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Blast at Jamia Naeemia; Dr Sarfraz martyred

Taliban apologists like qsaark are dime a dozen - it would be best to ignore the poor fool along with his 'scientific analysis'...what a joke!

Wow! now what do we have here, some one who just joined in and started calling senior members with names. Dude learn to respect other persons opinion even though you don't necessarily agree with him.

We used them to over throw Rabani and Hikmatyar governments and when US over throw talaban government again we allow them to enter in our country , now this beast is too fat to kill by normal bullet we need to develop special size of bullet or technique?

PA and then SSG are the big bullet and special technique respectively and constitute the first step which is to actually take the battle to TTP in their strongholds/bases and shatter their infrastructure...

Once their main body is killed and destroyed then comes the second step which is to reinforce and hold the territory wrested out of their control

Third and the harder part still is to actually discipline the police which needs to not only to have a good counter terrorism training but also and i dare say most importantly "needs to start acting like a law enforcement agency".
The police takes many days to even register an FIR and that too upon instructions from higher ups when influenced by their acquaintances....this is pathetic since even a small boy's abduction today can mean a suicide blast a few months later which involves the same young boy who can be broken down by a highly trained terrorist cell and made to carry out their barbarism.
Remember the hundreds of Pakistani children in the gulf region being used in the camel races?
That is the level of incompetence which has plagued the police...
Now the threat is altogether of a different level and that needs to be hammered into the police...even a small abduction unresolved and ignored today means hundreds dead tomorrow!

Fourth and the hardest part is to build the basic infrastructure in the country to sustain a steady growth and enhancing the overall capability of state to offer a good life for majority of its citizens...this needs time and is multi layered but we need to have 5-10-15-20-25-30 year old plans which need to be discussed and approved by the parliament and need to be followed by all governments with consistency and not just one party only...
PA and then SSG are the big bullet and special technique respectively and constitute the first step which is to actually take the battle to TTP in their strongholds/bases and shatter their infrastructure...

Once their main body is killed and destroyed then comes the second step which is to reinforce and hold the territory wrested out of their control

Third and the harder part still is to actually discipline the police which needs to not only to have a good counter terrorism training but also and i dare say most importantly "needs to start acting like a law enforcement agency".
The police takes many days to even register an FIR and that too upon instructions from higher ups when influenced by their acquaintances....this is pathetic since even a small boy's abduction today can mean a suicide blast a few months later which involves the same young boy who can be broken down by a highly trained terrorist cell and made to carry out their barbarism.
Remember the hundreds of Pakistani children in the gulf region being used in the camel races?
That is the level of incompetence which has plagued the police...
Now the threat is altogether of a different level and that needs to be hammered into the police...even a small abduction unresolved and ignored today means hundreds dead tomorrow!

Fourth and the hardest part is to build the basic infrastructure in the country to sustain a steady growth and enhancing the overall capability of state to offer a good life for majority of its citizens...this needs time and is multi layered but we need to have 5-10-15-20-25-30 year old plans which need to be discussed and approved by the parliament and need to be followed by all governments with consistency and not just one party only...

True, when i look towards our engineers doctors and IT professional they are the best in the world ,they performing in top international organisations like NASA,GE,SIEMENS,ABB,ORACLE,MICROSOFT,CISCO etc
on other hand our civil servent and security forces and politicians still following code , standards and procedures of Brithish era.

We need to restore first confidence of nation by upgrading and modernisation of these institutions so that our young generation feel real pride to join these institutions and serve nation in better way.
Rally supports Swat operation

Fellow Countrymen!

Please read the news clipping and understand what this great man sacrificed his life for...now that he has been martyred, it makes even more sense to read what he said just a few weeks ago

Most will never have the courage to say these things in the open and yet this man bombarded not only Taliban but all those clerics who are making excuses for the Taliban...he fully supported the Army action to eliminate the butchers called TTP...

He gave his life for Pakistan and Islam and had the bravery to speak against the Terrorists knowing fully well what it means to oppose them

He was a great individual, so much respect and yet humble and modest enough to still ride a motorcycle whereas most of the clerics are escorted by a caravan of guards...

