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BREAKING: 7000 US troops Ordered to Withdraw from Afghanistan, Blackwater is coming.

What are you all celebrating here?
17 Years of Destruction of this region.

70,000+ Afghan Rebels Dead
30,000+ Afghan Civilians Dead
45,000+ Afghan Pro Government Forces Dead

8,000+ Pakistan Security Forces Dead
10,000+ Pakistani civilians Dead

Against what cost? 3500 Soldiers Dead from US Led Coalition? And a Cost of around 2.4 Trillion dollars in both Afghanistan and Iraq Invasions Combined during 17 years.(Major Costs were incurred in Iraq Invasion though)
What is the significance of this cost comparing to the mammoth size of US led War Machine?

MashALLAH our nation wasn't out of the delusional fantasies that we and Afghan war was the reason of Breakup of the Soviet Union and here we are again dancing to the tunes of fabricated reality. A ruined Afghanistan and So Much Death and Destruction in Pakistan while both Afghans and Pakistan Hating each other to their core. While not even a spec of Blood of Demage to US War machine. And here my brothers and Sisters are celebrating that Cutthroat Extremist Mullahs will come to power in their Back yard replacing the Mad Dog that have destroyed the peace of the region and is supposedly leaving unharmed

I don't think anyone is celebrating or endorsing the Talibs. Its more of a recognition that the current american-talib-kabul status quo is not viable.
Jews wouldn't be considered under us.

Bro who is us.

You have a Muslim name. = Not me.

You have British flags. = Not me.

You do however seem to like a lot of my posts, so ...

Some more clarity would be great!

Cheers, Doc
Pepe the frog worshippers

I always found this curious... like the french. What does kekistan mean to you

Bro who is us.

You have a Muslim name. = Not me.

You have British flags. = Not me.

You do however seem to like a lot of my posts, so ...

Some more clarity would be great!

Cheers, Doc

we are the human race. thats us.
Trump is already facing a backlash. His wall is also going nowhere. Pepe the frog worshippers are already dissatisfied with the progress.

Trump is in a hurry to score some quick brownie points. The withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan is one of those desperate moves. Credit to Trump that he is finally willing to do what others failed to do and that is to end lost wars.
There is a huge difference in policy between cia, pentagon, the hill and pale house. None are aligned and all have different views and reasons but Trump has played a valid move at the right time. In the festive season troops withdraw and if any one of the establishment makes noises people will start gunning them down and not trump. Hollywood celebrities are warmongers who would have thought!

People are fed up with war, and thos3 who wish to perpetuate it are not going to be happy.
There is a huge difference in policy between cia, pentagon, the hill and pale house. None are aligned and all have different views and reasons but Trump has played a valid move at the right time. In the festive season troops withdraw and if any one of the establishment makes noises people will start gunning them down and not trump. Hollywood celebrities are warmongers who would have thought!

i've heard this few times. how do you think the behind the scenes consensus works

A human is NOTHING without his faith.

He is an organic machine.

Cheers, Doc

yes, after 9.11.1 that's pretty much it.
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