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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

Although Karzai isn't president anymore, the "Honest Abdul" approach here is what the U.S. wants to get away from.
I don't know if you can bank on that. Remember, the U.S. is NOT an imperial power; it doesn't make the decisions for the leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Germany, Japan, etc., nor does it draw taxes from them: the U.S. is a national power, albeit a very strong one. So it doesn't want to stick around spending money on "allies" who have the wherewithal to defend themselves, should they choose to do so. Europeans have become security junkies: why would the U.S. want the Afghans, Syrians, etc. to follow the same path?

U.S. withdrawal is going to mean a re-arrangement of several states priorities and military spending. Their alliances and policies may have to change, or else wars or political collapse may follow. And brave men may step up to the plate to bat where they were held back before.

Pre 9/11, those who are now ruling Kabul and their ally India/Iran where in rat hole, up north in Afghansitan, a place called Panjsher Valley. If anyone think that India can maintain its assets and presence in Afghanistan on its own, clearly do not have any idea.

Post 9/11, Pakistani establishment explicitly warned Americans not to bring India into Afghansitan but were ignored. From there on wards to present day situation is more or less the result of the American mistake, or shall we say, a cunning plan which work to an extent that Pakistan was destabilised and lost 60K plus citizens in this fourth gen warfare.

Those sitting in south block New Delhi must start planning on evacuation, before those on ground in Afghansitan get slaughtered.
It would mean scallibg back operations ..
So now USA will watch and see whether afghans can hold the pressure ....
Or it may go for a deal...
But this no. Is not sustainable ...

What will nato do is the second question
...Those sitting in south block New Delhi must start planning on evacuation, before those on ground in Afghansitan get slaughtered.
While Indians may not be any braver than Pakistanis, nevertheless they may have more options available than you suspect or acknowledge. Remember, the U.S. presence isn't just a support; it is also a restraint. The day may come when, like the Iraqi leadership, Pakistani leaders will regret the day the Americans left town.
It would mean scallibg back operations ..
So now USA will watch and see whether afghans can hold the pressure ....
Or it may go for a deal...
But this no. Is not sustainable ...

What will nato do is the second question
Its bling bling for eric prince. Him and his mercenaries are already there.
At least his mental hinges are working off for us, No America in region means the Ashirwaad of Papa America is gone from the Baniya .. and thus we will hunt them down like Pigs .
Spewing so much venom against America, yet trying your best to escape to America :lol:

Spoken like a true Namak Haram just like Afghan refugees you complain about. :disagree:
While Indians may not be any braver than Pakistanis, nevertheless they may have more options available than you suspect or acknowledge. Remember, the U.S. presence isn't just a support; it is also a restraint. The day may come when, like the Iraqi leadership, Pakistani leaders will regret the day the Americans left town.

Its not about being brave, its just simple calculus about the capabilities, access, ingress, linkages, proximity, people to people ties, leverages at grass root level, even family ties!

India is an artificial implant in Afghanistan by America. It was implanted for a purpose, and partially achieved it with 60k Pakistani citizens dead in waves of foreign sponsored terrorism.

Wrong ideas you are getting here. Think of it as to how Iran got ingress into Iraq all the way upto Isreali borders after American withdrawl from Iraq. Something similar is on cards here when it comes to Pakistan. After all, they say, Afghansitan is Pakistan's backyard, its strategic depth.

Pakistan said " There was a decade when we defeated Soviets with US help.
There was a decade when we defeated US with US' help."

That's a brilliant quote my friend.
just to pop the bubble of the Pakistani brothers .. by the time you will be done with your celebration on US Withdrawal, Eric Prince and has 8000 mercenaries would have started their deployment in Afghanistan …

One Raymond Davis got the Pakistanis by their balls, but there will be 8000 of the across the border
just to pop the bubble of the Pakistani brothers .. by the time you will be done with your celebration on US Withdrawal, Eric Prince and has 8000 mercenaries would have started their deployment in Afghanistan …

One Raymond Davis got the Pakistanis by their balls, but there will be 8000 of the across the border

Friend, this is not just about pakistan or afghanistan. every corner on the planet feels the effects of the long and bloody war. there is not one person on earth that doesn't know about 911 afghan war. there's global stress and decline everywhere, civilisation is deteriorating.

don't you see this as, at least, a step in the right direction?

its not celebrating us withdrawal. its celebrating one step closer to global peace
just to pop the bubble of the Pakistani brothers .. by the time you will be done with your celebration on US Withdrawal, Eric Prince and has 8000 mercenaries would have started their deployment in Afghanistan …

One Raymond Davis got the Pakistanis by their balls, but there will be 8000 of the across the border

These eric princes boys will be blessed with cow defecation by products to make them bullet proof and predatory feline defecation by products to make them invisible.

Such is the power of vedic tech.
Friend, this is not just about pakistan or afghanistan. every corner on the planet feels the effects of the long and bloody war. there is not one person on earth that doesn't know about 911 afghan war. there's global stress and decline everywhere, civilisation is deteriorating.

don't you see this as, at least, a step in the right direction?
how US withdrawal to open the gate for medieval Talibans is good for world peace ?
you have no clue about their history. please read it up before making comments like this

I read history, but that's not where your line of thought comes from. The afghan issue is not a localised issue that you can use like a toy and leverage around, as you please to fulfil your own political self-interest. it has real world affects, globally. something you fail to grasp. It is the primary war that underpins all wars today.

you don't seem like you want an end of war, because you are glad and find it conscience-soothing. You diligently study it, refuse to examine any refutations, and convince yourself that the war is just, just so you can sleep better at night in pompous self-grandeur.

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