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Breaking news : Kunduz city retaken


Jan 5, 2012
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As I wrote yesterday about the final assult on Kunduz city, it was retaken in a predawn assault by the ANSF special forces, house to house searches are going on right now. The Talis were completely surprised and their entire command and control destroyed, they are running away with their tails behind their back.

... More details soon with pictures.

Update 1/2

As I explained in my earlier posts, the Kunduz episode was a San Tzu operation by the Afghan establishment to

- Discredit the militias, destroy them and shows that their era is finished

- Showed the real face of Taliban to some local sympathizers that Talis are the same old thugs, who only understand theft and chaos.

- Brought back the interest of the International Community when the Afghan story was waning because of the other priority such as Syria, Iraq, ... this means long term presence of 10K + International forces, long term assistance and training

- Most importantly it took the ANSF only 7 hours to clear the whole city and kill 250 + talis, showed the local public and the international community that the ANSF is the only way forward and they can deal with the enemy when they decide to.

The social media outpouring of support from the common public and on the streets has been phenomenal which shows that ANSF is the most respected institution in the country and the Afghans are fully in support.
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I feel like celebrating this is not the way to go. This entire event shows just how unready the ANA is. The fact that the US special forces and air power had to step in, shows me that the withdrawal was far too quick.
As I wrote yesterday about the final assult on Kunduz city, it was retaken in a predawn assault by the ANSF special forces, house to house searches are going on right now. The Talis were completely surprised and their entire command and control destroyed, they are running away with their tails behind their back.

... More details soon with pictures.
Your enthusiasm may well be rather premature, lets wait and see how this plays out, I can vividly remember the so called Iraqi special forces claiming to have captured ISIS held areas in Mosul ,the truth was that nothing could be further from the truth. So forgive me if I am a little bit skeptical of the claims made by these rag tag ANA forces who are without any exageration every bit as incompetent as their Iraqi counterparts.kudos
Afghan forces: Central Kunduz retaken from Taliban

Afghan government forces are back in control in parts of the city of Kunduz, three days after it was captured by the Taliban, an Afghan special forces commander on the ground told Al Jazeera.

Operations were ongoing on Thursday morning to take control of the entire city, the commander said.

He said the Taliban left the centre of the city, now under government control, on Tuesday night following a US air strike that decimated their ranks.

Residents and security sources said the army was facing stiff resistance in residential areas still held by the Taliban.

The Afghan interior ministry claimed control of the city in a statement.

"It is retaken and being cleared from terrorists, with heavy casualties to the enemy," Interior Ministry Spokesman Sediq Sediqqi said on Twitter.

Afghan forces: Central Kunduz retaken from Taliban - Al Jazeera English


Good work, though NATO might have bombarded the Tali terrorists but ground work needs to be done by ANA and afghan special forces.

Only aerial bombardment does not work; as seen in Iraq where despite of NATO/now russian aerial bombardment of ISIS, none of the cities are taken back from ISIS by Iraqi forces.

SO yes credit goes to ANA and afghan special forces for liberation of Kunduz from tali terrorists.
As I wrote yesterday about the final assult on Kunduz city, it was retaken in a predawn assault by the ANSF special forces, house to house searches are going on right now. The Talis were completely surprised and their entire command and control destroyed, they are running away with their tails behind their back.

... More details soon with pictures.
Seriously all analysts in Pakistan told this yesterday that Taliban would never hold on to the city they would leave the city the moment Afghan and NATO forces come. You seriously have no idea about Afghan Taliban and how they fight war.

Taliban never took it to retain the area. Their aim is to cause severe damages to the security forces, destroy morale and equipment.
Exactly some people here are too innocent to understand this they got weapons and equipment captured city briefly and now re treat
Exactly some people here are too innocent to understand this they got weapons and equipment captured city briefly and now re treat
And even if those weapons were destroyed (tanks and Humvees were the main ones), it would mean Afghan forces have fewer equipment and weapons. Losing men was never a problem for the Taliban, they lost more when they fought against the US but the same can't be said about the Afghan forces.
Well done but remember the taliban did not want nor could hold the city... I knew the moment ANA announced that with nato and special forces they are going to launch a more coordinated recapture of the city, they would take it....

