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BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

Bhutto suspects 'confess to role'

There has been dispute over the cause of Bhutto's death
Two men arrested in connection with the murder of ex-Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto have confessed to helping her attacker, police have said.
The head of the investigation, Chaudhry Abdul Majid, said they had confessed to giving a bomb vest and a pistol to the suicide bomber identified as Bilal.

Husnan Gul and his cousin, Rufukat, made their confessions in front of a magistrate in Rawalpindi, he added.

Last week, UK detectives said Bhutto died from the effect of the bomb blast.

Their account matched that of the Pakistani authorities, who were accused of a cover-up by Bhutto's party following her death on 27 December.

The report also said the evidence suggested that only one person had launched the attack at the election rally, not two, as had been speculated.


Announcing what he called a "major breakthrough", Deputy Inspector General Abdul Majid said two Islamist militants arrested last week in connection with Bhutto's assassination had told investigators details of the plot against her.

Their motive for attacking Bhutto was that she was coming to Pakistan at the behest of a foreign power

Chaudhry Abdul Majid
Pakistani police

Bhutto murder: Key questions

"They have confessed that they gave a suicide jacket and a pistol to the bomber," he told reporters in Islamabad. "Their confession is a major piece of evidence in the case."

Mr Abdul Majid said the two men had told a Pakistani magistrate in Rawalpindi that on the eve of the attack, two suicide bombers named Bilal and Ikramullah had stayed at Mr Gul's home in Rawalpindi.

Mr Gul said he had given Bilal his sunglasses and driven the two bombers to the public park where the attack occurred, he added.

"Bilal himself opened fire and launched the suicide attack," he said.

Mr Abdul Majid said Ikramullah was to have detonated his suicide bomb vest if Bhutto escaped the first blast, according to the confessions. He is said to have left Rawalpindi the following morning without saying where he was going.

Newspapers pictured the man who apparently shot at Benazir Bhutto

Mr Gul allegedly told police he had wanted to "avenge" the killing of his close friend during the military raid on the Red Mosque in the capital, Islamabad, in July 2007.

"Their motive for attacking Bhutto was that she was coming to Pakistan at the behest of a foreign power," Mr Abdul Majid said.

The Pakistani government has blamed Taleban rebel leader Baitullah Mehsud, who is based in the troubled region of South Waziristan, for masterminding the assassination of Ms Bhutto. He has denied any involvement.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Bhutto suspects 'confess to role'

If i am correct this is the second time a suicide bomber has been motivated by the attack on lal masjid.
Committee for probe into assassination site washing

By Zulqernain Tahir

LAHORE, Feb 14: The Punjab government on Thursday constituted a three-member committee for a probe into the issue of the washing out of the site where PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on Dec 27. The committee will ‘particularly’ find out who had ordered the washing out of the crime scene.

Official sources told Dawn that Punjab Law Secretary Shaikh Ahmed Farooq would head the committee and Additional Home Secretary Nabil Javed and DIG Headquarters Ria Altaf would be its members.

The committee has been asked to finalise its findings by Saturday.

The sources said the British investigators in their report had raised questions about clearing the crime scene before collecting some important evidence.

Committee for probe into assassination site washing -DAWN - Top Stories; February 15, 2008
Committee for probe into assassination site washing

I still need to be convinced that you could have collected more data than what you had if you had not washed the area. Idont know if we could have gotten any more evidence,although i would love to understand what difference it would have made to the investigation.

There is so much bullsh-t going on. Crime scene has no more info than is on the camera footage---it is just the mistakes of the govt that are being brought under the lens. PPP takes a point and starts harping on it---they won't let go.

Did you hear the statement of Babar Awan about a laser weapon being used on Benazir, a few days ago and have you read a letter to the editor, in DAWN, by someone either yesterday or day before---where it was suggested that Benazir was killed by a most sophisticated weapon the 'LASER WEAPON'.

Attorney Babar Awan is a duffer and so is the writer of that letter----what is a laser weapon----it is a ******** laser pointer that can be put on top of a handgun---or a laser pointer can be used to light a target---these idiots are saying that a laser weapon killed Benazir.

