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Biden wants Pakistan to "do more" in Afghanistan

What would pakistani friends think about the idea of a pak-army buffer zone deep into afghanistan, would that serve the security interests of pakistan?

It doesn't make sense for us to put boots on the ground permanently. We don't have a lot of collateral with Afghanistan, the average Afghan, even Taliban supporter see's Pakistan negatively and those who agree to work with us consider us a neccasary evil, rather than a friend. The only traction we might have is with tribes who span across the border. To put boots on the ground in a tribal society where the idea of being a nation state is completely absent would only invite attacks towards our troops.

We're better off securing our borders and using Afghans who are willing to work with us to try and take over the country. We need to find and support a pro-Pakistan regime, as mentioned by the brother below.


Last time Pakistan supported pro-Pakistan elements to take over the whole country (almost) bypassing the need for a buffer zone.

My guess is something similar would be done if the need arises.

Agreed, but we can't do exactly what we did last time. Last time we propped up a militant group who was willing not to be an enemy to us, this time we need to make sure we work with multiple factions and different power brokers to support some sort of peace and then invite in international partners to help the re-build.

We need to also make use of the large Afghan population in our country and try to support these people to go back to their own country. If we can support towns and cities where our refugee community is from, we can get some traction in Afghanistan. Similarly we need to work to help those tribes who live on either side of our borders and the communities closer to our borders. When things are built in Afghanistan it needs to be foreign funds, Pakistani cement and materials, Pakistani engineers and builders, Afghan labour and ultimately a little plaque or something making everyone know Pakistan helped build this.

As long as we're backing this horse we should be ok. In my opinion, post US withdrawal, we should potentially provide them airpower too via drones to help get the takeover of the country over with quickly.
After this Biden speech, Let's see if this General and IK have the guts to raise a middle finger, or as per their tradition they will bend backwards for the US. There is a reason why the Chinese FM stood in Iran and said that Iran is a Principled country, and not a Banana Republic like one 'Neighboring Country' which changes its entire policy when it gets a phone call from the US. He was clearly pointing to Pakistan obviously.

I agree, i think Chinese are pissed with Pakistan ... anyone knows whats going on ?
Biden election was celebrated on PDF. Can someone find the thread on the same?
It doesn't make sense for us to put boots on the ground permanently. We don't have a lot of collateral with Afghanistan, the average Afghan, even Taliban supporter see's Pakistan negatively and those who agree to work with us consider us a neccasary evil, rather than a friend.
During syrian civil war, there were hundreds of small armed groups with conflicted interests, but few main alliances; pkk, isis, al nusra, hts, southern front fsa, coastal front fsa, hezbollah. Each of them were hating Turkey, becauae they already got masters, from US to Saudis, from UAE to France, Iran to Germany.

Turkey created pro-Turkish syrian factions out of thin air, and our front grows each year. If Pakistani intel asks, im sure MİT would be more than happy to share its experiences.

Its not such an easy task to defend border zone from zero line, specially when opposite side is being controlled by hostile groups. Its a lot more easier to secure the borders if other side of the border is under control of those groups that you are training/feeding/arming/funding.

I wish best luck to Pak army command, they will have a different environment with different dynamics when US terrorists retreat.
Biden election was celebrated on PDF. Can someone find the thread on the same?

He just said Pakistan especially should support Afghanistan, and they're off. Very few celebrated his victory. You should be concerned as to what your policy is with him.
What would pakistani friends think about the idea of a pak-army buffer zone deep into afghanistan, would that serve the security interests of pakistan?

There is no requirement for such a buffer, because Pakistan and Afghanistan are not at war with each other and the need for the ouster of foreign military presence is of primary importance to bring peace to the Afghan people.

The security interests of Pakistan is the same as for Afghanistan, peace! Afghanistan stands to benefit from peace by drawing trade enhancement via CPEC, as well as trade with Pakistan, Central Asian Republics, Russia and China.

A secure and safe Afghanistan affords huge dividends for Central Asia, where huge economic gains are afoot for all countries of the region, namely Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kygyzstan. These SCO member nations have the potential to generate greater trade volumes, than the combined economic size of North America.

An Asian Economic Block
has the clout to surge trade volume with African Trade Union, Latin American Trade Bloc and the South East Asian Trade Union.

So no need for an absurd buffer zone, when open trade between Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Russia and Central Asian Republics is on the cards, once the US-NATO mafia is out of the region, in-sha-Allah.
What makes this senile old fool think Pakistan would listen to him after several high profile snubs.
This man in his 100 days of office has managed to bring his country to the brink of war with Russia, is making plans to face China, has more or less ended the relationship with Turkey, ignores Pakistan, is leaving Afghanistan, has shut off Central Asia to the US (see Russia) and so on.
This has to be the worst state I have ever seen US foreign policy in, and that's saying something.
From Reagan to this! Trump WILL come back storming in 2024.

May be his administration will make an offer Pakistan cannot refuse?
They might do. I just don't think this administration is big on detail and end game. It's all surface at the moment.

I think things will get clearer as the President's decision is implemented and all the details are worked out over the next few months. I think Pakistan will make out okay, but let's see.
From Reagan to this! Trump WILL come back storming in 2024.
It will be close. Biden propaganda has overrun social media everywhere. The youth of America are mostly democrat supporters because of this. Many old trump supporters will die naturally or of coronavirus. And the American deep state doesn't like trump.
What makes this senile old fool think Pakistan would listen to him after several high profile snubs.
This man in his 100 days of office has managed to bring his country to the brink of war with Russia, is making plans to face China, has more or less ended the relationship with Turkey, ignores Pakistan, is leaving Afghanistan, has shut off Central Asia to the US (see Russia) and so on.
This has to be the worst state I have ever seen US foreign policy in, and that's saying something.
From Reagan to this! Trump WILL come back storming in 2024.
American Foreign Policy will stay the same and it has, this is nothing different from Trump. He wanted to leave Afghanistan and Biden is doing the same, Turkey is still in NATO last i checked so when they ain't then i'll believe their relationship has 'ended'. What brink of war are you referring to? US has backed out all the time in defending Ukraine and left it to its own devices and is bound to do the same given the language and actions currently seen. Also same thing in regards to China, Trump to Biden i haven't seen much change i'll be honest other than delaying the eventual pullouts from Europe and Afghanistan and shifting towards China.
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