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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

Wow, is that true??? Talibans right now,

Everyone forgets that Pakistan has only leverage for negotiations with US if US has its troops in Afghanistan. Now there will be no negotiation leverage, only dictation from US. Wait and watch

Dictation on what? The major issue between Pakistan and America in post 9/11 and all the issues that came about, relates to Afghansitan. When this issue is resolved, there wont be much to argue from both sides.

In all this, India will be the major loser, not just from investment point of view but more importantly from its national security as well. With no American shoulder to fire its guns from towards Pakistan, the future is bleak for India in Afghansitan. American-Indian nexus to use Afghan soil to spread terrorism in Pakistan, with India acting as front office while America staying behind the closed doors, that game is no longer viable. With India refusal to send it troop to support American ally in Afghansitan didn't go well with the Americans. Western world also now know the stupidity of propping India against China as Doklam standoff proved India meek and week surrender is not worth pinning hopes on India to act as bulwark against China. With India failing to achieve the objectives on both against Pakistan and China, its utility has diminished.

India left to fend for itself in Afghansitan is a very real scenario, something Pakistan has been patiently waiting for. What impact American withdrawl will have to India own national security with Pakistan western flanks become secure again, its something I am sure the south block in New Delhi understand.
They are replacing 23000 troops with 6000 contractors(Black water) and 2000 special forces.

Unlike regular troopers, black water guys need to stay for a minimum of 3 years.

Again the 6000 blacwater troops are former special forces guys.

The math is 23000 regular troops are replaced by 8000 special forces (black water ).

They are privatizing the afghan war, and they are here to stay. It has become a business now.

More problems for the afghans. Blackwater and the disasters in Iraq - lets see if Ghani agrees

Yes they are not accountable to anyone.
so blackwater about to be the new father of namak haram afghans.
So finally the moment comes
This partial withdrawl is to show seriousness to Taliban in dialogue as they demanded to show some gesture.
Trump needs something for election campaign and this might be his best bet to withdraw forces from conflict zones.
India should stop worshipping Trump now and start worrying about their arses in Afghanistan.
Pakistan said " There was a decade when we defeated Soviets with US help.
There was a decade when we defeated US with US' help."
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It’s all about the money!

They been trying to get this for awhile.

Trump owes Prince and family.

This is just return on investment in Trump.

Also, bad news for local Afghanis.
One of the greatest problems for the US is the sheer cost of the war.

So privatising it will make it cheaper? :omghaha:
One of the greatest problems for the US is the sheer cost of the war.

So privatising it will make it cheaper? :omghaha:

It’s not about making it cheaper for the US.

It’s about making Prince richer.

Cronie capitalism.

Get a clue bro.
Although Karzai isn't president anymore, the "Honest Abdul" approach here is what the U.S. wants to get away from.
...India will be the major loser, not just from investment point of view but more importantly from its national security as well. With no American shoulder to fire its guns from towards Pakistan, the future is bleak for India in Afghansitan -
I don't know if you can bank on that. Remember, the U.S. is NOT an imperial power; it doesn't make the decisions for the leaders of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Germany, Japan, etc., nor does it draw taxes from them: the U.S. is a national power, albeit a very strong one. So it doesn't want to stick around spending money on "allies" who have the wherewithal to defend themselves, should they choose to do so. Europeans have become security junkies: why would the U.S. want the Afghans, Syrians, etc. to follow the same path?

U.S. withdrawal is going to mean a re-arrangement of several states priorities and military spending. Their alliances and policies may have to change, or else wars or political collapse may follow. And brave men may step up to the plate to bat where they were held back before.

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