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Brothers who raped 14-year-old girl in Pakistan go free after paying 1200kg of wheat


Sep 20, 2013
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Two brothers who allegedly gang raped a 14-year-old girl in Pakistan were reportedly able to settle the case by paying a ‘compensation’ of 1200kg of wheat, after police took no action against them.

Named locally as Mustaq Mangrio and Suleman Mangrio, the pair allegedly raped the girl, referred to as ‘Miss R’, in a small village in the Umer Kot district of the country's Sindh province.

An open letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission, apparently based on information received from the Sindh Rural Partner Organisation and Veerji Kohli, chairman of the Umer Kot Union Council, said the rape was confirmed at the district hospital, and that local police lodged a report.

However, the letter says police did not take action against the brothers, instead allowing them to be dealt with by a traditional tribal court, called a Jirga, which decided the alleged rapists would be let off if they agreed to pay 1200kg of wheat in compensation for their crime.

The case attracted media attention, which led to the eventual arrest of one of the brothers, but left the other free.

The letter claims the alleged rapists were powerful landlords, who employed 14 members of the girl’s family.

It goes on to say: “The landlords of Sindh are particularly notorious for unimaginable human rights abuse of the farmers who work in their fields.

“Many cases of rape go unreported due to the fear of the powerful landlord who exerts great authority and clout in his area.”

The Asian Human Rights Commission is asking members of the public to write letters to the Sindh government, urging them to arrest and prosecute the alleged rapists.

So the wheat goes to the jirga or it goes to the victim?
Rape is an act of filth, committed by men who have gone over to the dark side, and unfortunately not one community on earth is immune. That young girl showed immense bravery in reporting the crime.
Had it been any other province.. Minus S.P.. The jirga should have given em death..

But it's rural Sindh. Where the powerful rule..

I wonder what the counsels decision had been if their sister was raped ? Bastards.
Who is this idiot Jirga, if his sister or daughter was raped would he still accept a few kgs? Is this a kind of business. Jirga is like a pimp here.
Who is this idiot Jirga, if his sister or daughter was raped would he still accept a few kgs? Is this a kind of business. Jirga is like a pimp here.

Its not one single person but concept of a tribal/local/clan council kind of thing.
Okay..I see thanks..But how can they decide when the courts are there?

A complicated question. A Pakistani member is better off explaining the reasons for this.

As far as I know, in Pakistan rural areas....jirgas are quite prevalent because the folk trust their local village clan rather than a federal/state govt where you often have to go through a long arduous and even expensive process to get justice anyway.

Very shameful indeed. Hence the title of third world nation.

Comon yaar. Cant slap a label on a country just because of some morons. I admit even I make that mistake sometimes. Its much easier to generalize than really pinning a individual down. I read yesterday that in FL, US there was a guy who killed his own brother over a big mac sandwich. Can you believe it? Cant label US for it. Morons are in every culture, religion, and country.
I don't support Jirga
i don't support panchayat
I don't support any council of justice by uneducated folks

Land should be seized by government and allocated to Industrial units

Any crime should be reported and justice should be provided by police / court

We are not living in 1912 that we need Jirga or other mode
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Let me see, so it costs here almost 26000 INR for 1200 kg of wheat.
So basically boys got away just by paying 26000 rs.
Damn that is such a insult to the girl, but then these tribes are mostly away from the civilised culture, not sure if they even are aware that they are taken for a ride literally.
Let me see, so it costs here almost 26000 INR for 1200 kg of wheat.
So basically boys got away just by paying 26000 rs.
Damn that is such a insult to the girl, but then these tribes are mostly away from the civilised culture, not sure if they even are aware that they are taken for a ride literally.

Well we have to go technically on hearsay since no evidence was collected and analysed (rape kit etc) and then deliberated upon inside a neutral court of law.

We have the allegation by the girl and thats about it. The system is broke since the police apparently did not do anything and no one wants to bother the official justice system.

Its similar to settling out of court if you think about it. The solid facts never come to light.
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