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BD-Burma Relations

Wow. Will have to read up more on this to know if this is true. If it is true though, I don't think the international community will allow this. The likes of Iran can take pressure but Burma? No. Their reactors will be taken out.
Ah... thats beautifull. Nukes in the hand of Junta.... Bangladesh and Thailand should joitly should put a naval blockade and search every ship comes from N. Korea. USA should have some presenece in Bay of Bengal. And why not have them a base in St. Martin.
Ah... thats beautifull. Nukes in the hand of Junta.... Bangladesh and Thailand should joitly should put a naval blockade and search every ship comes from N. Korea. USA should have some presenece in Bay of Bengal. And why not have them a base in St. Martin.

That would be a suicide.


International community also want Su kie out of prison,what happened?Nothing.Plus,Burma also has a huge reserve of oil and gas,and will get Chinese backing.
Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense! There's no "international community" any more than there is the "nations-of-the-willing/killing". It all comes down to white power struggle (and locale land/sea demarcation).

Truth is we need to be cautious about stirring up trouble in OUR own backyards. America/Europe has no qualms about causing trouble in poor places. Imagine if "ethnic" and "religous" and "racial" troubles arise in Europe, Oz, NZ, Canada, USA???

Time we accept each other as human beings first and foremost! Mutual respect is the ONLY answer. Time to stop these nasty covert and overt operations intended to stir-up and tear-down societies. Build instead of destroy. Help instead of hurt. Share instead of steal.
Ah... thats beautifull. Nukes in the hand of Junta.... Bangladesh and Thailand should joitly should put a naval blockade and search every ship comes from N. Korea. USA should have some presenece in Bay of Bengal. And why not have them a base in St. Martin.

This so called N. Korean nuke in Myanmar has no base and no proof. Just like WMD story had been concocted to set stage for Iraq war and regime change. Yet some Bangladeshis with blind faith to western media taking these news in confidence.

Since the fag end of the interim govt US had been laying trap for Bangladesh and some in Bangladesh just walked into that trap. Having US naval presence is that trap.

US and China are engaged in much bigger geo strategic game. Myanmar being only direct access to indian ocean for China, US wants to close that access. Besides, China can easily use Myanmar port to bring energy and minerals from mid east and Africa and transport through land and rail. By passing entire route through Malacca straight and part of Pacific. Hence avoiding US pacific fleet.

US DO NOT like this advantage of China and wants to reverse that at any cost. Thats why regime change is in US interest.

That's where disputes with neighbors like Bangladesh and Thailand has been used and escalated.

And in recent months both US and UK ambassadors in Dhaka had asked Bangladesh to take vocal role and interfere in Myanmar internal affairs like demanding release of opposition leaders. And Bangladesh naive ministers including PM falling for these western instigation and prescription without realizing what damage they are doing to our national interest.

And recent move by Awami stooge govt to remove Bangladesh army from CHT region is someway tied to this whole instigation.
This move in one end will fulfill indian wish to orchestrate more subversive and insurgent group and on the other make the whole region insecure against enemy; be that Myanmar or india.

Myanmar on the other hand, irked by current puppet BD govt and gearing up for another confrontation in disputed oil and gas block. This time both Myanmar and China sufficently antagonized by Awami puppet govt has no incentive to heed to any good reasoning.

And to add more fuel to fire in recent times indians are suppling Myanmar with arms and feeding info that Bangladesh has hostile military intention against Myanmar.

Bangladesh disputes with Myanmar could be easily be resolved with Chinese mediation but Awami puppet govt is blowing it out of proportion and walking into trap US has set.
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Myanmar on the other hand, irked by current puppet BD govt and gearing up for another confrontation in disputed oil and gas block. This time both Myanmar and China sufficently antagonized by Awami puppet govt has no incentive to heed to any good reasoning.

And to add more fuel to fire in recent times indians are suppling Myanmar with arms and feeding info that Bangladesh has hostile military intention against Myanmar.

Bangladesh disputes with Myanmar could be easily be resolved with Chinese mediation but Awami puppet govt is blowing it out of propostion and walking into trap US has set.

Alhamdulilah,after 13 pages of writing and fighting you finally got what I tried to mention in this thread.So finally you are speaking the right words.:cheesy:
Jako where are your rosogollas?:lol:

No one is jumping with the news.We are still trying to find whether it is authentic or not.So posting more materials regarding this would be useful.
Alhamdulilah,after 13 pages of writing and fighting you finally got what I tried to mention in this thread.So finally you are speaking the right words.:cheesy:
Jako where are your rosogollas?:lol:

No one is jumping with the news.We are still trying to find whether it is authentic or not.So posting more materials regarding this would be useful.

Nothing that I said now is different from what I said before.

After pages of information, you still do not get it. I guss education from across the border left its mark vivid and clear.

There is dispute which can be resolved with friendly mediation.
And then there is instigation for confrontation (using those disputes) which awami stooge govt walking into and so are you by being a TOOL and promoting that western instigated confrontation.
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This so called N. Korean nuke in Myanmar has no base and no proof. Just like WMD story had been concocted to set stage for Iraq war and regime change. Yet some Bangladeshis with blind faith to western media taking these news in confidence.

Since the fag end of the interim govt US had been laying trap for Bangladesh and some in Bangladesh just walked into that trap. Having US naval presence is that trap.

