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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

You have this back to front. A large section of the BD media is in the pocket of RAW so is necessarily distrusted by the military with such sensitive information. How come not as single TV channel or newspaper has reported on the third report on the BDR Mutiny? Probably because it explicitly makes allegations against India and RAW in the killing.

RAW is certainly behind many events, they also control much of the mass media. But, BDR mutiny is not an unilateral operation by RAW, it probably was a multi-lateral operation. We have to find clue inside the AL. We have to understand who are those AL people now without power either in the Party or in the govt. These powerful people were certainly for a civil war to discredit their own Party leader who dared not to share power with them.

This group is still working against their own Party and against their own country. They are doing anything that can destabilize the State power base of AL. RAW or no RAW, BDR Pilkhana was their greatest doing, but finally it did not give them a desired result.

The country was supposed to be sucked into a civil war during Pilkhana and it could have discredited the AL leaders in power. But, it was avoided because of a wise decision, i.e, army was not allowed to intervene at Pilkhana on the very first hour.

However, we people do not see things in its proper perspective, see everything obliquely and describe everything that benefits our own ego rather than answering important questions. Rather than answering questions, we go after character assassination of people whose wrong perception of events and subsequent wrong action could have ruined the country. We should not play with our keyboards.
Okay about Myanmar what's the situation NOW?

I don't want to back seat moderate but can we get back to the topic?
Paratroops/Commandos Special Ops units can do very little if conventional forces are not up to the mark.That said we should have a brigade strength of Paratroops/Commandos.

we have got naval commandos we might utilize them as well.BTW,its dying down isn't it?or what?Warships still patrolling near the St.Martin Island?

Two of our naval ships are patrolling in the south of Saint Martin island and are closely watching Burmese navy/troop movements.
Hi Leon,

After reading your post and having careful thoughts, I have come to acknowledge that Type 054A type would be the best choice as our next Frigate with Turkish armaments in it, what do you say? Two of them would be complemented to the current inventory and those are for sale now. Price, political spectrum, reliable history of delivery and support has led me to think like that. What is your thoughts on that?

Turkish involvement is very much welcome,there are reports that we are going for Type-209 subs and navy crew already sent to Turkey for training.Also another news of Milgem Class corvettes to built in KSY for BN.Now we need more of Turkish involvement,as they will be reliable supplier and have good quality products to offer.
But the question is what missiles Turkey can offer?I mean its indigenous AshMs,SAMs.I don't think it has much to offer on these.

So this puts a question mark on exactly what type of Turkish armaments you want to put on Type-54A.
Its probably armed with Russian 9M317 SAMs (It is reported that this shot down 4 Russian fighters during last years war with Georgia)or Chinese copy HQ-16,C-803 AshM(Hopefully it retains the same lethality like C-802).More technical details about its RADAR, electronic systems,propulsion,countermeasures needs to be evaluated by experts before taking any decision on this.It looks to be on the menu for BN.
I think tenders are already floated for maritime surveillance air crafts.Same process must be followed while buying frigates.

Now let me tell you about my choice,(although it isn't going to have any impact on what we are going to buy).My choice is MEKO 200 TN II-B of Turkish navy.
Apart from it being armed with the likes of Harpoon and Sea Sparrow,the most important part is that 2 of these frigates were built in Gölcük Naval Shipyard of Turkish Navy.The problem is about the availability.We will have to go through Germany to get to them.
Turkish involvement is very much welcome,there are reports that we are going for Type-209 subs and navy crew already sent to Turkey for training.Also another news of Milgem Class corvettes to built in KSY for BN.Now we need more of Turkish involvement,as they will be reliable supplier and have good quality products to offer.
But the question is what missiles Turkey can offer?I mean its indigenous AshMs,SAMs.I don't think it has much to offer on these.

So this puts a question mark on exactly what type of Turkish armaments you want to put on Type-54A.
Its probably armed with Russian 9M317 SAMs (It is reported that this shot down 4 Russian fighters during last years war with Georgia)or Chinese copy HQ-16,C-803 AshM(Hopefully it retains the same lethality like C-802).More technical details about its RADAR, electronic systems,propulsion,countermeasures needs to be evaluated by experts before taking any decision on this.It looks to be on the menu for BN.
I think tenders are already floated for maritime surveillance air crafts.Same process must be followed while buying frigates.

Now let me tell you about my choice,(although it isn't going to have any impact on what we are going to buy).My choice is MEKO 200 TN II-B of Turkish navy.
Apart from it being armed with the likes of Harpoon and Sea Sparrow,the most important part is that 2 of these frigates were built in Gölcük Naval Shipyard of Turkish Navy.The problem is about the availability.We will have to go through Germany to get to them.
The biggest Turkish armament that I advocated with Type 054A was the rekindling of their exploratory, scientific and philosophical venture that led them to become the king of ottoman. Now leaving eloquence aside and coming to the generic term, I meant to say bringing BN under the umbrella of Turkish NAVY through synthetic aperture radar. You can have Chinese armaments in MEKO or NATO's one in 054 but also could make them inter-operable through SAR, Data linking system, software upgrade etc. Imagine the level of force-multipliers it would be with very little cost. Poor nations of ours can't compete with richer states in every occasion for up gradation, so we have to be creative, flexible and persuasive to make our cause listenable to our like-minded. PAK-MIL's efforts to create an axis of PAK-TURK-CHN-UKRN for joint venture was a very good one that covered the entire production/spectrum of military industrial complex. IMO, we need to tap our thoughts in it and be a sincere party to share joy and sorrow in future to save ourselves from Darwinism.
Did you realize that Kargil skirmish took place at 1999?
I stand corrected. We could not have used TES in kargil, must be Israel satellite, if any.

And finally IND used imported Bofors guns against Mujahideen force that came in limelight way before Kargil Saga.
Your point is?

NO WAR - or no appetite for it?

Well, Chinese has sent clear message to Myanmar. And those from south block who using Myanmar as bait will try different tricks for their scheme. All in all its just clam before another episode.

Hope people has seen and learned what we are up against.
I stand corrected. We could not have used TES in kargil, must be Israel satellite, if any.

Your point is?
My point was to kill the glorification of ISROs and to disseminate correct info. Up until today no consensus report was published on how Mujahedeen forces were dislodged but reading from many sources and cross-referencing them, I came to conclude that bombing from high altitude by Mirage-2000 played the initial trick after quite a few failures and then Bofors were brought down to fire at upwards. Simultaneously pressure on Newaz and military-political disconnection also helped Indians to come on the top of that game.
My point was to kill the glorification of ISROs and to disseminate correct info.

I really spent a whole 20 second figuring out, to what points of ours, have you provided the reply to. Then i gave up.

Kill Glorification of ISRO ? ...... Two ways you can do so, either refute achievements by ISRO .. OR .... prove how you have bettered what ISRO has accomplished (by whatever means). This would be fair ground. Go on, sir.
NO more updates on this topic for a week now.
Does that mean the situation is under control and the tension diffused?
Or it means that the media got bored?
.. A war that never was !"

This war apparently was played out more in the minds of posters than on the ground.
The situation is calm now,but as far as I know,there is still presence of troops on both side of the border.

I would like to add that this is not going to end so soon.As the matters of territory and sharing resources come up,we are likely to face more of this type of incidents.
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