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Bangladesh's new submarine base, built with Chinese help, should alarm India


The ship in the background cost more than the entire naval defense budget of bangladesh. :enjoy:
look at this @Homo Sapiens
Its a diplomatic pressure tactic, gives us leeway to supply weapons to Burma.

Myanmar doesn't seem happy with getting Indian subs in 2020, so much so that 035 is introduced in 2021
Are you worried about the cost or jealous we can afford it?

Is pakistan not currently pleading the IMF with its begging bowl out for $1.5b?

Transition from martial race to global joke must hurt?
its seems your rear end is still burning . jealous of what two stone age submarines ?:rofl:
we parked such submarines in museums
what about your begging bowl of bailout from IMF did they throw you bone or not yet ?????????

wanna see ?


The ship in the background cost more than the entire naval defense budget of bangladesh. :enjoy:

Yes but will be manned by the IN.... so whats to worry about....sooner or later it will crash into the carrier or vise versa....

No pics of any subs or was flap left open again?

its seems your rear end is still burning . jealous of what two stone age submarines ?:rofl:
we parked such submarines in museums
what about your begging bowl of bailout from IMF did they throw you bone or not yet ????????? :rofl:
wanna see ?


Yes such a begging bowl that it was granted as soon as asked.....

You on the other hand..... how many months has it been?
Are you worried about the cost or jealous we can afford it?

Is pakistan not currently pleading the IMF with its begging bowl out for $1.5b?

Transition from martial race to global joke must hurt?
Stay in your lane, y'all ain't any better. Statistics and ground reality aren't always identical. Anyone who visits Bangladesh tells it's a shithole.

Atleast Pakistanis here acknowledge we are in a bad state, Bengalis acting like big men but in reality are a shit stain on Indian boots. Small Man syndrome.
Yes but will be manned by the IN.... so whats to worry about....sooner or later it will crash into the carrier or vise versa....

No pics of any subs or was flap left open again?

Yes such a begging bowl that it was granted as soon as asked.....

You on the other hand..... how many months has it been?
begging for bailout from IMF and still barking like dog to others only bengalis can do it. even this beggeging bailouts are not enough to bhikari bengalis

bhai seriously india care two 33 years old outdated submarines ? they just make a point . these submarines are more dangerous for crew work in them then india .
Bhai these old Ming subs were brought as training subs, everyone knows it . But this implies Bangladesh will acquire more Chinese subs in future as the crew gets familiarized with Chinese platform. This means more Chinese Naval presence and joint training exercises and even occasional berthing of Chinese subs in Bay of Bengal. That is exactly what they are worried about.

But my point is, they shouldn't cry stoking China bogeyman fear in their neighborhood, when they themselves are actively making strategic deals within their neighborhood playing moves against one neighbor for another to counter it. India is one of the top arms exporter to Myanmar army who is actively killing Rohingya Muslims and a threat to Bangladesh and putting economic burden of hosting over a million refugees. You don't see Bangladesh complaining about Indian military support to Myanmar's genocidal military in the media. India needs to man up and stop crying to the world and stop portraying themselves as the good guys.

Stay in your lane, y'all ain't any better. Statistics and ground reality aren't always identical. Anyone who visits Bangladesh tells it's a shithole.

Atleast Pakistanis here acknowledge we are in a bad state, Bengalis acting like big men but in reality are a shit stain on Indian boots. Small Man syndrome.
they have no shame at all sir

begging saudi oil and barkign us here on PDF

Bhai these old Ming subs were brought as training subs, everyone knows it . But this implies Bangladesh will acquire more Chinese subs in future as the crew gets familiarized with Chinese platform. This means more Chinese Naval presence and joint training exercises and even occasional berthing of Chinese subs in Bay of Bengal. That is exactly what they are worried about.

But my point is, they shouldn't cry stoking China bogeyman fear in their neighborhood, when they themselves are actively making strategic deals within their neighborhood playing moves against one neighbor for another to counter it. India is one of the top arms exporter to Myanmar army who is actively killing Rohingya Muslims and a threat to Bangladesh and putting economic burden of hosting over a million refugees. You don't see Bangladesh complaining about Indian military support to Myanmar's genocidal military in the media. India needs to man up and stop crying to the world and stop portraying themselves as the good guys.

Yes it makes sense now they will train crew on these subs in shallow waters .for future submarines force .
India is one of the top arms exporter to Myanmar army who is actively killing Rohingya Muslims and a threat to Bangladesh and putting economic burden of hosting over a million refugees. You don't see Bangladesh complaining about Indian military support to Myanmar's genocidal military in the media. India needs to man up and stop crying to the world and stop portraying themselves as the good guys.
Bangladesh should not allow India to play Myanmar against Bangladesh. Our problem with Myanmar is much smaller than India. It is just about 1.2 million Rohingyas. We need to reach a solution with Myanmar about these people, if needed we should absorb few hundred thousands, Myanmar may be willing to take back a few hundred thousands and the rest should be distributed among other willing countries. Bangladesh and Myanmar should not be adversary just for the sake of 1.2 million people. We are accommodating 170 million, it does not matter if it increase by another few hundred thousand. Most important thing is, we should not quarrel about this small and manageable problem.
Bangladesh should not allow India to play Myanmar against Bangladesh. Our problem with Myanmar is much smaller than India. It is just about 1.2 million Rohingyas. We need to reach a solution with Myanmar about these people, if needed we should absorb few hundred thousands, Myanmar may be willing to take back a few hundred thousands and the rest should be distributed among other willing countries. Bangladesh and Myanmar should not be adversary just for the sake of 1.2 million people. We are accommodating 170 million, it does not matter if it increase by another few hundred thousand. Most important thing is, we should not quarrel about this small and manageable problem.

We didn't start the problem, they did by mercilessly killing Rohingya Muslims and forcing them on our lands. And now they are not cooperating enough to accept these people back in their country.

1.2 million refugees is a big problem, because the amount of money that is being used to look after them and the opportunity cost associated with it. It's not like these people are free to roam and work and add to Bangladeshi economy. You have the cost of providing relief, shelter and security. And that is a huge drain on our economy. Not to mention the impact this is having on local crime environment. Chittagongians had been fed up with Rohingya refugees since the 90s, during the prior waves of refugees influx. And rightfully so, as these refugees often do get involved in criminal activities in the camps. The longer we take to resolve the issue with Myanmar, the harder it will be to repatriate these people back. This is what the Burmese are counting on hence they are stalling.
they have no shame at all sir

begging saudi oil and barkign us here on PDF

Yes it makes sense now they will train crew on these subs in shallow waters .for future submarines force .
at least we r going to pay for that unlike u ....😂😂
at least we r going to pay for that unlike u ....😂😂
Lolllzzz and pakistan get free billions of dollars weapons lolllz right? Pakistan have defence bidget of navy more then enough that they buy shipf from everywhere EU turkey china same time.
Lolllzzz and pakistan get free billions of dollars weapons lolllz right? Pakistan have defence bidget of navy more then enough that they buy shipf from everywhere EU turkey china same time.
billion dollars of weapons budget of borrowing money!! borrow money from Saudis, pay them by borrowing Chinese money...Pakisthan should be crowned a Nobel prize in economics!!
billion dollars of weapons budget of borrowing money!! borrow money from Saudis, pay them by borrowing Chinese money...Pakisthan should be crowned a Nobel prize in economics!!
you are pure stupid no one can do it with borrowed money . can you buy weapons from borrowing money of IMF late IMF bailout package to BD ????????? :D Pakistans federal budget is 60bn$ for hell sake leave alone provincial budgets .

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