I found this letter----it is in dawn 2/15/07----

Benazir’s assassination

PRESIDENT Musharraf has assured the nation that there are no Al Qaeda groups in Pakistan, but a newspaper has given an account of the killing of Al Libbi in Waziristan by the US drones and the Pakistan ambassador in the US has claimed that the Pakistan army is responsible.

Maybe he claims this to get the $200,000 reward the US has put out. But Mr Musharraf is an honourable man and so are we all.

Once again the horrific assassination of the former prime minister Benazir Bhutto was blamed on Al Qaeda and forgetting that there are no Al Qaeda groups in Pakistan. But Musharraf is an honourable man and so are we all.

The amazing thing is that the laser weapon used in the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has never been used by Al Qaeda or the Mujahideen in the past.

This highly sophisticated weapon is used by the intelligence agencies all over the world. Why has Scotland Yard not undertaken investigations about the weapon and its origin. Is there something they do not want the people of Pakistan to know?

The footprints in this case lead to Rawalpindi. But Mr Musharraf is an honourable man and so are we all.

My compatriots I implore you that when you vote on Feb 18, vote with your head, and not with your heart.


There is so much bullsh-t going on. Crime scene has no more info than is on the camera footage---it is just the mistakes of the govt that are being brought under the lens. PPP takes a point and starts harping on it---they won't let go.

Did you hear the statement of Babar Awan about a laser weapon being used on Benazir, a few days ago and have you read a letter to the editor, in DAWN, by someone either yesterday or day before---where it was suggested that Benazir was killed by a most sophisticated weapon the 'LASER WEAPON'.

Attorney Babar Awan is a duffer and so is the writer of that letter----what is a laser weapon----it is a ******** laser pointer that can be put on top of a handgun---or a laser pointer can be used to light a target---these idiots are saying that a laser weapon killed Benazir.

I found this letter----it is in dawn 2/15/07----

Benazir’s assassination

Mustan Khan

Ifully realize what a bunch of Morons we have to deal with. They have no conscience and ther word can not be relied upon for anything. it is a sad reflection of how Pakistanis have changed. I noticed for the first time on my visit 2 yrs ago how greedy everyone has become and how your word does not mean anything anymore. They will tell you one thing and go and do another without any shame or remorse. Frankly whichever direction pakistan and pakistanis are going is not the right one.Ipersonally do not see a chance of improvement without some major culling-----May Allah protect us and our loved ones(Ameen).
Ifail to see where we will go with leaders like Zardari and Sharifs and the illustrious Chaudharies of Gujrat. Frankly my outlook for Pakistan remains bleak.
Mehsud behind Bhutto’s killing; most deadly threat to West: British thinktank

ISLAMABAD, Feb 23 (APP): An influential British think tank has held Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud responsible for the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and the “most deadly threat to the West”, second only to Osama bin Laden. Nigel Inkster, Director International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) described Mehsud also responsible for the terrorists acts in Britain, Spain and across Europe, at the launch of the flagship publication of IISS in London.

Deputy chief of M16 a year ago, Inkster claimed that under Mehsud the Neo-Taliban emerged as the most significant threat that could soon become a global menace by expanding their outreach from tribal areas to across the world.

He underscored the need for Pakistan to improve its counter-insurgency strategy in FATA with a judicious mix of military action and political process.

The institute’s Director General, Dr John Chipman, highlighted various security measures taken by Pakistan including deployment of 80,000 troops and beefing up border security checkpoints to fight militants.

He said internal stability in Pakistan was a major international security issue, bound to draw diplomatic interventions.

The IISS assessment has described Pakistan’s economic performance and wide-ranging structural reforms as impressive. It also referred to acceleration in economic growth, improvement in public spending, reduction in debt burden, increased fiscal efficiency and lowering of poverty rates.

On Pakistan’s political situation, the institute’s analysts said despite vulnerabilities, President Pervez Musharraf continues to be the most effective figure in the country’s governance and would continue to handle counter-insurgency efforts in the tribal areas with the support of the army.

