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Bangladesh-Myanmar sea limits verdict Wed

^^ Yes it's not a total win. Any person with the slightest common sense would know the judge won't hand out more than you asked for. Sagol Moni is the dumbest FM we ever had. She thought the final delimitation line is the one we originally asked for and the green line is the final delimitation line. :lol:

Other than maps in the document you dont even know what factors were considered to reach those judgements. You do not even know what base point is. You are calling other names? That is how indo-awami thugs behave in street. In your case you are in street of foreign country. Not surprised at all.

No, no one here knows nothing. All hail Idune's knowledge on base points and dalal-domon! You convinced me man! We lost real bad. Awami gaddars at it again! :angry:
No 'govt credit' in sea limit verdict

No 'govt credit' in sea limit verdict | Politics | bdnews24.com

Thu, Mar 15th, 2012 4:49 pm BdST

Dhaka, Mar 15 (bdnews24.com)—Not the government but those at the foreign ministry who worked on the resolution of maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar should be praised, the BNP said on Thursday.

"No doubt those at our foreign ministry who worked for the verdict on the arbitration court did a good job," acting secretary-general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir told reporters at the party's Naya Paltan headquarters.

Bangladesh on Wednesday won the territorial and economic rights surrounding the Saint Martin's island up to 200 nautical miles toward continental shelf in an angle of 215 degrees.

After the International Tribunal for Law of the Seas (ITLOS) at Hamburg, Germany had issued the verdict over the territorial dispute with Myanmar, foreign minister Dipu Moni explained Bangladesh had claimed 107,000 square kilometres but it got 111,000 square kilometers area in the Bay of Bengal.

Asked whether he will greet the government for the victory, he said, "No."

"The government did nothing to be congratulated on. The job is of the foreign ministry."

"Those who were assigned the job to look after the issue did a good job. Praise is due for them," Fakhrul said.


"Certainly we are happy with the verdict," the BNP spokesperson said.

Bangladesh's rights to resources have been secured through the verdict, he said.

"So, It's very good news for us," he added.

We've lost on the Base point 2(bangladesh claim,red arrow) point B (myanmar claim)
originating from the river Naf but have retained point 7,8. This has been
substituted with a point just in the middle of both countries claimed
cordinates . Although the loss in point 2 ( 20° 40’ 00.5” N 92° 21’ 5.2” E )
is quite insignificant compared to the gain in extension line 252° from point 6 (20° 33’ 40.5” N 92° 25’ 49.2” E ).

(Green line Bangladesh, Red Myanmar)


On the part where Idune is trying to portray is the point T3 which is controlled
by β1, β2 and μ3 and which has the coordinates 18° 31’ 12.5’’ N, 89° 53’ 44.9’’ E.
This projection went slightly against our claim because of the large coastline they possess
against ours which is in the ratio 1:1.42 in favour of Myanmar.


Therefore the adjusted extension line of EEZ can be derived as


So all in all we can say the verdict was 70% in our favour but the later(30%) went
to myanmar, so it's not a total win as portrayed by newsportals and Dipu Moni.

**It has to be noted that the first agreed basepoint in 1974 under mujeeb
has been compromised and scraped in the verdict.

The next verdict against India shall be given in 2014 .

This is one of the important posts I have read. From the 1st map it is very clear that Myammar's claim near St. Martin was denied. There are certainly some small insignifant areas which BD lost. Most important is the line that connects points 6, 7 and 8 claimed by BD and was awarded to it. I think, this is the area where the Burmese went to drill for oil and gas in 2008. Now, much of this area will be explored by CAIRN, probably.
This is one of the important posts I have read. From the 1st map it is very clear that Myammar's claim near St. Martin was denied. There are certainly some small insignifant areas which BD lost. Most important is the line that connects points 6, 7 and 8 claimed by BD and was awarded to it. I think, this is the area where the Burmese went to drill for oil and gas in 2008. Now, much of this area will be explored by CAIRN, probably.


This what every Bangladeshi thought and still thinking we are getting, blocks offered in 2008.. Now yo do your math.
I saw the hearing live via stream. this map is the real dea.

