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Bannon and Guo team up

Running dog.

Just read the comments. :rofl:


Stephen K. Bannon, the former strategist to President Trump, and Guo Wengui, who is wanted in China, have teamed up.

Comments 144
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Ellen Valle commented 15 minutes ago
Ellen Valle
Finland14m ago
Well, at least Bannon won't be stirring up trouble in rightwing populist circles here in Europe any more. Good riddance. In a country the size of China, he won't be able to do much harm,or even attract much attention. He'll be a buzzing mosquito; not the plasmodium-bearing malarial type, just the ordinary, irritating but harmless summer nuisance.


Wilbray Thiffault commented 1 hour ago
Wilbray Thiffault
Ottawa. Canada1h ago
If Mr. Bannon wants to study a corrupt political party who has no respect for democracy, he could of course go to China. But he could also go to Washington study the Trump Administration for corruption and go to Wisconsin and Michigan for no respect of democracy. The name of that party: Republican Party.

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jim mcgurk commented 2 hours ago
jim mcgurk
329522h ago
Such a joke, the American Businessmen in the 50's started outsourcing America to China, India and the rest of the low paid employees in those countries. Why, well, just to get rid of the Unions. Ask why Westinghouse int he 50's moved parts of their plant from Pennsylvania to Tampa. Well, the wages were 1/2 of what Westinghouse paid in Penn, and the biggie, no Unions. Think I'm wrong youngin's/ I'm 84 and remember all of it.

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Molly O'Neal commented 2 hours ago
Molly O'Neal
Washington, DC2h ago
A sound and easy way to make the right decisions in foreign policy and in life in general is to see what Bannon favors and do the opposite. He is Leninist in his desire to explore all order and burn everything down. He's working on Europe now and seemingly China having done his worst in the UK and US.


sues commented 2 hours ago
elmira,ny2h ago
I did not realize private US citizens could conduct their own foreign policy. "bringing about the demise of the Chinese Communist Party" seems like it should be the sole business of our elected government. He was the POTUS chief strategist, I wonder what state secrets he is spilling, and to who.

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Steve Snow commented 3 hours ago
Steve Snow
Johns creek, Georgia3h ago
Tell Bannon that he’s studying corruption about 12,000 miles too far to the east! Come to think about it, it’s pretty rich, this Goldman Sachs guy studying corruption at all... he was wallowing in it for 30 years..

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Yuri Asian commented 3 hours ago
Yuri Asian
Bay Area3h ago
I hope the Chinese Communist Party along with some American billionaire put up a $100 million fund to fight political corruption in the US. We could sure use it. If Bannon wants to go all mercenary on China, he should do it as a citizen of some other country. I really don't want the US government coming to his defense when he's indicted in Beijing for violating Chinese laws against foreign interference in Chinese politics just like our laws against foreign influence that Putin violated last election. The popular view among Chinese is that the US Government is the enforcer that works for American capitalists/corporations seeking to monopolize global markets and dominate global commerce. Bannon just confirmed that.

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Rich commented 4 hours ago
Boston4h ago
They could start with Google, who has reversed course in China by agreeing to provide China with a search engine that will enable the Chinese govt to monitor the searches of Chinese people - something Google specifically refused to do 10 years ago. Dispicable that a US company would provide this surveillance service to a communist dictatorship all in the name of profit. I haven’t used Google since learning about this move and neither should any other person who believes in freedom. BAN GOOGLE

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Bos commented 4 hours ago
Boston4h ago
Guo is hoping Bannon could protect him


Bill Catt commented 6 hours ago
Bill Catt
Blom Cty6h ago
The irony of Bannon now consulting on foreign politics when Paul Manafort has just been convicted of multiple crimes related to his 'political consulting' abroad is breathtaking. Like Manafort, Bannon achieved pariah status here at home, having been excommunicated from polite society by none other than Bob Mercer himself. Manafort's only option to ply his trade was to sell it to dictators and authoritarians seeking to consolidate their political power. Like Mr. Guo, Manafort's clients in Central Asia and Former USSR shared one essential characteristic: they were filthy rich. Billionaires are not populist leaders, and Steve Bannon is fooling no one -- he needs money to promote his agenda, even if he is not 'taking' a salary.

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Leigh commented 6 hours ago
Qc6h ago
What kind of a 'populist', whatever his supposed ideals, finds common cause with one creepy billionaire after another? Answer: No kind of populist at all. Bannon needs to find a more credible raison d'etre for his activism, but the truth that he sells out to the highest bidder every time doesn't satisfy his enormous ego - or his greed-head bottom line.

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Wilbray Thiffault commented 1 hour ago
Wilbray Thiffault
Ottawa. Canada1h ago
@Leigh; In Toronto there was a debate organized by the Munk Society between David Frum and Steve Bannon. The most interesting line of Bannon was the following one: "I want capitalism to strive." This is his raison d'être. After all he is a millionnaire.


Wolfgang Price commented 6 hours ago
Wolfgang Price
Vienna6h ago
Whatever crimes Mr. Guo is guilty of remains to be determined. The US is loose in who is selected for safe haven. Mr. Guo is welcomed. Some fleeing refugee family from dictators on the US south flank is extradited. Mr. Guo is among some dozen flamboyant billionaires in the US who rely on their fortunes for celebrity attention. (Mr. Soros is another such figure though he is a bit more choosy on his companions. And the Koch brothers are simply ignoble and act furtively in the political arena.) It is Mr. Bannon and his native narcissism that is insidious. Whatever the domestic course of the US in the 21st century its effects stem from a folk that has been blind-sighted by high living consumer excesses. It is not the Chinese student that is a threat to the US. It is the reports from the NIH and CDC on the diverse illness of American's from habits of excessive and harmful consumption. Mental illness and obesity are rampant (just look at the figure of Mr. Bannon). Whatever the fate for the US in the decades ahead, it is less likely from abroad than from the likes of Mr. Bannon and his billionaire associates who do little to instill a virtuous national agenda for an economy that is sustained by excess life style and xenophobia.

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以前看过郭文贵的视频,这就是一个傻逼,而且评论里还有人称他是大英雄 我艹,真是多么傻逼的人就有更傻逼的粉丝。那些傻逼粉丝 应该都是TM的轮子。
至于班农和他凑一块 我只想说 : 鱼找鱼 虾找虾 乌龟找王八 什么人找什么人!!!!
The guo guy is not yet caught, China should just hire some Russian hitman to assasinate the criminal.
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