They warned that international community should not make the mistake of “writing him off”.

app - Mehsud behind Bhutto’s killing; most deadly threat to West: British thinktank
Pakistan arrests Bhutto 'suspect'

Pakistani security forces have arrested a militant linked to al-Qaeda over an attempt to kill former PM Benazir Bhutto, officials say.
The interior ministry said that Qari Saifullah Akhtar was seized on Monday in connection with the attack on Ms Bhutto in Karachi last October.

Ms Bhutto survived the suicide bombing, which killed 135 people.

But she was killed in a similar attack blamed on Islamist militants in Rawalpindi last December.


"Most probably (Mr Akhtar) is involved in the attack on Benazir Bhutto's rally. He is a big character," Interior Minister Hamid Nawaz said.

Mr Akhtar was accused by Ms Bhutto of plotting against her in her posthumously published book of memoirs, entitled Reconciliation.

It alleged that he was involved in preparing the double suicide attack on her in October.

Mr Akhtar is said to have led the main Pakistani support group for Afghanistan's Taleban militia.

He reportedly spent most of his time in Afghanistan until 2004, when he was arrested in the United Arab Emirates and extradited to Pakistan.

He was released after his arrival in Pakistan.

Officials say he had also been accused in connection with two attempts to assassinate President Musharraf in December 2003, but was later cleared of any involvement.

The investigation into the Karachi attacks has been mired in controversy, with the lead detective being taken off the case after Ms Bhutto's supporters complained he had been present when her husband, Asif Zardari, was allegedly tortured by police eight years ago.

Ms Bhutto vowed to stay in Pakistan despite that attack and campaign in the parliamentary elections.
Benazir Bhutto murder case accused sent to jail

RAWALPINDI: A special court Wednesday sent two accused of Benazir Bhutto assassination on eight days’ remand to jail. Two accused Rafaqat and Hasnain were presented before Anti Terrorism Court Judge Chaudhry Habib today. Police requested the court for more time to complete the challans. The court sent the accused to jail and adjourned hearing of the case till March 06. A joint investigation team had arrested the two accused Rafaqat and Hasnain from Rawalpindi, which were alleged of assisting the killers of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto.

Courtesy Geo
Police charge key Bhutto suspect

Police in Pakistan have formally charged a Taleban leader, Baitullah Mehsud, with planning the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, officials have said.
Four other men were also charged in the attack on the opposition leader and former prime minister, said the chief investigator, Chaudhry Abdul Majeed.

A judge issued arrest warrants for the five suspects after charges were filed.

Five men have already been arrested over the 27 December suicide bomb attack which killed Ms Bhutto.

Baitullah Mehsud is based in the troubled region of South Waziristan, on the border with Afghanistan. He has denied any involvement.

Last month, police said cousins Rufukat and Husnan Gul had confessed to giving Ms Bhutto's attacker a bomb vest and a pistol.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Police charge key Bhutto suspect
New Parliament to adopt resolution for UN probe into BB’s murder: Asif

KARACHI, Mar. 3 (APP) Co-chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Asif Ali Zardari Monday maintained that the Parliament constisting of newly elected members would adopt a resolution calling for a probe into the assassination of former prime minister,Ms. Benazir Bhutto under the supervision of United Nations.Addressing a press conference at Bilawal House here, he said that PPP has set this as one of the two conditions before the like-minded parties.

The second condition is that the new Parliament should “apologize and accept that the execution of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a judicial murder”, he added.

Asif Zardari was of the view that “most of the friends have agreed to these two conditions”.

Earlier, PPP Parliamentary Party Sindh nominated a senior party leader, Syed Qaim Ali Shah for the office of Sindh Chief Minister while for the post of speaker of Sindh Assembly, Nisar Ahmed Khuhro has been named and advocate Pir Mazharul Haq as leader of the Party in Sindh Assembly.

The PPP Co-Chairperson of PPP, Asif Ali Zardari, presided over the meeting of Peoples Party Parliamentary Party Sindh.

Talking to media, Asif Zardari said that some more important decisions at federal level will be made with the consensus of like-minded people.

He said PPP intends to move forward with the cooperation of all political entities for betterment of the country.

Asif Ali Zardari also thanked the people for using their right of franchise in February 18 elections in favour the candidates of Peoples Party.

He said the people will surely notice the difference between the performance of new government and the previous ones.