A hero of Pakistan and Islam and an enemy of TTP and their supporters
>>Taliban apologists like qsaark are dime a dozen - it would be best to ignore the poor fool along with his 'scientific analysis'...what a joke!

spare us from your BS if u don't agree with qsaark move along no need for name calling.

>>this guy is definitely smoking pot....thanks for the nonsensical yet entertaining post.

is this the best you can do? Did u even try to read what qsaark wrote? any anonymous can call to newspaper and can claim responsibility

Taliban has lost public support, will this help them get support back? who will benefit from it?
Strike 2

Talib apologist seem to just not understand that they have failed.
Wow! now what do we have here, some one who just joined in and started calling senior members with names. Dude learn to respect other persons opinion even though you don't necessarily agree with him.
I second that.While we may call someone Taliban apologist that is fine but calling someone fool is simply breaks the forum rules and Qsaark is a senior member.
he has been laid to rest. great man. may his soul rest in peace and may he be blessed with highest rank in paradise
His son has asked ppl to calm down and not create a situation. this is really great. such are the ppl who are an asset for Pakistan
Qsaark, plays an increasingly curious role on the forum, apologist for Talib, a part of the islamist IO cell or is it agent provacateur
You seems to have a binary brain, yes or no, friend or enemy. Sound more like Bush Jr., if you are not with us, you are with our enemy. Following is a phrase used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile, ironically this also seems to fit to your psychological profile:

"His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."
Typical Islamist response, when they are identified theyh try and shift the discussion in another direction - Qsaark, shouldn't you be acknowledging that TTP has taken responsibility for this and that their intention is to intimidate other clerics and start sectarian strife to destabilize society.

I think you cannot go against you Islamist masters and acknowledge that TTP did this.
These suicide attackers are for sale, there was a report on this. There was a dispute of land and one party bought a suicide bomber and blew the head of the other party. Reference: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan. Again it is only a theory not a fact until proven. I only brought it up so the incident could be viewed and analyzed from more than one angle. Mufti sahib was also a very active ‘Ahl e Sunnat’ cleric and he could also be a target of an apposing fraction or sect. He was an active participant in Tehreek Nifaz-e-Nizam-e-Mustafa in the 1970s and the Tehreek Namus-e-Risalat in February 2006. In February 2006, Mufti saheb was arrested for taking part in the Tehreek Namus-e-Risalat. He was Nazim-e-Aala of Tanzeemul Madaris Ahle Sunat and Jamia Naeemia.
Oh whats the phone number.I want to hire some bombers too.
^ Pretty true qsaark, though I don't necessarily agree this was any staged event in the slightest, you're bang on that this forum is flooded with a lot of monosyllabic thought processes that churn out the same line over and over. Intelligent, no, objective, no, boring, yes. But it is a themed one, so be it.

I do think this was simple retaliation due to the hair brained idea of launching a war on one's own people, when the instigators are right next door watching it happen with gleeful expressons on their faces.

This is Pakistan's war now, and I don't see it ending well.

Honourable mention to Ralph Peter's whose redrawn map of the Muslim world I did not think possible a year ago, and foolishly I'd poked fun at it. I'd not like to wager those borders to be redrawn precisely as he described within 10 years time.
i am new at the site
surely killing an alam and that too the calibre of dr sarfraz naeme is truly brutality .Is this what islam teaches.i really cry on the state of pakistanis having hostage to their own people .This all should be stopped at one go .AND i strictly support army operation .long live islam
long live pakistan
long live pakistan army
The strategy of the islamist insurgency in the suicide attack in Lahore was to create sectarian strife and to intimidate any other clerics who did not support the islamist point of view - what was the point of the Peshawar attack on the Pearl Continental?

We earlier highlighted that the insurgency and the counter-insurgency depends on the on populace - which ever, the state of Pakistan or Islamist insurgency, has to win over or coerse the loyalty of the populace.

Pakistan are now facing a huge problem with IDP -- the UN officials dealing with the IDP issue in Pakistan were staying where???

