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BD-Burma Relations

Burmese threats were insignificant, recently emerged by Indian instigation. .

And which threats are we talking about here? . Mind you, you are alleging India instigating this perceived threats with Burma.

If you want to discuss, be specific. Else , you are just talking to please yourself, and not debating.
Burmese threats were insignificant, recently emerged by Indian instigation. .

And which threats are we talking about here? . Mind you, you are alleging India instigating this perceived threats with Burma.

If you want to discuss, be specific. Else , you are just talking to please yourself, and not debating.
Good article or Bullock? It was nothing but blowing thing out of proportion. And the author didn’t have far sight to see Burmese threats were insignificant, recently emerged by Indian instigation. BTW why are we even discussing a war scenario with Burma over here? Leon, can you now see why I have objected opening a thread of this nature? Brother, there is a saying in BD; Satan creates war among two neighbors through the plantation of greed. Aren’t we fool enough to be divided among our friends and well-wishers? Let's stop the discussion of Burmese threat and neutralize both of our miss- understanding through sincere dialogue, work etc.

Strategic objectives of Bangladesh

1. To resolve any dispute through dialogue and avoid the possibility of a military confrontation.

Brother,the author also gives first priority to solve the crisis through diplomacy first.Then if diplomacy fails,we can always keep our armed forces ready.This part I agree with the author of the article.

As Mr.Munshi said we must be conscious of our threats no matter what the magnitude of the threat is.We should use these issues to build a stronger military,which ultimately fulfils the Goal of a strong deterrent against Indian aggressive policies.

Yes you are right that we should try to make them friends.But right now,they are neither our friend nor our enemy,they have a stance which is complicated to understand.So they cannot be trusted either.

Now with AL govt. in power,do you think it is possible to achieve Friendship with Myanmar,because that involves China in the equation.
Burmese threats were insignificant, recently emerged by Indian instigation. .

And which threats are we talking about here? . Mind you, you are alleging India instigating this perceived threats with Burma.

If you want to discuss, be specific. Else , you are just talking to please yourself, and not debating.
That would probably be a good start but from the previous track record, I could guarantee that IND would vehemently try to spoil our party. See, BD is a $10 B's market for IND and every passing year it would be increasing. Do you think greedy, Banya, expansionist- IND, would ever allow it to let go out of its hand? By thinking all over the horizons and researching historic trends, pattern and occurrences I've come out to conclude that militarily powerful nation rule/would rule the world. Everything else is subordinate, by-product of it. That's why I've been promoting a NATO-type combined force of Muslims. Imagine how big of leverage like a career group or a build up of US-PA like force of Muslims in Bay-of-Bangle would bring for BD before doing any business with Burmese? We could have negotiated with them from strength unlike our current position. So, that should be the ideal way to look forward IMHO.

Wallahi bhai. Straight out from shark mouth. Bd with its limited land mass and resources will never match the military strength against kuffar enemy however we can always form union with our pak brother and of course indirect alliance with china. Pak will be more than happy to help us to control the bay of bengal and regain Islamic power in south asia once more. We can joint venture in military arsenal as well as economic front as we already have stable business communities with heavy potential in both nations thus not doing anything about it would be pure stupidity and ignorance. I think this is the only one way we can break the venom teeth of kuffar enemy. :coffee:

Not to forget Nuke......:smokin:

Two bros is always stronger than one..... :cool: :cheers:
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hatred leeds nowhere but to demise...:(

You have very little knowledge about indian bully, brutality and hegemonic agenda in the region. So your moral advise should directed where its belong rather than preaching the victims here.
Burma may test atomic bomb in a few years​

