given an opportunity? People of Pakistan are patwari and dancing tabdeeli razakar first and Pakistani latter ............ that too for a cricket match with India ............. hoping that they would unite for their common cause is wishful thinking.

If this suffering continues then there is nothing to Stop Swat and Waziristan happening all over again.

Do not underestimate power of the people. The day people of Pakistan want to change things, things will change. But they will have to do something about it.
Do not underestimate power of the people. The day people of Pakistan want to change things, things will change. But they will have to do something about it.

Sir powerful people have a strong character, they are honest, principled.
Its not about the religion or country (anywhere in the world). but its the filthy mindset of those wolves who exist almost everywhere..
Sir powerful people have a strong character, they are honest, principled.

Humans are imperfect. I have yet to see one without flaw. That doesn't mean someone has the right to exploit. Raising your voice to defend your rights is essential. The day that starts to happen, things will start to change. Till then it will remain the same just as the lady (I presume) in previous post noted.

The thing is we are suffering the consequences hence WE should do something about it, no matter how imperfect we are.
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