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Ban chinese troll accounts opening dozens of useless threads a day.

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MMME isnt a troll tho, he is an enthusiast and a patriot whoms responses are often times simply copy & paste´s, contrary to the chinese "users" he also stays mostly on the topic of defense and warfare and doesnt shift to social causes.
He is also active on youtube and his editing skills certainly indicate that he isnt a troll or bot.

Now dont deflect on ur countrymen they are certainly on a payroll with the quantity of the threads they open and the quality of these threads. Not that I think there will be done smth against it because certain mutual reasons of pakis and chinese but its still interesting to see how ur CCP cyber brigades operate.
He is not because you say so?while everyone can see how hard he praises "Great Erdoğan","Under Erdoğan leadership" literally 24/7

AHAHAHA, you have no idea how to counter, your training is failing you. So you have say "personal matter" and "who is getting trained" :rofl:

this is fun. Lets try it.

9 year (rounded) 8500 posts

944 posts a year
78 posts a month 2.6 posts a day
And in those 9 years, only created like 10 or less new threads.
And all comments on every topic from video games, to vacations, to politics and more.

Compare that to certain Chinese friends who have 24000 comments in the same time and ONLY make pro CHINA.

Also, are you really not understanding that that person with 24000 posts is not you?
Whoever with a Chinese flag is getting trained, somehow I am also getting trained according to, you???which horse are you on?:wave:
He is not because you say so?while everyone can see how hard he praises "Great Erdoğan","Under Erdoğan leadership" literally 24/7

Folks who vote for the AKP are like that lol also in RL, has nothing to do with them being bots or trolls tho. Now dont shift the discussions srsly, im right now laughing my *** off.

How about you first and foremost accepting that ur country employs bots and trolls and read what I wrote before, I accept it as a simple reality that certain nations employ bots and trolls to create certain narratives which suits their national interests and we see that nowadays in a more direct way, also in defencepk and that is interesting to observe.
Folks who vote for the AKP are like that lol also in RL, has nothing to do with them being bots or trolls tho. Now dont shift the discussions srsly, im right now laughing my *** off.

How about you first and foremost accepting that ur country employs bots and trolls and read what I wrote before, I accept it as a simple reality that certain nations employ bots and trolls to create certain narratives which suits their national interests and we see that nowadays in a more direct way, also in defencepk and that is interesting to observe.
since you are quite certain of it, then whatever floats your boat.:wave:
He is not because you say so?while everyone can see how hard he praises "Great Erdoğan","Under Erdoğan leadership" literally 24/7

Whoever with a Chinese flag is getting trained, somehow I am also getting trained according to, you???which horse are you on?:wave:

You seem to want to hit ALL the fallicies

"A false dilemma (or sometimes called false dichotomy) is a type of informal fallacy, more specifically one of the correlative-based fallacies, in which a statement falsely claims an "either/or" situation, when in fact there is at least one additional logically valid option.[1]"

I have a 3rd option for you
- Some people, who are making 10s of thousands of "pro" posts on one and only one topic are obvious paid trolls.

And I am sorry if I cost you job. I know times are tough with the virus and all. :wave:
If there's any action, it must apply across the the whole board. Yes, I mean anti-China, anti-Pakistan propagandists too.

Agree with this, spamming to advance any agenda should be prohibited. But I don't support OP's proposal to kick off a racially-motivated witch hunt and selectively enforce spam rules against a specific race. Shouldn't PDF be a racially tolerant forum that welcomes a lot of different perspectives?
You seem to want to hit ALL the fallicies

"A false dilemma (or sometimes called false dichotomy) is a type of informal fallacy, more specifically one of the correlative-based fallacies, in which a statement falsely claims an "either/or" situation, when in fact there is at least one additional logically valid option.[1]"

I have a 3rd option for you
- Some people, who are making 10s of thousands of "pro" posts on one and only one topic are obvious paid trolls.

And I am sorry if I cost you job. I know times are tough with the virus and all. :wave:
What a rusty boy to care about my "job".:woot:
What a rusty boy to care about my "job".:woot:
And here are the personal insults

Ignore the topic
Go off topic and try to change the subject.
Soon the insults will start to fly
then Mods will be called and this thread will be locked.

it's almost like you guys get trained at the same place. :coffee:
Agree with this, spamming to advance any agenda should be prohibited. But I don't support OP's proposal to kick off a racially-motivated witch hunt and selectively enforce spam rules against a specific race. Shouldn't PDF be a racially tolerant forum that welcomes a lot of different perspectives?

I agree. PDF Should never stoop to Chinese level of racism.

Racism is evil in any form from any person or government.

And here are the double standard.
You mean like this?
There are many american paid shitholes here, they are the enemy and deserves to be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me introduce you to the logical fallacy "whataboutism", if not already, hope you can familiarize yourself with this new concept :)

I literally agreed with you.
Tell me where I did not accept your premise?

I'm having a lot of fun.
it's like wack a mole, they are literally throwing everything at me to try and find a weakness :partay:
whining to a third person makes you look like a man indeed.
more personal insults

Crazy loop
- You are dumb
- That is a person insult
I literally agreed with you.
Tell me where I did not accept your premise?

I don't think we agree. There is a consensus opinion developing here that there can and perhaps should be a universal spam rule applied against any nationality or agenda. But you seem to strongly disagree and prefer it only target Chinese posters while turning a blind eye to pro-Hindu spammers, pro-US spammers, pro-ISIS spammers, etc.

For me, I deplore racism, so I can't accept your racially-motivated prejudice and your desire for selective enforcement.
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