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Brazil to provide 100 missiles to Pakistan


Jul 11, 2008
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News just coming up in GEO that Brazile has approved sale of 100 (Air to surface) missiles to Pakistan...

Any details ???

3 Dec 2008

BRASILIA: Brazilian authorities on Tuesday gave approval for the sale of 100 missiles to Pakistan which can be used in air-to-surface attacks on radar tracking instalations, Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said. :enjoy:

The MAR-1 medium-range missiles made by the Brazilian firm Mectron are tactical anti-radiation weapons whose existence was kept under wraps for many years, according to Jane's Information Group.

Jobim called them "very effective ways to monitor" areas flown by war planes, and said the deal with Pakistan, originally signed in April this year, was worth 85 million euros (108 million dollars).

He dismissed suggestions that the transaction might be questioned in light of last week's Islamist extremist massacre perpetrated in Mumbai, India, which some Indian officials suspected was launched from within Pakistan.

"Brazil negotiates with Pakistan, not with Pakistani terrorists," he said. "To cancel this deal would be to attribute terrorist activities to the Pakistani government."
MAR-1 Anti-Radiation Missile (Brazil), Air-to-surface missiles - Direct attack

The full document for MAR-1 Anti-Radiation Missile (Brazil) is offered by Jane’s Information Group as part of its Jane's Air-Launched Weapons subscription service, available in both hardcopy and electronic formats.

MAR-1 Anti-Radiation Missile (Brazil)

Air-to-surface missiles - Direct attack

Jane's Air-Launched Weapons

Medium-range, anti-radiation, surface-to-air missile

Brazil has a long-term project to build an anti-radiation missile, known as MAR-1. The missile is being developed by a teaming of the national missile developers Mectron and the Air Force's Aerospace Technical Centre (CTA), both based at São José dos Campos. There existence of the MAR-1 has been speculated on for many years, but never confirmed by the Brazilian authorities who view it as a highly sensitive programme. Mectron does not comment on the status of the MAR-1, except to say that it is a live programme conducted jointly with the CTA. In 2004 sources in the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) confirmed that the MAR-1 was nearing the end of its development and that a preliminary operational capability would be fielded in 2005. Since then, further flight tests have been conducted by the FAB but the missile has not yet been formally accepted into service.

Air-Launched Weapons

The only accessible and constantly updated guide to the world's inventories of airborne weapons. Covering well over 600 systems, in service or in development, it provides a detailed and comprehensive reference to: capabilities/technology; functionality/effectiveness; user base; combat record; upgrades, variants and future enhancements. The guide includes extensive analysis tables covering all weapon types, national inventories and aircraft weapon loads and documents the world's air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, bombs, rockets, guns and underwater weapons, including new and emerging weapons.

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Brazil to sell 100 missiles to Pakistan

BRAZILIAN authorities gave approval for the sale of 100 missiles to Pakistan which can be used in air-to-surface attacks on radar tracking instalations, Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said.

The MAR-1 medium-range missiles made by the Brazilian firm Mectron are tactical anti-radiation weapons whose existence was kept under wraps for many years, according to Jane's Information Group.

Mr Jobim called them "very effective ways to monitor" areas flown by war planes, and said the deal with Pakistan, originally signed in April this year, was worth €85 million ($167.6 million).

He dismissed suggestions that the transaction might be questioned in light of last week's Islamist extremist massacre perpetrated in Mumbai, India, which some Indian officials suspected was launched from within Pakistan.

"Brazil negotiates with Pakistan, not with Pakistani terrorists," Mr Jobim said.

"To cancel this deal would be to attribute terrorist activities to the Pakistani Government

looks nice bro :cheers:

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thank u for posting the beautiful pics IK, this weapon will inshallah improve the effectiveness of the operations carried out by our Air Force, and it will also keep the enemy alert at all times before they think of any misadventure:pakistan:
Brazil approves sale of 100 missiles to Pakistan
Updated at: 0238 PST, Wednesday, December 03, 2008
BRASILIA: Brazilian authorities on Tuesday gave approval for the sale of 100 missiles to Pakistan which can be used in air-to-surface attacks on radar tracking instalations, Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said.

The MAR-1 medium-range missiles made by the Brazilian firm Mectron are tactical anti-radiation weapons whose existence was kept under wraps for many years, according to Jane's Information Group.

Jobim called them "very effective ways to monitor" areas flown by war planes, and said the deal with Pakistan, originally signed in April this year, was worth 85 million euros (108 million dollars).

He dismissed suggestions that the transaction might be questioned in light of last week's Islamist extremist massacre perpetrated in Mumbai, India, which some Indian officials suspected was launched from within Pakistan.

"Brazil negotiates with Pakistan, not with Pakistani terrorists," he said. "To cancel this deal would be to attribute terrorist activities to the Pakistani government."
So we are getting State of art Weapons so happy

So many new beast

air-to-air refueling aircraft
AWACS (Chinese,Swedish)
SPADA 2000
Long Range SAM(Insha Allah Soon)
AIM 120
Latest AIM 9
H-2,H-4 Stand off weapons
Babur(Air to ground version Insha Allah Soon)
Latest US and Chinese Radars(TPS,YLC...)

