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Baluchistan Interior minister threaten to expel Afghan refugees by force.

The UNHCR program in Pakistan has an annual budget of 136 Million Us dollars. Only in the last year or so the budget has taken cut to about 60 mil the reason behind that is the increasing amount of refugees coming from Syria because of its civil war.
Now Pakistan has been receiving about 136 mil Us dollar for almost 25-30 years that sums up to 3.4 billion Us dollars. Where is this money ? where are the schools and hospitals and asylums for afghan refugees ? have you seen any ? if so plz share.
for source please vist UNHCR website.

Afghan transit trade is giving Pakistan a nightmare. Pakistan is loosing billion of dollars in illegal smuggling of goods. In 2010 pakistan import 1.2 lac ton of tea for 200 million people of Pakistan and afghanistan imports 1 lac ton of tea for 30 million people isn't it strange. Pakistan is loosing too much and 136 Million dollars are peanuts.
Afghan transit trade is giving Pakistan a nightmare. Pakistan is loosing billion of dollars in illegal smuggling of goods. In 2010 pakistan import 1.2 lac ton of tea for 200 million people of Pakistan and afghanistan imports 1 lac ton of tea for 30 million people isn't it strange. Pakistan is loosing too much and 136 Million dollars are peanuts.
Massive difference between Pakistan loosing money and government stealing money. I did not said that presence of Afghan refugees is a blessing but just stated some facts on WHY wont Pakistan deport them . The 136 mil money is going straight to the pockets of corrupt government which is why they are happy with the refugees in Pakistan.
Well I can barely hear what these guys in the video are saying because of the poor sound quality.

That being said there is an undeclared state of hostilities between AF-PAK and both sides are hurting each other and at the end of the day its a lose-lose situation for both us. We need to find the middle ground and that can be done if we start having frank discussions with each other.


So you are mourning the killing of Mullah Manssor ?

Well, if there is undeclared state of hostilities between Afghanistan and Pakistan, then, why should we keep your citizens in our country. You want us to keep your citizens in our country, so they can help India and Afghanistan sabotage our economy and carry out Terrorist attacks and we should be looking for middle ground, Really!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as middle ground is concern, you have good relations with India, we will be more than happy to provide safe passage to India and then Indians can look after them, problem solved.
Well, if there is undeclared state of hostilities between Afghanistan and Pakistan, then, why should we keep your citizens in our country. You want us to keep your citizens in our country, so they can help India and Afghanistan sabotage our economy and carry out Terrorist attacks and we should be looking for middle ground, Really!!!!!!!!!!!!

As far as middle ground is concern, you have good relations with India, we will be more than happy to provide safe passage to India and then Indians can look after them, problem solved.

International relations are more complicated than what you have painted but I for one agree with you that Afghans must be repatriated asap to Afghanistan so they can rebuild their country.

On the other hand the level of sabotage carried out by Afghans pail in comparison to the industrial scale support provided to the Afghan Talis by the Pakistan state security. You have shown the videos of perceived NDS operatives in Pakistan but the other day the head of the Afghan Taliban carrying Pakistani passport was killed in Pakistan. As you say it pales in comparison but that being said we unfortunately are in lose-lose situation if we continue the tit for tat.
Afghan refugees asked to leave as Pak forces arrest six NDS terrorists
May 26, 2016


QUETTA: Balochistan Home Minister Sarfaraz Bugti on Thursday said Pakistan's security and intelligence agencies have arrested six operatives of Afghan intelligence agency involved in terrorist activities.

He said the suspects, most of them Afghan refugees, were planted by Afghan intelligence agency National Directorate of Security and Indian intelligence RAW and confessed to killing more than 40 Pakistanis in various acts of terrorism.

He said Pakistan sheltered the Afghan refugees and in return for its hospitality got stabbed in the back.

“Enough is enough, Afghan refugees will now have to leave…it is up to them whether they chose to leave honorably or get thrown out by people of Balochistan,” he said.

“Want to give the Afghan president a message that if Afghanistan involves in killing of Pakistani people then things will deteriorate to the level where relations between both the countries would suffer,” stated Bugti.

The provincial minister also said that Afghan army’s lieutenant Rozi Khan possessed Pakistani identity card.

During Bugti’s press conference, in a video confession, an alleged under custody Afghan militant said that he paid 30,000 for a fake NIC in Pakistan.