The taliban were able to hold the city for a couple of days and were also able to hold their grounds on the earlier retake attempt. I said this before the longer the city is lost the more embarrassing and detrimental the position of Afghanistan becomes... The number of Taliban fighters were estimated to be at 500 and they wreaked quite a havoc. The amount of captured state assets is very sad and this entire event has been embarrassing... Especially the blocking of reinforcement... The Taliban also wanted to show strength and unity and mullah akhtar Mansoor wanted to show that he is a leader and this will earn him support from the disgruntled factions..

Anyway if the city is liberated then congrats as better late than ever but I sincerely hope the ANA would seriously revamp its strategy and counter attacking and defending ability... The mismanagement of losing nearly an entire province has been shocking....

In about a day or two I think news agencies will tell the details and whether the city has been taken completely or not.
As I wrote yesterday about the final assult on Kunduz city, it was retaken in a predawn assault by the ANSF special forces, house to house searches are going on right now. The Talis were completely surprised and their entire command and control destroyed, they are running away with their tails behind their back.

... More details soon with pictures.

Update 1/2

As I explained in my earlier posts, the Kunduz episode was a San Tzu operation by the Afghan establishment to

- Discredit the militias, destroy them and shows that their era is finished

- Showed the real face of Taliban to some local sympathizers that Talis are the same old thugs, who only understand theft and chaos.

- Brought back the interest of the International Community when the Afghan story was waning because of the other priority such as Syria, Iraq, ... this means long term presence of 10K + International forces, long term assistance and training

- Most importantly it took the ANSF only 7 hours to clear the whole city and kill 250 + talis, showed the local public and the international community that the ANSF is the only way forward and they can deal with the enemy when they decide to.

The social media outpouring of support from the common public and on the streets has been phenomenal which shows that ANSF is the most respected institution in the country and the Afghans are fully in support.

Update 1/2

As I explained in my earlier posts, the Kunduz episode was a San Tzu operation by the Afghan establishment to

- Discredit the militias, destroy them and shows that their era is finished

- Showed the real face of Taliban to some local sympathizers that Talis are the same old thugs, who only understand theft and chaos.

- Brought back the interest of the International Community when the Afghan story was waning because of the other priority such as Syria, Iraq, ... this means long term presence of 10K + International forces, long term assistance and training

- Most importantly it took the ANSF only 7 hours to clear the whole city and kill 250 + talis, showed the local public and the international community that the ANSF is the only way forward and they can deal with the enemy when they decide to.

The social media outpouring of support from the common public and on the streets has been phenomenal which shows that ANSF is the most respected institution in the country and the Afghans are fully in support.

Source: Breaking news : Kunduz city retaken
As I wrote yesterday about the final assult on Kunduz city, it was retaken in a predawn assault by the ANSF special forces, house to house searches are going on right now. The Talis were completely surprised and their entire command and control destroyed, they are running away with their tails behind their back.

... More details soon with pictures.

Update 1/2

As I explained in my earlier posts, the Kunduz episode was a San Tzu operation by the Afghan establishment to

- Discredit the militias, destroy them and shows that their era is finished

- Showed the real face of Taliban to some local sympathizers that Talis are the same old thugs, who only understand theft and chaos.

- Brought back the interest of the International Community when the Afghan story was waning because of the other priority such as Syria, Iraq, ... this means long term presence of 10K + International forces, long term assistance and training

- Most importantly it took the ANSF only 7 hours to clear the whole city and kill 250 + talis, showed the local public and the international community that the ANSF is the only way forward and they can deal with the enemy when they decide to.

The social media outpouring of support from the common public and on the streets has been phenomenal which shows that ANSF is the most respected institution in the country and the Afghans are fully in support.
God Bless the brave new afghanistan and its valiant security forces keep the pressure up on taliban and tell them why even the biggest empire feared the zinda dil brave and patriotic afghan ... god bles ANSF :victory:

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