August 2nd, 2009

Melbourne, Aug. 1: As world concerns remain focused on the clandestine nuclear programme of North Korea and Iran, reports are filtering in of Burma’s isolated military junta may be just a few years from testing its first atomic bomb.
The key far-eastern nation is building a secret nuclear reactor and plutonium extraction facilities with North Korea’s help, Sydney Morning Herald has reported citing two key junta defectors.
The Burmese military has sited the reactor in mountain caves inter-linked by deep tunnels at Naung Laing in Northern part of the country, apparently to camouflage it from detection by satellites.
The secret complex, the paper said, runs parallel to a civilian reactor being built at another site by Russia that both the Moscow and Rangoon authorities say will be put under international safeguards.
The revelations by the Australian daily come as US naval warships recently shadowed a North Korean commercial vessel bound for Burma, suspecting it to be carrying contraband nuclear and missile components. However, the ship was not intercepted.
China and other Asian nations had helped persuade Burma to turn back the North Korean freighter, the Nam Kam 1.
A month back the Japanese police arrested a North Korean and two of its own nationals allegedly trying to export illegally to Burma magnetic measuring device that could be used to develop missiles.
The Herald identified the two defectors as an officer with a Burmese Army’s secret nuclear battalion and the other a former executive and leading regime business partner, Htoo Trading, who handled nuclear contracts with Russia and North Korea.
It said the defectors were extensively interviewed separately over the past two years by Australian strategic experts and a Thai-based Australian journalist. The defectors testimony brings into sharp focus, hints and sightings emerging recently of North Korean delegations visiting Myanmar, the paper said.

Silobreaker: Burma may test atomic bomb in a few years

there you go,another neighbor of ours is getting Nukes.Wow,I really feel safe:rolleyes:
so, one more nuclear power country in the list. USA must be worried of Nuclear Power all over the Asia.
Although news is there all where but no one is sure about the authentication. So its de facto
is the source authentic?I hope its not.

Well I found this on a bengali daily today too,amader somoy.This is all over in Indian media.So let's wait and see if it is another false media report from India or a true one.I will look for other media.

If its true,we are in trouble mate.I hope its false.
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I found another source.I guess the news is true.

Report reveals Burma's 2014 nukes target

Published: 2/08/2009 at 12:00 AM
Newspaper section: News
Burma is building a secret nuclear reactor and plutonium facilities with the help of North Korea and aims to have a nuclear bomb in five years, according to a two-year investigative report.

The investigation, conducted by regional security expert Dr Desmond Ball and Mae Sot-based journalist Phil Thornton, is based on radio intercepts and interviews with two defectors close to the clandestine operation codenamed ''The UF6'' project.

One of the defectors, identified as ''Moe Jo'', was a former military officer sent to Russia as part of Burma's ''nuclear battalion'' programme to train 1,000 people. The other, ''Tin Min'', worked as a bookkeeper for a businessman close to the junta.

According to the report, published in full in today's edition of Spectrum, Burma has 10 uranium mines, two uranium refineries and two nuclear reactor sites.

The Myaing civil reactor site is located in Magwe in the lower central part of the country. The second ''secret'', or military, site was built inside the smallest of three mountains by North Koreans at Naung Laing and houses a 10-megawatt light-water research reactor. Tin Min said Burma's rationale for having a nuclear programme was nonsense.

''They say it's to produce medical isotopes for health purposes in hospitals. How many hospitals in Burma have nuclear science? Burma can barely get electricity up and running. It's nonsense,'' he said.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently voiced concerns North Korea was transferring weapons and nuclear technology to Burma.

Uranium deposits from the mines have been sent to Russia and Iran for evaluation and both processing plants are close to the Irrawaddy River, one near the Tha Pa Na Military Science and Technology Development Centre and the other near the Thabike Kyin township.

Access to the river allows the regime to use barges to transport the heavy ore rather than rely on inadequate roads.

Tin Min claims that a businessman, Tay Za, a close associate of Burmese leader General Than Shwe, told him the regime had nuclear dreams and was serious about the programme. ''They're aware they cannot compete with Thailand with conventional weapons. They want to play nuclear poker like North Korea. They hope to combine nuclear and air defence missiles,'' he said.

Thitinan Pongsudhirak, the head of the Institute of Security and International Studies, said while the evidence was preliminary and needed to be justified it is ''something that would completely change the regional security status quo''.

''It would move Burma from not just being a pariah state, but a rogue state, one that jeopardises the security and wellbeing of its neighbours,'' he said.

While Burma has key parts of the nuclear fuel cycle in place, it needs a plutonium processing plant to produce enough weapons-grade Plutonium-239 to produce a bomb.

Moe Jo said Russian experts were already ''teaching plutonium reprocessing'' at the site.

Bangkok Post : Report reveals Burma's 2014 nukes target
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