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BJP leader Yogi Adityanath wants 'Hindustan' to replace 'India' in the Constitution

The BJP were elected on its pledge of development and economic prosperity not this BS. Modi knows this as do his top leadership and they are working on this but there are still buffoons in his party that will keep embarrassing him and themselves. Modi has told them to STFU but this keeps happening, soon enough they'll be made to keep it shut.

I have a feeling its diversionary tactic so that CPI, seculars and marxists don't sabotage the Nuclear deal with Russia ...
The BJP were elected on its pledge of development and economic prosperity not this BS. Modi knows this as do his top leadership and they are working on this but there are still buffoons in his party that will keep embarrassing him and themselves. Modi has told them to STFU but this keeps happening, soon enough they'll be made to keep it shut.

I have a different theory on this what if the BJP is deliberately doing this to divert the Oppositions & the People attention from different Reforms that the Govt is trying to undertake.This is Modi we are talking about not Manmohan he along with amit shah has a iron fist grip on the Govt & the party i refuse to believe that these things are happening without his consent
The BJP were elected on its pledge of development and economic prosperity not this BS. Modi knows this as do his top leadership and they are working on this but there are still buffoons in his party that will keep embarrassing him and themselves. Modi has told them to STFU but this keeps happening, soon enough they'll be made to keep it shut.

I have a feeling its diversionary tactic so that CPI, seculars and marxists don't sabotage the Nuclear deal with Russia ...
I have a feeling its diversionary tactic so that CPI, seculars and marxists don't sabotage the Nuclear deal with Russia ...

They wont.. Even marxist party was not active in koodamkulam protests..
I have a feeling its diversionary tactic so that CPI, seculars and marxists don't sabotage the Nuclear deal with Russia ...

& also the many reforms the govt is undertaking
Better yet What if the Govt has a secret deal with the Opposition to pass some reforms & to divert peoples attention away from a supporting opposition this is being done
I have a different theory on this what if the BJP is deliberately doing this to divert the Oppositions & the People attention from different Reforms that the Govt is trying to undertake.This is Modi we are talking about not Manmohan he along with amit shah has a iron fist grip on the Govt & the party i refuse to believe that these things are happening without his consent

And what exact reforms was BJP bringing in? I mean do you see anything substantial till now?
And what exact reforms was BJP bringing in? I mean do you see anything substantial till now?

There are talks on Bringing a GST bill,Reform the shitty Land Law,Reform some Labor Laws & some other reforms
I have a different theory on this what if the BJP is deliberately doing this to divert the Oppositions & the People attention from different Reforms that the Govt is trying to undertake.This is Modi we are talking about not Manmohan he along with amit shah has a iron fist grip on the Govt & the party i refuse to believe that these things are happening without his consent
I just don't know, let's see how the things play out. If the GoI gets their reforms through then maybe that will prove your right and let's hope this happens because those reforms are VITAL!
There are talks on Bringing a GST bill,Reform the shitty Land Law,Reform some Labor Laws & some other reforms

None of this would happen until and unless they gain majority in both houses.. Making statements like this wont help them attain it.. UP by election with the campaign of love jihad proved that communal politics have no future here in India..
And what exact reforms was BJP bringing in? I mean do you see anything substantial till now?

Not much as ppl are expecting lets be honest about khoongressi debris left behind... It will take some time to see results nor modi or bjp has a magic wand... However some bjp MPs are unnecessarily raking up controversy n undoing the good work of current gov...
Modi needs to take these Pagal Babas down before such issues are blown out of proportion....
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