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Beautiful Chinese Song from the Tamil Movie "7aam Arivu"


Nov 16, 2010
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Please follow the link, The songs Name is "The Rise of Damo" . I am simply in love with this Chinese song. Its Happy to see Indio china People to people contact.

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The trailer

Is it Tamil Film Industries First Fantasy Movie?
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Bodhidharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Check the link between south india and china in ancient times....

In Ancient times Kanchipuram was a very important center of Buddhism before Hinduism revived and completely eliminated the Buddhist influence in the area. The city is one of the most ancient in southern India. It was an important center of learning of the Tamil language as well as of the Sanskrit language. The famous Chinese Buddhist pilgrim, Hsuan Tsang visited this city during his travels in India in seventh century CE. The Pallava Dynasty ruled this city and its surrounding areas extending from Kaveri River in the south to Krishna River in the north from the fourth to the ninth centuries CE. It also served as their capital for some time and many of its temples were originally constructed under the patronage of Pallava rulers. They constructed ramparts and moats around the city to protect it from external invaders. Inside the city they patronized the construction of roads and temples. From their main maritime port of Mamallapuram they had trade relations with the nations of the Far East and Southeast Asia. The Chola Dynasty rulers succeeded them from tenth to thirteenth centuries. From fourteenth to seventeenth centuries the area came under the political control of the great Vijayanagar Dynasty. They were great patrons of literature, arts and temple architecture. The 192 feet high Gopuram, temple tower in the Ekambaranathar Temple and the 100-column Mandapam (Hall) in Varadaraja Perumal Temple still display the sophistication of the architectural techniques of Vijayanagara artists. Robert Clive who played an important role in the founding of East India Company rule in India visited the Varadaraja Perumal Temple and presented an Emerald Necklace that is famous as the “Clive Makarakandi” and still adorns the main deity in the temple on ceremonial occasions.

Bodhidharma was the Buddhist name of the son of a Pallava Dynasty ruler who converted from Hinduism to Buddhism. He is believed to have taken the martial art of Shaolin and the Zen school of thought from Kanchipuram to China and Japan.

Mahendravarman I who ruled Kanchipuram was a very learned scholar, musician, and playright. Yuan Chwang was another Chinese ancient traveler in seventh century CE who mentioned in his chronicles that Kanchipuram was six miles in circumference, the people of the city were brave and pious and they were famous for their love of justice and their veneration of learning. He recorded that Buddha himself had visited this city. The famous Hindu philosopher, Patanjali in second century BCE mentioned this city in his philosophical composition, the Mahabhasya. Manimekalai, the Tamil classic composition and the great Tamil poetic composition Perumpanattu Padai of early Christian era give detailed description of this city. Pathupattu, one of the compositions of the Tamil Sangam period mentions that Thondaiman Ilandirayan ruled the area around this city in circa 500 BCE. The city lost some of its importance during the Mughal and British periods.

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