WEll i understand and i dont have any problem with the verdict. But problem is with our politicians and bureocrat. Those idiots offered some of the block back in 2008 which are clearly in the Myanmar's EEZ, and the funny thing is those politicians did not even claim those in the ITOLS. If yo knew, those were not your, why did yo even offer those in the first place and invite war?
WEll i understand and i dont have any problem with the verdict. But problem is with our politicians and bureocrat. Those idiots offered some of the block back in 2008 which are clearly in the Myanmar's EEZ, and the funny thing is those politicians did not even claim those in the ITOLS. If yo knew, those were not your, why did yo even offer those in the first place and invite war?

the decisions in this trial went 65% to Bangladesh, it wasnt a land slide victory as dipu moni and the media are claiming. There will be no war, mark my words.
the decisions in this trial went 65% to Bangladesh, it wasnt a land slide victory as dipu moni and the media are claiming. There will be no war, mark my words.

YOu did not get my point.

My point is not about disputed territory. In a disputed territory its natural that yor opponent will win some. But my question is, why BD offered the block in 2008 and earlier which are clearly not falls in disputed area and falls in Myanmar EEZ. Just look at the blocks offered by petrobangla in 2008 for bidding.
YOu did not get my point.

My point is not about disputed territory. In a disputed territory its natural that yor opponent will win some. But my question is, why BD offered the block in 2008 and earlier which are clearly not falls in disputed area and falls in Myanmar EEZ. Just look at the blocks offered by petrobangla in 2008 for bidding.

i have nothing to reply to this except to blame our politicians. our politicians are a bit bad in negotiating or our institutions are vulnerable to bribery. I know for a fact that toufik elahi is a scum, i went to his daughter's wedding and it is impossible for a man to afford such a wedding with such high profile guests on an advicer's salary, man even has a 5 storied building in banani. His daughters used to regularly visit foreign lands flying first class.
After merging both verdict and block image i got the resulst like this.


Well this is the first post which pointed the myth about "win" that has been circulated and cheered. Anyone questioned the "win" was called names and what not. Bangladesh long standing and original claim on EEZ was straight 180 azimuth to south. That is why you can see blocks are going straight to south. But then Bangladesh govt conceded many of these blocks by changing the claim from 180 Azimuth to 215 azimuth (shift towards to left). This shift was made when territorial claim was submitted to ITLOS. This shift never been informed to public or media. As a result even before verdict and because of govt action Bangladesh lost huge chuck of EEZ and exploration block.

Block 18, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 completely lost.
Block 13, 17, 21, 25 mostly lost.
Block 12, 16, 20, 24 partially lost.

See the shift from bold red line to thin red line:

Another big loss was base line. Tribunal pushed baseline claim to all the way to Bangladesh land line. Therefore, Bangladesh lost huge chunk territory from final outer limit of EEZ as base line pushed back.

Only visible win Bangladesh had was territorial water of 12 NM around St. Martin.

I am compiling a comprehensive analysis to see what exactly happened as oppose to Bangladesh original stand and will post later.
Well this is the first post which pointed the myth about "win" that has been circulated and cheered. Anyone questioned the "win" was called names and what not. Bangladesh long standing and original claim on EEZ was straight 180 azimuth to south. That is why you can see blocks are going straight to south. But then Bangladesh govt conceded many of these blocks by changing the claim from 180 Azimuth to 215 azimuth (shift towards to left). This shift was made when territorial claim was submitted to ITLOS. This shift never been informed to public or media. As a result even before verdict and because of govt action Bangladesh lost huge chuck of EEZ and exploration block.

Block 18, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 complete lost.
Block 13, 17, 21, 25 mostly lost.
Block 12, 16, 20, 24 partially lost.

Another big loss was base line. Tribunal pushed baseline claim to all the way to Bangladesh land line. Therefore, Bangladesh lost huge chunk territory from final outer limit of EEZ as base line pushed back.

Only visible win Bangladesh had was territorial water of 12 NM around St. Martin.

I am compiling a comprehensive analysis to see what exactly happened as oppose to Bangladesh original stand and will post later.

I have been shouting this thing in this forum for the past 2 days. The base line was a blow in the balls. But the distance from myanmar to st. martin's and bangladesh to st. martin's is the same, thus the judges did not give Bangladesh that verdict, that is why we lost the baseline. Still a big blow.
WEll i understand and i dont have any problem with the verdict. But problem is with our politicians and bureocrat. Those idiots offered some of the block back in 2008 which are clearly in the Myanmar's EEZ, and the funny thing is those politicians did not even claim those in the ITOLS. If yo knew, those were not your, why did yo even offer those in the first place and invite war?

