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Bill Revoking Overseas Pakistanis Voting Rights Presented in National Assembly by Imported Government

Did anyone give them call to come out? They are out due to economic issues and people were also tired of PTI because of inflation. Even if PTI comes in power, Pakistan is in deep economic crisis and also water issue is becoming very serious.

The biggest issue is economic. What is happening in Sri Lanka can also happen during PTI govt.

With Imran Khan - PTI in power, everyone had hope that IK will not let us down, or give up. He enabled overseas Pakistani voting rights, took initiative to plant 10 billion trees, revamped education system to name a few..

With these Chor imported government in power, they will first bankrupt Pakistan and surrender our nukes.

These traitors already started sweet talking with India, completely ignoring the genocide by Indian occupation forces in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

-- Now I read news today that Modi is building dams/water projects on rivers that will block water flow to Pakistan. Faida kiya howa Amreeka ka ta**** uthanay ka?
Now I am 100% sure that the hatred and vengeance against ex PM Imran Khan and the fear and prejudice, bias has made the Sharifs all of them, be it Maryam, Nawaz, Shahbaz, Hamza, and others totally devoid of any sense and sensibility.

Hatred devors, they are now devored of any mental faculties and any rationale and pragmatic thinking. At times money amassed is inversely proportional to the intellect.

Sage and pragmatic, farsighted people even if they earn big money, spends a big percentage of it on welfare of others, unprivileged class, unlike Sharifs and Zardari.

خواجہ آصف نے 20 منٹ کی تقریر میں 100 بار جو ہے، جو ہے ، جو ہے ،کہا ہے اور باقی تقریر میں عمران ہمیں براد کر دے گا ن کو برباد کر دے گا ۔​
With Imran Khan - PTI in power, everyone had hope that IK will not let us down, or give up.

With these Chor imported government in power, they will first bankrupt Pakistan and surrender our nukes.

These traitors already started sweet talking with India, completely ignoring the genocide by Indian occupation forces in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

-- Now I read news today that Modi is building dams/water projects on rivers that will block water flow to Pakistan. Faida kiya howa Amreeka ka ta**** uthanay ka?
No one can give up nukes. Its not that easy. Relax on that point.

IK also said he wants peace with India, but Modi was not talking with him for some reason I dont know why. Any practical steps PTI govt did after article 370 revocation?

Why IK reduced petrol price for his political benefits? IK/PTI when they came to know that they will lose no confidence vote and they put everything at stake. He reduced petrol prices and electricity prices just for political benefits. If he was thinking about Pakistan he would never do that. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Sad. Real sad. Think of all the support we ex-pats give to Pakistan. Hell even this freakin platform P-D-F is ran by and largely dependant on ex-pat Pakistani's.

All the money everything straight up down the drain. Pakistan is most likely the only country where people give money back to the point it’s remittance value is higher than exports value.
These justices are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. They are enabling an environment that is moving towards complete anarchy.

They took an extra-constitutional step in how they handled the VoNC. They had zero jurisdictional oversight on the process. And the process lays out clearly how such matters need to be held.

They have enabled PDM to take these steps and this is in effect causing the entire system to loose any semblance of credibility. Even the Courts' credibility is suspect. People's perception of justice is as important as justice itself. When people loose confidence then it hurts the entire process.

Now they are complaining about IK. IK is just a manifestation of people's emotion. You loose IK and perhaps this movement will take a turn for the worse and becoming uncontrollable. Then we are likely to see scenes like Sri Lanka.

In terms of removing voting rights for overseas Pakistan. If that passes, then watch how fast money exits from Pakistan.
Most of Pakistan's IT industry is owned or operated or directly linked with Expat Pakistanis. IT industries are not like manufacturing plants. Moving them is easier than we think. I know one such company that is likely to start the unwinding process if things keep playing out the way it is. The general view for these sort of moves is driven by a growing belief that there is no law left in the country, especially as you see how the courts operate. That does not make for a stable business environment.
Now I am 100% sure that the hatred and vengeance against ex PM Imran Khan and the fear and prejudice, bias has made the Sharifs all of them, be it Maryam, Nawaz, Shahbaz, Hamza, and others totally devoid of any sense and sensibility.

Hatred devors, they are now devored of any mental faculties and any rationale and pragmatic thinking. At times money amassed is inversely proportional to the intellect.

Sage and pragmatic, farsighted people even if they earn big money, spends a big percentage of it on welfare of others, unprivileged class, unlike Sharifs and Zardari.

The mix achaar PDM is just a front face of an "entity" that has been doing political engineering for over 70 years.

The reason Imran Khan was ousted is because he stood against status quo and challenged the whole crooked system that has paralyzed and enslaved Pakistan.
What is happening in Sri Lanka can also happen during PTI govt.
But it happened in your favorite Pmln govt

Why IK reduced petrol price for his political benefits?
Everything is IK or PTI fault. We get it bro...
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