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Black Hawk Down

Panther 57

Aug 18, 2013
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@Irfan Baloch @Rashid Mahmood @Zarvan @fatman17 @BATMAN @Farah Sohail @Spring Onion

I had heard the story from an officer who belonged to the unit which rescued the Americans in this incident.

During my visit to Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993, I personally witnessed the respect and courage of Pakistan Army there and how Somali's chanted slogans of Pakistan Zindabad while our vehicles moved through the city.

Pakistan Army vehicles used to escort vehicles of all other armies when they moved in the city.
Only PA used to fly the Pakistani flag on the white UN vehicle while moving around in the city.

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You can also have its glimpse in the Movies
Black Hawk Down.
there is misrepresentation
the actors are Indians and they are shown as being careless and indifferent to the fight .. telling Americans to hop on top of the APCs instead of sitting inside during the rescue.
there is misrepresentation
the actors are Indians and they are shown as being careless and indifferent to the fight .. telling Americans to hop on top of the APCs instead of sitting inside during the rescue.
I know what you mean. They always do this to Pakistan. We can't even escape the Ganga neighbours in movies. That movie about Bin Laden Hollywood used ugly Chandigarh as set for Abottabad. Go figure !

On second thoughts at least they did not use Kolkatta ....

Ps. Years ago (early 80s) when I was at university during summer holidays I worked part time with this insurance company. I became real friends with my English manager and he used to tell me about his time in Royal Navy and how he spent his shore leave in Madras (Chennai) and in so many words said he did not like it. I spent lot of effort explaining the differances between us and Indians. Eventually I reduced it to smple binary. Everytime you see a Sari it means a Indian woman. Everytime you see a Shalwar Kameez it is a Pakistani. Having spent time in Chennai he latched on to this. Subsequently he started to note this and would mention this. "Oh I was in this shop and called Patel etc and the woman who served me was wearing a Sari" I felt rather smug. Today even that is gone. Instead of 95% India wearing Sari today it is 80% wear Shalwar Kameez.
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