This is a crucial point and not many shall understand this,
give it a read . The map depicted by petrobangla which
runs down straight always contradicted the actual blocks.

Credits goes to user Continuator.

Bangladesh vs Myanmar : The Maritime Arbitration

I went through six documents from Bangladesh and Myanmar at the ITLOS website to find out how the court cases are proceeding. There are four documents from Bangladesh – Memorial, Reply and two verbatim records of lawyers. There are a couple of documents from Myanmar – a Counter-memorial and a Rejoinder. Apart from the verbatim records, the other four documents are lengthy – so I had no choice but to glance them through and read the introduction, summary and conclusions only.

Before I go in details of how the arguments are made, I would like to mention a couple of important points. The first one is the fact that both Bangladesh and Myanmar has shifted from their traditional points of bargain in order to enhance their chances of winning the arbitration. This makes sense in the context of arbitration but I am skeptic about acceptance of this tactics in domestic politics of these countries – especially in Bangladesh. In case of Myanmar, the traditional line of claim has been the thin blue line, which is at around 243 degree azimuth. The bold line is at approx 230 azimuth, that approximates the new equidistant line claimed by them. Bangladesh’s traditional claim has been close to 180 degree azimuth line – depicted by bold red line, but the claim at the court has been made in favor of an angular bisector at 215 degree. My drawings are not perfect and I could not get any single image showing both claims properly in all those docs. So, the maps are not accurate. Bangladesh even went a step further and acknowledged that their earlier claims were based on 10 fathom territorial water claim in accordance to their 1974 law, but that has not been accepted in 1982 UNCLOS (Page 31-33). Hence, they are shifting from their claims made early.


However a few ramifications from shift of stance are still evident -

1) Even though Bangladesh Govt changed their stance, they never discussed it in public or even in front of media. The Bangladesh media is still publishing articles in favor of 1974 law that wrongly shows the Bangladesh claim to be a vertical line in map. One latest example of such article can be found here. Earlier, I tried to refute claims of another article sometimes back.

2) Even if Bangladesh wins the arbitration, they have to give up claims on significant amount of EEZ as perceived earlier. One of the consequences would be a few gas blocks, as published in maps, may have to be sacrificed. Based on my eye estimation and assuming this map is correct, I believe the blocks 23,27,28 will not exist even after Bangladesh wins the arbitration. Subsequently, Bangladesh may have to amend its laws and/or constitution to reflect it.

3) The dispute became less significant as the area under dispute has gone lower than estimated earlier ( as perceived by Bangladesh media).

Now the second point – South Talpatty Island. This is for the first time (probably) Bangladesh has officially acknowledged that this island does not exist. Sounds bad? It’s actually worse. From the document (page 15, Bangladesh Memorial), it is evident that Bangladesh has this information back in 1989-90, but this island has been mentioned in domestic politics almost a million times in next 20 years. In last 20 years, both BNP and AL Govt did not try to establish the facts in front of common people. The media widely reported the case of disappearance of the same island when a Bengali researcher from Kolkata, Sugata Hazra reported it as a part of his analysis of Global Warming.


The line actually originates from an arc not a straight line from which
a tangent is derived, well unless ofcourse
a claim was made earlier, which I'm still not sure about.

This needs further discussion.

Bay of Bengal « The New Horizon
Bangladesh baseline claim

ITLOS decided basline

Base line loss is huge and impacted heavily on EEZ boundary. From the plain look it seems Bangladesh did not get even original 200 NM EEZ as expected.
Another big loss was base line. Tribunal pushed baseline claim to all the way to Bangladesh land line. Therefore, Bangladesh lost huge chunk territory from final outer limit of EEZ as base line pushed back.

Only visible win Bangladesh had was territorial water of 12 NM around St. Martin.

I am compiling a comprehensive analysis to see what exactly happened as oppose to Bangladesh original stand and will post later.

Well yo are confusing this to continental shelf which is not in tribunals jurisdiction. We still have claim outside EEZ up to 400 NM based on continental shef. EEZ is based on land line as far as i know.

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