He also called for strengtheing the Parliament and democracy in the country and said a number of challenges were confronting the country.

PPP Co-chairman said we have to practice positive politics in Pakistan and to take every decision before the Parliament.

He noted that any decision regarding Sindh Governor and the Sindh Cabinet has not yet been taken.

PPP does not have a simple majority to make the decisions at Federal level and it will discuss the same with other stake-holders.

He said we do not accept the decisons made by the Caretaker government in its three months tenure and the newly elected parliament will review them all.

To a question, Asif Zardari said he was not among the candidates for the slot of next prime minister.

He was accompained by party leaders, Syed Qaim Ali Shah, Mian Raza Rabbani, Nisar Ahmed Khuro, Pir Mazhar-ul- Haq, Ms Sherry Rehman and Rashid Hussain Rabbani.

app - New Parliament to adopt resolution for UN probe into BB’s murder: Asif
Pakistan parliament urges U.N. probe of Bhutto killing

By Zeeshan Haider

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's parliament, dominated by President Pervez Musharraf's opponents, passed a resolution on Monday urging the government to seek a U.N. investigation of the killing of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto.

Bhutto was killed in a gun and bomb attack in the city of Rawalpindi on Dec. 27 as she was coming out of an election rally.

"(It) should probe and identify the culprits, perpetrators, organisers and financiers behind this heinous crime and bring them to justice," Law Minister Farooq Naek said of the investigation he wants set up.

Musharraf, who has become increasingly isolated after the crushing defeat of his allies in a Feb. 18 election, has opposed a U.N. investigation of Bhutto's killing.

British police helped investigate the assassination and they backed up the government's explanation of how Bhutto was killed.

The previous government and the U.S. CIA accused Baitullah Mehsud, an al Qaeda-linked militant commander based on the Afghan border, of killing Bhutto, a staunch supporter of the U.S.-led campaign against Islamist militancy.

Mehsud's spokesman has denied involvement.

Bhutto's murder fuelled anger against Musharraf and many Pakistanis suspected that rogue elements in the intelligence agencies could have been behind the murder of the two-time prime minister and opponent of military rule.

Musharraf has denied his or his security agents' involvement in the killing.

Bhutto's party, which now heads a coalition government, has demanded a U.N. investigation.

The National Assembly resolution, moved by Naek and unanimously adopted, urged the government to approach the United Nations with a view to forming an "international investigation commission".

Police have arrested at least four Islamist militants suspected of involvement in Bhutto's killing.

Bhutto's aides have expressed dissatisfaction over the investigations conducted by the authorities and there has also been a controversy over the cause of Bhutto's death.

British police, in their February findings, corroborated Pakistani investigators' findings that Bhutto was killed when the blast slammed her head against armour plating around the roof hatch in her vehicle, which she had stood through to wave to supporters.

But her aides insist she was shot.

© Reuters 2008 All rights reserved

The enemy is winning because he knows our thought pattern and we are losing because we failed to understand its thinking pattern. How ironical it is that he exposed him self not once but many dozens of time but we forgot, only to prove our own gentleness.
Our enemy who “WISHES TO RE-ESTABLISH THE ANCIENT ORDER in the light of which he basks for he is child of that culture [Romesh thaper, illustrated weekly of India, 7 December 1986] and who dreams “…to bring back the ideal time of Chander Gupt Murya and the era of Ram RAJ, the era of Akhand Bharat. And who considers two nation theory and creation of Pakistan as major set back in achievement of his goals and whose first prime minister Nehru in his anguish once said” sooner or latter India will have to function as a unified country” . an enemy who from the birth of Pakistan did its best to damage Pakistan and dismember it so that step by step he can achieve Akhanddata know and exploited our weaknesses in excellent manner.
He indicated his intensions in 1948, 65,71,83,86, 90, and 96,98 then in 2002-03 but we failed to read the writing on the wall. He took advantage of every situation and supported every movement to dismember us like he did in 1971.
Alas enemy understood us on micro level and changed its strategy towards us after our nuclear tests without altering its policy objectives but we remained over confident and forgiving without realizing our own vulnerabilities. Today from Balochistan to FATA we know who is behind this bloody fiasco but we are closing our eyes and pretending that nothing is happening.
He knows that ideology of Pakistan is an anti thesis to his dreams for that reason he started exploiting cultural differences and we heard the slogans of secular Pakistan. SO IN PURSUIT OF BHARAT VERSHA THE PRIME TARGET OF HIS PROPAGANDA MACHINERY BECAME TWO NATION THEORY. To prove two nation theory wrong he targeted
1. national unity and presented Punjab as exploiter and other Provinces as exploited.
His secret agencies and government made different sections for propaganda against Pakistan. Any propaganda against two-nation theory has same material and style originating from New Delhi. According to few estimates and claims made by Hindu tva fanatics India spend 11 billion dollars on propaganda against Pakistan and Islam with aim of pressurizing / physiologically torturing Pakistanis living in foreign countries and representing Pakistan and Pakistanis potential terrorists and to bring two segments of Pakistani society in open conflict.