US and China are engaged in much bigger geo strategic game. Myanmar being only direct access to indian ocean for China, US wants to close that access. Besides, China can easily use Myanmar port to bring energy and minerals from mid east and Africa and transport through land and rail. By passing entire route through Malacca straight and part of Pacific. Hence avoiding US pacific fleet.

US DO NOT like this advantage of China and wants to reverse that at any cost. Thats why regime change is in US interest.

That's where disputes with neighbors like Bangladesh and Thailand has been used and escalated.

And in recent months both US and UK ambassadors in Dhaka had asked Bangladesh to take vocal role and interfere in Myanmar internal affairs like demanding release of opposition leaders. And Bangladesh naive ministers including PM falling for these western instigation and prescription without realizing what damage they are doing to our national interest.

And recent move by Awami stooge govt to remove Bangladesh army from CHT region is someway tied to this whole instigation.
This move in one end will fulfill indian wish to orchestrate more subversive and insurgent group and on the other make the whole region insecure against enemy; be that Myanmar or india.

Myanmar on the other hand, irked by current puppet BD govt and gearing up for another confrontation in disputed oil and gas block. This time both Myanmar and China sufficently antagonized by Awami puppet govt has no incentive to heed to any good reasoning.

And to add more fuel to fire in recent times indians are suppling Myanmar with arms and feeding info that Bangladesh has hostile military intention against Myanmar.

Bangladesh disputes with Myanmar could be easily be resolved with Chinese mediation but Awami puppet govt is blowing it out of proportion and walking into trap US has set.

Thank you, you summed it up PERFECTLY! That's why open forums like def.pk is so effective - we educate each other. Myanmar is really a beautiful country, nice people - EVEN BETTER than some "western" ones. :) :agree:
Nothing that I said now is different from what I said before.

You still do not get it.

There is dispute which can be resolved with friendly mediation.
And then there is instigation for confrontation (using those disputes) which awami stooge govt walking into and so are you by being a TOOL and promoting that western instigated confrontation.

I can clearly show you that you did not even think of another confrontation with Myanmar nor India supplying arms to Burma,had i not posted here.I proved you wrong in another thread before and I can certainly do it again.

But you being an ignorant and arrogant,will always try to keep your version on top,be it by taking 180 degree turn,twisting and blaming other members or any other cheap step.

The only reason I don't put you on my ignore list is because you really make my day with those childish words(stooge,tool etc).:lol::rofl:

Keep blabbering.:blah:
Nothing that I said now is different from what I said before.

You still do not get it.

There is dispute which can be resolved with friendly mediation.
And then there is instigation for confrontation (using those disputes) which awami stooge govt walking into and so are you by being a TOOL and promoting that western instigated confrontation.

You are correct! Is there really border or sea disputes with BD and Thailand? NO. Constant attempts at 'regime change' by *ahem*.... you know whom....

Time I say we do "reverse regime change" in *ahem* regimes..... :agree: Two can play at this game!
You are correct! Is there really border or sea disputes with BD and Thailand? NO. Constant attempts at 'regime change' by *ahem*.... you know whom....

Time I say we do "reverse regime change" in *ahem* regimes..... :agree: Two can play at this game!

Chinese steps in these broader geo strategic games had been slow and kind of hands off approach. I do see China had made quite a bit progress in regions (South and Central America, Africa, South-East) but its China's own neighborhood in immidiate south needs more attention.
You are correct! Is there really border or sea disputes with BD and Thailand? NO. Constant attempts at 'regime change' by *ahem*.... you know whom....

Time I say we do "reverse regime change" in *ahem* regimes..... :agree: Two can play at this game!

BD and Thailand do not even share a border.
BD and Thailand do not even share a border.

I'm referring to Myanmar's borders with BD and Thailand. :cheers: Besides, my personal interaction with people in SE Asia and South Asia is that there's really not much animosity -- all boils down to a few border disputes if anything at all. :)
After pages of information, you still do not get it. I guss education from across the border left its mark vivid and clear.

If two years of school education in India can leave a mark,then in your case years of staying in US certainly made you a two faced serpent,always twisting.Uncle Sam is best at that isn't it?

Evidence is there for anyone who followed the thread completely.And BTW why should I even bother discussing with people like you?
When people like Mr.Munshi clearly understand we should be aware of our enemies no matter how small the threat is and we should work to neutralise the threat.There is no point in arguing with your type.

I think its time to end all this bickering amongst ourselves. We are all agreed the main threat is India so we can make room for other minor threats like Myanmar. Whether we use the Indian or Myanmar threat as justification we should improve our military capabilities. If we start a military build-up on the basis of a Myanmar threat but India attacks we would still be well prepared. Let us all shake hands and agree that threats to Bangladesh exist and that we must raise our military might to counter it. Whether we fight a war with India or Myanmar our military procurement will be based on items such as anti-tank weapons, SAMS, naval defences and anti-aircraft guns. Once we have our defensive capabilities in place we can go for the big ticket armaments like jets, bombers and tanks. It does not matter whether we are preparing for an Indian attack or an assault from Myanmar provided we are militarily prepared. We should not be wasting time arguing who is the greater threat but should be prepared for any threat.

I always said diplomacy would be the first choice but military should be kept ready at the same time..But with Dipu Moni as FM,we all can deduce that diplomatic efforts will be disaster.Result would be that we lose large territory and natural resources.
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