That's right, the pearl continental in peshawar --- And they were all killed. Will that put more pressure on the Pakistani state??

Refugees will decide Pakistan's fate
Gulfnews: Refugees will decide Pakistan's fate

06/12/2009 11:40 PM | By Basim Usmani, Guardian News & Media Ltd

At 7am on Tuesday, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari gave assurances from his headquarters in Islamabad that the government was committed to helping internally displaced people (internal refugees) survive, since military operations to drive the Taliban out of the country have left millions homeless.

The Taliban responded by blowing up another five-star hotel, this time in Peshawar, in what seems to be a deliberate attempt to shut down the United Nations World Food Programme efforts in the refugee tent communities in Malakand. The Taliban succeeded in killing all three World Food Programme personnel in Pakistan, prompting the UN to halt all its humanitarian efforts in the country.

Just last week, 60 Taliban posing as civilians were rounded up from internally displace people camps in the North-West Frontier Province and Malakand. It seems these camps will be the last place for extremists to hole up in as the military continues its campaign up through Swat, and neighbouring villages are holding witch-hunts to kill hiding Taliban. The aim of blowing up the hotel was probably to buy time for uprooted Taliban to regroup.

Even two weeks ago, employees of banned sister organisations Jamat-ud Dawa and Falah-i-Insaniat were reported to be combing the refugee camps for young, disaffected men to fight in Kashmir. Meanwhile, the tented community has grown exponentially, with 20 refugees sharing a single outhouse with no access to clean drinking water.

Symbolically located between the subcontinent's Indus and Afghanistan's Kabul rivers, the Swabi tent colony of mostly displaced women and children have no home to return to. The military levelled their villages in Swat, and now they are subsisting in sweltering heat, in packed and diseased conditions. A team of doctors from Islamabad fear the children may contract cholera if clean water and food are not provided for them soon.

Recent money pledged by Obama for the camps, exceeding $200 million (Dh735 million), will have an interesting application now the UN is pulling its activities (and infrastructure) out of the country. America's last Mobile Army Surgical Hospital tents were pitched in Kashmir after the 2005 earthquake, it seems that the mobile army hospitals should be pitched again.

The refugee situation speaks volumes about the unique relationship between Pakistan and the US. The Pakistani government's writ has been steadily waning since the country's inception, with development often stopping short of its major cities Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.

Despite 62 years to build schools and hospitals in its rural areas, the government has never been able to pull most of its population out from under feudalism and under-development. The government has failed to adequately respond to earthquakes in Kashmir, floods in Balochistan (geographically the largest province of the country) and even famine in Sindh, much less the continuing refugee crises, which have spiralled out of control since late 2006 - when the war on terror heated up in the northwest frontier of Waziristan.

Between 2006 and 2007, mini-exoduses of thousands of people took place on an almost monthly basis from the mountains of north Waziristan. Now makeshift shanty towns and tent colonies have been pitched from the North-Western Frontier all the way down to the outskirts of major cities in Balochistan and Punjab. If too many refugees perish as a result of negligence, the operation against the Taliban will be called off - effectively ceding major territory to the militants.

America's use of drones, being launched illegally from within Pakistan, will not hinder the Taliban. Militants are said to be hiding in Afghan refugee camps in Quetta, just kilometres from the base where the drones are launched.

Thus the fate of the country rests on whether Obama's goodwill aid and Pakistan's resources can nurse the refugees back to health. If it fails to win their confidence, the US will lose the 'war on terror'. And Pakistanis will lose their country.

An ocean away from Obama's lofty gestures to the Muslim world in Cairo, people in Lahore's streets remain uninterested, and consumed with life as it is. Journalists have been out amassing public opinion when there is still none, with most Pakistanis treating the speech with dismissive words. One truck driver told me, "A new America compassionate to Muslims? I'll believe it when I see it".

More than all the aid, and territory won back from the Taliban, the greatest asset Obama and Pakistan have is the life that could be provided to those who have lost their homes in the 'war on terror'. If Obama can promise refugees a new relationship with Pakistan and the US then he will be hitting the Taliban, and Al Qaida, where it really hurts.

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