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Breaking: Russia Just deployed Su57/PAKFA in Syria at Khmemeim Airbase in latakia

Alleged PHOTO, VIDEO of Russian Pak-Fa Fifth Gen Jet Released on Twitter

Alleged PHOTO, VIDEO of Russian Pak-Fa Fifth Gen Jet Released on Twitter
© Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin
Middle East
09:54 22.02.2018(updated 09:55 22.02.2018) Get short URL
Russian and Syrian officials have yet to comment on unverified footage of the Russian fifth generation stealth fighter jet Su-57 allegedly spotted in Syria’s sky.

An image and video showing the Su-57, also known as T-50 or by its program name the Pak Fa (Prospective Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation) have surfaced on Twitter, when user Wael Al Hussaini posted them on his feed.

READ MORE: Sky's the Limit: Russian Military to Start Combat Trials of Stealthy Su-57 Jet

Hussaini also tweeted that Su-57 was deployed along with four multi-role air defense fighters Su-35, four close air support fighters Su-25 and a radar plane A-50U.

While the quality of the footage does not allow it to determine whether it is indeed the brand-new aircraft, Russian Air Forces have yet to confirm or deny the jet’s deployment in Khmemeim air base.

READ MORE: Russian Su-57's Secrets Within 90 Seconds

Designed by Russian aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi, the new Su-57 is developed for air superiority and attack roles; it’s fitted with a groundbreaking avionics system capable of autonomous calculations of the battlefield situation to assist the pilot. The fighter jet is also equipped with airborne active phased array radar, allowing it to detect air, ground and naval targets at distances far beyond most modern system, as well as to strike the enemy with a variety of modern weapons, including short, medium and long-range air-to-air, air-to-ground, and special anti-radar missiles.

That will require actual confrontation and I highly doubt Putin will take the risk. Putin should test his new toys against the Zionist F-35s before taking on the much superior F-22s. So far I haven't seen that happening.

Not necessarily... jets in Syria are flying within each other's weapons ranges.... put su 57 up and see if other side picks it up from reactions... plus analyse responses radar signals etc....
Not necessarily... jets in Syria are flying within each other's weapons ranges.... put su 57 up and see if other side picks it up from reactions... plus analyse responses radar signals etc....

The other side might choose not to react. They might be told to react if they receive order to shoot down.
The other side might choose not to react. They might be told to react if they receive order to shoot down.

It's deficult not to react if u are in no escape range of enemies weapons.... if u can see him of course.... but yes it's a possibility
Su-57 combat trials starts in Syria, bombing people in eastern Ghouta with Kh-38 cruise missiles, range said to be more than 200 km.

Americans ain't gonna fight Russia in Syria to save eastern Ghouta. Because or else Trump loses election. Not just Trump, GOP would lose Congress election.
Pakistan has a history of keep things under wrap and revealing it later to the surprise of India be it Nukes, Raad, Burraq, Ababeel etc. I am sure Pakistan would reveal this in the course of time once India announces the completion of F-35 deal.
Yes indeed....our trumpets are kept well under control
What's interesting to note here is that the su-57 has been operational within the RuAF.....obviously for a long while now......unannounced of course.

This is just a rude awakening to this fact.......lol
What's interesting to note here is that the su-57 has been operational within the RuAF.....obviously for a long while now......unannounced of course.

This is just a rude awakening to this fact.......lol

Quite the contrary! We know about the T-50s made so far.
There are 12 active, all prototypes, the last one pre-series.

But when the switch to Su-57 denomination came recently,
it did signal passage into availability for sale and also for the
OEM proprietary nation to use it even if they're not inducted.

Good day all, Tay.
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yeah thats all good to know, but here we got at least three of these deployed in Syria, piloted by the RuAF.

Obviously IOC has happened a while ago, whether 2 or 12 have been made. They are being used in a war!

Quite the contrary! We know about the T-50s made so far.
There are 12 actives all prototypes, the last one pre-series.

But when the switch to Su-57 denomination came recently,
it did signal passage into availability for sale and also for the
OEM proprietary nation to use it even if they're not inducted.

Good day all, Tay.

possibly, but what if a whole sqd of these raptor killers might have been deployed.

That's a Su-35, not a Su-57.
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