So all above show how much serious is our PAF abt latest trends...
now we can Punch them.
Here i also have wish that we need to buy Ukraine made passive Kolchuga detection systems with the range of 800 km.
Why? here are some features

A complex consisting of three Kolchuga radar stations makes it possible to spot ground and surface targets and trace their movement within a radius of 600 km (air targets at the 10 km altitude - up to 800 km), which makes an effective early warning air defense system;

The 800-km detection range has been achieved only by the Ukrainian Kolchuga. The best the U.S. AWACS can do is 600 km, while the ground-based complexes Vera (Czech Republic) and Vega (Russia) can reach out up to 400 km - half what the Ukrainian complex can reach. The Kolchuga's lower limit of the working frequency range is 130MHz and is the lowest of all analogs. For the AWACS it is 2,000 MHz, for the Vera it is 850MHz, for the Vega it is 200MHz.

But where the Kolchuga has the greatest advantages is its ability to identify accurately radio objects thanks to unique algorithms and hi-tech equipment. In particular, the mean square deviation in frequency measurement - the most informative parameters for identifying types of spotted radio objects - is 0.4MHz in the Kolchuga. It is 0.5MHz - 1.0MHz in the Russian Vega, 1.0MHz in the U.S. AWACS, and as much as 3.6MHz - 21.0MHz in the Czech Vera. The maximal duration of detected impulses, measured by the Kolchuga, is 999.0 microseconds, versus 99.9 microseconds for the AWACS and 200 microseconds for the Vera. And the impulse repetition period can be measured by the Kolchuga up to the maximum of 79,999 microseconds, while no analogs can perform such measurements longer than 10,000 microseconds.

As a result, the number of detected radio objects that the Kolchuga can classify is practically unlimited, which can not be said about any known analogs. The Ukrainian station has advanced algorithms and software programs for analyzing, systematizing, generalizing, and storing information about all radio objects and parameters of their signals. And the data already collected in the database can be used to identify newly detected radio objects and can be correlated with data obtained from other reconnaissance sources.

It should be noted that the Kolchuga's undeniable advantages are not accidental or temporary. The Ukrainian product is head and shoulders above all American, Russian, French, Czech, or Brazilian developments in this field. But those who developed and made this unique product aren't resting on their laurels.

So such 4 to 6 system are enough
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BRAZILIAN authorities gave approval for the sale of 100 missiles to Pakistan which can be used in air-to-surface attacks on radar tracking instalations, Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said.

The MAR-1 medium-range missiles made by the Brazilian firm Mectron are tactical anti-radiation weapons whose existence was kept under wraps for many years, according to Jane's Information Group.

Mr Jobim called them "very effective ways to monitor" areas flown by war planes, and said the deal with Pakistan, originally signed in April this year, was worth €85 million ($167.6 million).

He dismissed suggestions that the transaction might be questioned in light of last week's Islamist extremist massacre perpetrated in Mumbai, India, which some Indian officials suspected was launched from within Pakistan.

"Brazil negotiates with Pakistan, not with Pakistani terrorists," Mr Jobim said.

"To cancel this deal would be to attribute terrorist activities to the Pakistani Government."
IMO Mectron should be a candidate for future tactical missile R&D.
>>>the deal with Pakistan, originally signed in April this year, was worth €85 million

8,5 million a missile is surely impossible. So there is TOT involved. It is used in Brasil for their upgraded F5 and since JF17 fits in the same class... This is the ARM for JF17...

Imagine what happens with radars if this bird is up there... And what happens with ship radars... What about using its seeker for Babur or Ra'ad.

This means that PAF can go deep inside India. There is hardl a chance that it will be used against Al Qaida since those have no radars...
This really is a cutting edge A2G ARM that will greatly enhance the capabilities of PAF, pleasantly surprised. :tup::tup::tup:
I wouldn't be so sure if we will acquire these anti-radiation missiles with technology transfer. The brazilians have kept this project under tight wraps, it's a very secretive project, one of national interest. They've decided to export it, which is good for Pakistan.

I hope we can acquire weapons and secretly reverse engineer them, it would be stupid not to do so. take the chinese route, first purchase russian weaponry and have a look at the systems. then make your own weapon system and continue to improve on it.

it would be a very good idea to copy american weapons if relations go downhill. too bad we did not do that with our F-16's, like the Iranians did with their aircraft.

P.S: don't get me wrong, I still pray that these come with ToT! insha'Allah!
Wow this totally caught me by suprise. I did a little research on it and its evident that the missile is developed by Mectron in collaboration with the Brazillian Air Force's Aerospace Technical Centre (CTA). It equips the F-5EM jets in Brazil air force's inventory
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