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your dear Government .. and almost all political leaders .. who think if they go against TTP their life will be in danger .

Please sir this is absurd, do you think if army knew where the scum is hiding they will not go after them and seek permission from gov ? We regularly go ttpig hunting

Peace talks or not, until something materialises our Javans are in state of war and fighting TTP.
SO by this logic if a Murder hasn't committed Murder before .. it is ok to him go due to his past record ?

The statement that " This is not our War " is nothing more then a Political stunt , it was Never our war , but Right now it is our war more then it is of USA , When you fall in hole you dont wonder that it was wrong for us to walk this path , you first get yourself out of that hole & then decide whose fault it was .

Our Army is paying the price of cowardnes of politicians ,. TTP have said recently they dont want peace talks .. they Why is IK & NS still stuck on the same limbo ..
No Sir the thing which started your problem the same thing would never solve this and if you think Army operations will solve the problem no Sir it won't even if you enter NW and in the process if accidentally hurt Afghan Taliban it was and never will be our war it is only USA and kufr war against Muslims and we became their tool our Army is paying the price of decisions of their former chief musharraf and if want Afghan Taliban to be with us so better we not enter NW other wise we are doomed for next 100 years @Leader Operation is certain death these operations started the problem they will never solve it @Zarrar Alvi
Rest in peace our soldiers .. Shame on those who wants to talk with these extremists , fckkkk Talibans
No Sir the thing which started your problem the same thing would never solve this and if you think Army operations will solve the problem no Sir it won't even if you enter NW and in the process if accidentally hurt Afghan Taliban it was and never will be our war it is only USA and kufr war against Muslims and we became their tool our Army is paying the price of decisions of their former chief musharraf and if want Afghan Taliban to be with us so better we not enter NW other wise we are doomed for next 100 years @Leader Operation is certain death these operations started the problem they will never solve it @Zarrar Alvi

Yes but it is ok to Beg TTP to have peace talks when they say we just want to kill you & are not interested in the peace talks ,.

Please sir this is absurd, do you think if army knew where the scum is hiding they will not go after them and seek permission from gov ? We regularly go ttpig hunting

Peace talks or not, until something materialises our Javans are in state of war and fighting TTP.

It has been 2 years since Army is Seeking permission for Operation .. guess how is that coming .
Tell that to IK , who still lives in dream world where you can make Friends with Savage Animals .
What IK wants should not affect gov / army's policy to peruse TTP, decision making is in the hand of our PM and Generals.
Tell that to IK , who still lives in dream world where you can make Friends with Savage Animals .

Yes, Its Imran Khan's fault too :lol:

What IK wants should not affect gov / army's policy to peruse TTP, decision making is in the hand of our PM and Generals.

Not even with Premier, it lies with the billionaire General Raheel Shairf.
No Sir the thing which started your problem the same thing would never solve this and if you think Army operations will solve the problem no Sir it won't even if you enter NW and in the process if accidentally hurt Afghan Taliban it was and never will be our war it is only USA and kufr war against Muslims and we became their tool our Army is paying the price of decisions of their former chief musharraf and if want Afghan Taliban to be with us so better we not enter NW other wise we are doomed for next 100 years @Leader Operation is certain death these operations started the problem they will never solve it @Zarrar Alvi
what abt a targeted operations against the TTP no all out attack .. in my opinion operation is must against TTP .
What IK wants should not affect gov / army's policy to peruse TTP, decision making is in the hand of our PM and Generals.

Actually it does effect , No Army goes to war without the support of its people . Ik represents 2nd most popular Party of Pakistan , he Rules One Province the most effected by TTP . so lets put the blame where it belongs ..
Yes but it is ok to Beg TTP to have peace talks when they say we just want to kill you & are not interested in the peace talks ,.

It has been 2 years since Army is Seeking permission for Operation .. guess how is that coming .
Who are they seeking permission from, the COAS?
Yes, Its Imran Khan's fault too :lol:

No No .. it must be Obama in IK's head telling him we need to have talks with TTP .. or may be it is the new COAS who is controlling Ik through invisible strings .. or may be it is Santa .
Actually it does effect , No Army goes to war without the support of its people . Ik represents 2nd most popular Party of Pakistan , he Rules One Province the most effected by TTP . so lets put the blame where it belongs ..
IK's party took charge 7 months ago, what have we been doing before that?
Peace talks or not, until something materialises our Javans are in state of war and fighting TTP.

That is the problem , javans and officers are dying fighting the TTP out there
And we are discussing who is a martyr and who is not !!
Our politicians are clueless , literally begging for peace talks with terrorists
Our media is busy maligning our own army , they have already surrendered to TTP
and then we have bigots like @Zarvan among us who openly support TTP
Morale of army is declining
That is not how wars are fought
We have lost without fighting !!
IK's party took charge 7 months ago, what have we been doing before that?

I am sure IK & PTi existed before the General elections . may be I am wrong .. it is just a guess .

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