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Beijing 2022 Olympics: 'If genocide isn't our red line for a full boycott, then I really don't know what is'

these boycott

while these don't...

big fcking loss!🙄
clearly those people are scared so means they are guilty

the World has recognised it as Genocide so Genocide it is

UN human rights commissioner has been refused entry to Ughurs 27 times

again these are the action of guiltily party

China allows visits to Xinjiang, but not with the intention or possibilities of planting 'evidence'. How can you assure the Chinese people a convoy sponsored by the US or UK not going to plant evidence if left unchecked? Why don't the UK, Canada, and US allow Russian and Chinese specialists investigate without interference and monitoring (1) all their P4 labs to find the origins of Covid-19 and (2) to find if British and Americans have conducted anti-humanity experiments on Africans?

Regardless of the decision, UK should return all of its loots collected in its museums.
China allows visits to Xinjiang, but not with the intention or possibilities of planting 'evidence'. How can you assure the Chinese people a convoy sponsored by the US or UK not going to plant evidence if left unchecked? Why don't the UK, Canada, and US allow Russian and Chinese specialists investigate without interference and monitoring (1) all their P4 labs to find the origins of Covid-19 and (2) to find if British and Americans have conducted anti-humanity experiments on Africans?

Regardless of the decision, UK should return all of its loots collected in its museums.


China has refused entry of the UN human rights commissioner to Northern China 27 times

China has refused entry of the UN human rights commissioner to Northern China 27 times

Make it 270 times. Given the laundry powder war started by the US and UK, no Chinese or anybody in their reasonable mind would trust an American-sponsored convoy would not plant evidence to blackmail -- once again. For example, I wouldn't trust you at all.
I am amazed an Anglo-American shamelessness to lie with a straight face. They out do the Nazi. Just spread lies 24/7 and hope people just eat it up. It worked so far for them. They killed millions and committed countless genocide, but Hollywood keep pumping out heroic white heroes films and people eat it up because of all the special effect.
If you can use your brain a little bit, you wouldn't agree to an UN investigation as well. The US hands are all over any UN personnel not of PRC. This means these UN people would plant 'evidence' to blackmail China if left unchecked and alone.

On the other hand, why don't the UK, Canada, and USA allow a team of Chinese and Russians investigate un-monitored, independent of any interferences from the West, and unharassed, all of the P4 labs to (1) find the source of Covid-19 and (2) find any evidence of anti-humanity experiments these human crooks performed. It's well-known the Imperial Japanese 731 unit had turned over all their anti-humanity experimental results to the Americans for impunity. I bet you $100 to $1 the Americans and perhaps Canadians perform anti-humanity experiments on the indigenous people.

I mean American and Canadian were racist. They didn't see a significant portion of their population
then why is 1 million Ughurs missing ?

What are the names and faces of that 1 million?
Make it 270 times. Given the laundry powder war started by the US and UK, no Chinese or anybody in their reasonable mind would trust an American-sponsored convoy would not plant evidence to blackmail -- once again. For example, I wouldn't trust you at all.

yes but this is what happens when

China daily is a state own enterprise

that is not a credible source of information

can you provide any independent sources ?
yes but this is what happens when

China daily is a state own enterprise

that is not a credible source of information

can you provide any independent sources ?

There are lots of problems with your statement or claim but I'm going to say just these:
(1) What is a credible source of info? An under-the-table report passed to WSJ from high-up in the US Intelligence (even CIA tried to disassoicate itself from that piece of intel) turned out to be fake and simply an illegal jumstart the invasion. This was a reminiscent of Tonkin Bay prior to the Vietnam War. So I'd say any intel from other than any American source deserves credibility until proven otherwise. That said, China's state announcements (not media's like the Global Times) have been proven almost 100% true. A slap on your white face?

(2) You and most Western media and politicians alleged China to have violated human rights. Then the burden of proof is on you, not on China. China did its due dilligence proving the pictures, figures, and Uighurs are fake. You just selectively believe what you want to believe. China has no obligation to prove its innocence. Who are you white Anglo Saxons? Gods? You believe every people need to answer to you? GFY.

(3) What is an independent source? An NGO started by Europeans or Americans and supported by USAID? That'd be the good cotton NGO? LMAO. Many agencies, individuals, corporations, etc. have disputed what you colonialists claimed but you just labeled them non-independent and pursue on until someone say something pleasing to your ears. Is that your standard of 'independent'? I call your type pathetic colonialists.
That's what happened to the WHO investigations in Wuhan. WHO first deployed an official investigation in Wuhan April 2020. It was a smaller delegation and they started at other cities until Wuhan finally ended its quaranteen. The lead investigator was a Canadian and, at the conclusion reporter session, he thanked people of Wuhan and Chinese people for sacrificing to delay the spread of Covid-19. But of course the Trump regime did not agree and pressured WHO. The WHO Director of course pandered himself after American sanctions.
So the second investigation took place Jan/Feb 2021. It ended the same way -- not satisfying to the Americans.

Chinese people should now tell the Americans and you GFY. In fact, China should call the world to investigate all the P4 labs that the Americans, British, and Canadians operate all over the world.
There are lots of problems with your statement or claim but I'm going to say just these:
(1) What is a credible source of info? An under-the-table report passed to WSJ from high-up in the US Intelligence (even CIA tried to disassoicate itself from that piece of intel) turned out to be fake and simply an illegal jumstart the invasion. This was a reminiscent of Tonkin Bay prior to the Vietnam War. So I'd say any intel from other than any American source deserves credibility until proven otherwise. That said, China's state announcements (not media's like the Global Times) have been proven almost 100% true. A slap on your white face?

(2) You and most Western media and politicians alleged China to have violated human rights. Then the burden of proof is on you, not on China. China did its due dilligence proving the pictures, figures, and Uighurs are fake. You just selectively believe what you want to believe. China has no obligation to prove its innocence. Who are you white Anglo Saxons? Gods? You believe every people need to answer to you? GFY.

(3) What is an independent source? An NGO started by Europeans or Americans and supported by USAID? That'd be the good cotton NGO? LMAO. Many agencies, individuals, corporations, etc. have disputed what you colonialists claimed but you just labeled them non-independent and pursue on until someone say something pleasing to your ears. Is that your standard of 'independent'? I call your type pathetic colonialists.
That's what happened to the WHO investigations in Wuhan. WHO first deployed an official investigation in Wuhan April 2020. It was a smaller delegation and they started at other cities until Wuhan finally ended its quaranteen. The lead investigator was a Canadian and, at the conclusion reporter session, he thanked people of Wuhan and Chinese people for sacrificing to delay the spread of Covid-19. But of course the Trump regime did not agree and pressured WHO. The WHO Director of course pandered himself after American sanctions.
So the second investigation took place Jan/Feb 2021. It ended the same way -- not satisfying to the Americans.

Chinese people should now tell the Americans and you GFY. In fact, China should call the world to investigate all the P4 labs that the Americans, British, and Canadians operate all over the world.

off topic

why do you always refer to Iraq War or Western propaganda what has that got to with Chinese Genocide? or are you simply saying Genocide is ok?
off topic

why do you always refer to Iraq War or Western propaganda what has that got to with Chinese Genocide? or are you simply saying Genocide is ok?
If you are afraid of talking about genocide made by the West, then you have no qualification to talk about china. When you are ok with genocide made by Five Eyes, you don't have qualification to talk about anyone else.
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