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Bangladeshi Youth

plenty of bangla medium students also do yaba. English medium has nothing to do with yaba. stop generalizing and making yourself look ignorant.
strange! This thread started by someone who can't read bangla! No offence bro.....but change yourself first...
strange! This thread started by someone who can't read bangla! No offence bro.....but change yourself first...

I can read Bangla but i have difficulty reading bangla. Lot of people in bangladesh cannot read bangla. what has that got to do with bangladeshi culture? my grandmother cannot read.
No offence to anyone, but I find all ''save the culture'' calls a bit paranoid. What is culture, how much has it changed over decades, centuries and millenia? How much it keeps getting influenced by ''foreign factors'' and internal ones, is it a static body that does not change?

For example, most bangladeshi muslims have an affinity for their ''bengali culture'', many pakistanis (and al zakiras) make fun of that saying thats ''unislamic'', thus proudly promoting and bragging about a ''western foreign culture''... no? Yet the very same people also worry about invasion of foreign western culture...- this time the post industrialisation influences from far west...

People always resent change, they oppose it, the older ones do it more aggressively because it scares them more.

Reality is, people live a life the way they do because its their choice. I'm sure there are prostitues out there who are great human beings and priests who molest kids.
Lol had fun watching it.

Culture and 'style' going down the drain for our BD youth.

Umm beleive it or not, this is the culture for most girls in bd. Except they may not use english as much.

Anyway i find nothing vulgar with them, its a over the top parody. It doesnt mean they act like that all the time. Plus they are just kids, they will grow out of it
Fook me if I understood a word of what the girls were saying. Can anyone give a brief summary in English...?

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