On 27 of December, bad luck striked Pakistan, former Prime Minister Ms Benazir Bhutto got assassinated. Whole Pakistan mourned and wept on her death but on other side some extreme nationalistic passions were seen in Sind province. Where Public trains were torched and anti Pakistan and pro Sindhi slogans were heard. Punjabis were robbed and Pashtun properties were burned…
Soon after her murder “Asia times on line’s” Beauro chief in Islamabad received a call from a person claiming to be AL-QUAIDA operative named as MUSTAFA ABO AL YAZEED claimed that it was work of AL-QUAIDA and further exposed that”… death squad consisted of Punjabi associates of the underground anti-Shi’ite militant group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, operating under al-Qaeda orders”.
Every body in media started blaming AL-QUAIDA and in end Baitullah Mehsud and his Neo-Talibans [TTP] of FATA were pointed as Culprits. Others blamed it on establishment and few on Quaid Leagues leadership. But all failed to analyze the crime on the line that who benefited and who lost and who suffered and will suffer due to this horrendous act of terrorism.
Any body who monitors Indian propaganda knows the pattern of Indian propaganda. They always hit few subjects and villainify a group and some Pakistani national institutions. Further more the claim made by Asia times makes a common student of Indian propaganda further suspicious because ASIA Times online is one of the major out let of Anti Pakistan propaganda. And the gentleman who broke the News SYED SALEEM SHAHZAD is known for articles criticizing Pakistan army, ISI and its Links to AL-QUAIDA /TALIBAN. Shocking thing which one comes across is that why AL-QUAIDA broke its media Pattern and Approached Asia times online which writes against it. And from when AL-Quaida Started following Indian style of Propaganda by nominating that it was its “Punjabi associates of the underground anti-Shi’ite militant group Lashkar-i-Jhangvi” its the very same ricochet herd in Balochistan where India backed Insurrection is going on , the same propaganda pattern which we saw few months back in form of Syed Jamal ud Dins add on CNN and his book DIVIDE PAKISTAN AND ELIMINATE TERRORISM which was Having the same signature of B.Ramon, the ex-RAW chief’s trademark .
Things became clear when Baitullah Mehsud himself denied and appealed International community to conduct inquiry of this murder.
The question that who benefited is now quite clear. India and its ally are the one who benefited from this murder. They want Pakistan to be divided on ethnic bases so that their interests are secure in the region. Pakistan as a sole muslim Atomic Power is thorn in their eyes they want it to end. The slogans and events after Bainazirs murder prove that they won. Now their media, with help of international media is projecting Neo-Taliban as villains and any body can see underpressure, soon Pakistan will launch major operation in FATA which will result in further Alienation of Pashtuns . Their propaganda of Pashtun freedom struggle will become a reality. Just search Pashtun freedom struggle in youtube and see the propaganda stuff posted by them on it and imagine how we are acting according to their wishes. 80 trucks of Mehsud tribe which were burned in Karachi are not projecting any thing promising.
I appeal to the leaders of Pakistan please learn from mistakes and don’t be so much relaxed take every step with care. We are strong when we are united. They will not leave us until we become part of Akhand Bharat. Be on Guard and create Pakistan, which our forefathers wanted it to be.

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