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Berlin threatens neighbors over migration

Yes they will. Not for humanitarian reasons, just because they're scared of frau Merkel.

You thought that the great conservative Cameron would have the balls to stand against her ? She basically says take them and shut the fck up,no dicussions,no negociations.
You dimwits don't get it, do you? Merkel was secretary for propaganda of the FDJ (powerful youth organisation) in the former East Germany. How do you think she ever got the chance to become the chancellor of Germany without being stuck deep in the behind of Washington? The minute she says no to Washington, the next minute she WAS chancellor.

It's also interesting to see that the Turkish terrorist is encouraging the EU to take in more refugees while his terrorist gov. collaborates with the US to supply IS weapons and money.

It's a one stone two bird thing for the US and Turkey. Bleeding out Syria and destabilising the EU.
You thought that the great conservative Cameron would have the balls to stand against her ? She basically says take them and shut the fck up,no dicussions,no negociations.

At least they're having a referendum in 2017.They'll open the cage doors for all of us.I'm sure that European cooperation will endure after we exit the 5th Reich.

You dimwits don't get it, do you? Merkel was secretary for propaganda of the FDJ (powerful youth organisation) in the former East Germany. How do you think she ever got the chance to become the chancellor of Germany without being stuck deep in the behind of Washington? The minute she says no to Washington, the next minute she WAS chancellor.

East Germany=Russia
Lol at a Turk lecturing us about "destabilising" the Middle East.
Greece seizes ship allegedly loaded with weapons headed from Turkey to Libya | Middle East Eye

That's another risk. Even if extremists are a "tiny minority", that's still enough. If 0.1 percent of 100 thousand want to wage jihad that's a hundred too many.
Do you think we will send shotguns if we send arms? LOL, everybody can buy shotguns in Turkey. Get over dude, if you burn other people's houses, guess what? They will come to your house. Blacks are already in France. Now the Arabs are coming home to roost in the UK. The current situation in Europe is because of the imperial past of Europe. Few people got rich of imperialism and the rest of you will learn to live with blacks and arabs.
You dimwits don't get it, do you? Merkel was secretary for propaganda of the FDJ (powerful youth organisation) in the former East Germany. How do you think she ever got the chance to become the chancellor of Germany without being stuck deep in the behind of Washington? The minute she says no to Washington, the next minute she WAS chancellor.

It's also interesting to see that the Turkish terrorist is encouraging the EU to take in more refugees while his terrorist gov. collaborates with the US to supply IS weapons and money.

It's a one stone two bird thing for the US and Turkey. Bleeding out Syria and destabilising the EU.
Germany is supporting PKK against Turkey. German weapons are in PKK hands in pictures in Twitter. This is just the beginning. Soon bombs will go off in Germany if you keep supporting terrorism against us.
Actually we want to take in Christians but that's considered racist.Anyway,Eastern Euros are not storming borders,our countries made a lot of concessions for this to happen,our industries took a hit.Most of the EU funds go back in Western firms pockets wich siphon the money out.I can tell you lots of crazy stories like milk quotas,etc.....it's a long discussion.

I take no joy in the fact that this could be the end of the EU,Putin is laughing his a.. off but it surely looks like it.

Well there are Eastern Europeans literally everywhere in the UK.

The EE leaders will just have to change their unreasonable positions and do their fair share
of taking in refugees, or they can face the Russians all by themselves.
Do you think we will send shotguns if we send arms? LOL, everybody can buy shotguns in Turkey. Get over dude, if you burn other people's houses, guess what? They will come to your house. Blacks are already in France. Now the Arabs are coming home to roost in the UK. The current situation in Europe is because of the imperial past of Europe. Few people got rich of imperialism and the rest of you will learn to live with blacks and arabs.

Same could be said about the Kurdish problem."When you dig others people grave,be sure you won't fall in it yourself"

Well there are Eastern Europeans literally everywhere in the UK.

The EE leaders will just have to change their unreasonable positions and do their fair share
of taking in refugees, or they can face the Russians all by themselves.

Nope...we have NATO...US for that.Germany can still piss off,it's not like we were relying on the EU and the 50 working German Leo2A6's.
Same could be said about the Kurdish problem."When you dig others people grave,be sure you won't fall in it yourself"
Dude, I don't think who you think you are but here in West-Europe we see an Arab or a Black in the same light as a Romanian or Bulgarian who come here. Both groups are not wanted. You are not part of the club here. You can trust my word on this.
Nope...we have NATO...US for that.Germany can still piss off,it's not like we were relying on the EU.

Strength is not just about having the US military behind you, it is also having a strong economy and for that you need good relations with Germany.
Do you think we will send shotguns if we send arms? LOL, everybody can buy shotguns in Turkey. Get over dude, if you burn other people's houses, guess what? They will come to your house. Blacks are already in France. Now the Arabs are coming home to roost in the UK. The current situation in Europe is because of the imperial past of Europe. Few people got rich of imperialism and the rest of you will learn to live with blacks and arabs.
that's not true migrants are flooding in countries without colonial past like scandivian countries for example
hey romanian guy relax nobody is coming to your country don't you know it's the poorest country in the E.U

If i was one of them,even Bulgaria would be better that from where im coming..... but no. They want to choose the countries they want to be in,and obviously,they want that generous frau Merkel..
If i was one of them,even Bulgaria would be better that from where im coming..... but no. They want to choose the countries they want to be in,and obviously,they want that generous frau Merkel..
thats 100 percent true because they are not fleeing from war(vast majority of them are refugees who already settled in turkey or lebeanon) they just want to live the european-german- dream

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