“I am an Afghani from Helmand,” confessed the detained militant from Afghanistan.

The militant also said that he went to Afghanistan in 1996 and returned to Pakistan in 2005.

“During Hamid Karzai’s rule in Afghanistan we came to Pakistan and started living in Muslim Bagh refugee camp, “said the Afghan agent.

One of the Afghan agents said during the video confession that he had met a person named Qazi Noor Muhammad who works for NDS in Afghanistan.

“Noor Muhammad made me meet NDS members, who said that we will spread unrest in Balochistan,” said the Afghan agent

About Time Someone Did We Have Had It Up To Here With These Ungrateful People

International relations are more complicated than what you have painted but I for one agree with you that Afghans must be repatriated asap to Afghanistan so they can rebuild their country.

On the other hand the level of sabotage carried out by Afghans pail in comparison to the industrial scale support provided to the Afghan Talis by the Pakistan state security. You have shown the videos of perceived NDS operatives in Pakistan but the other day the head of the Afghan Taliban carrying Pakistani passport was killed in Pakistan. As you say it pales in comparison but that being said we unfortunately are in lose-lose situation if we continue the tit for tat.

Afghans pail in comparison to the industrial scale support provided to the Afghan Talis by the Pakistan state security.
The opportunity cost consequent to each country is higher for Pakistan. You had the internal instability of late 1970s and the subsequent Soviet invasion which set the scene for what would happen after. We lost more than you. In short Afghanistan has been more of liability to Pakistan than the other way around. Yes, perhaps slicing timeframe can produce slivers where the liability is greater with Pakistan but since late 1970s Afghanistan has been source of nothing but humongous size problems for Pakistan.

This whole jihadi/religious fanaticism was by product of the Afghan/Soviet imbroglio and Paskistan continues to suffer from that today. In fact that is why Pak passport is second to Afghan passport as causing alarm bells to go off. This all kicked off because of Afghan domestic politics and the Soviet relationship nurtured by Kabul that then derailed into invasion that precipitated the attention of another superpower. In fact it was Afghanistan's domestic failures which allowed it to become the footbal to be kicked in a Soviet/US soccer match which unfortunately Pakistan was sucked into by the late dictator Zia Ul Haq.Af-Pak region has never recovered from that time. Today in fact is still continuation of the same dynamic.

And another scumbag dictator's failures in the form of Musharaf created the present mess Pakistan is in with regards to Afghanistan.

@CHACHA"G" Must you use those childish captions in such a manner?
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I just don't think we have the balls to do this very necessary thing. Already there are reports that he has apologized for his statement after pressure from the PML-N govt.
The UNHCR program in Pakistan has an annual budget of 136 Million Us dollars. Only in the last year or so the budget has taken cut to about 60 mil the reason behind that is the increasing amount of refugees coming from Syria because of its civil war.
Now Pakistan has been receiving about 136 mil Us dollar for almost 25-30 years that sums up to 3.4 billion Us dollars. Where is this money ? where are the schools and hospitals and asylums for afghan refugees ? have you seen any ? if so plz share.
for source please vist UNHCR website.
I have visited their website rather have better knowledge. They had been cutting funds on and off and for your information their money is stolen by same Afghan refugees not Pakistan. They go willingly get the package and return to Pakistan the very next day.

BTW you need to read the history of UNHCR stopping funds for Afghans in Pakistan. for your information UNHCR had stopped feeding refugees in Pakistan since 1997.
@A-Team In fact the single biggest external factor for rise of religious madness and the attendant Mullah power with industrial scale growth in madaris inside Pakistan is Afghanistan's failed internal politics that sucked in foreign powers leading to the "Afghan Jihad".

Thank you Afghanistan from a die hard secularist!
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International relations are more complicated than what you have painted but I for one agree with you that Afghans must be repatriated asap to Afghanistan so they can rebuild their country.

On the other hand the level of sabotage carried out by Afghans pail in comparison to the industrial scale support provided to the Afghan Talis by the Pakistan state security. You have shown the videos of perceived NDS operatives in Pakistan but the other day the head of the Afghan Taliban carrying Pakistani passport was killed in Pakistan. As you say it pales in comparison but that being said we unfortunately are in lose-lose situation if we continue the tit for tat.

You mean to tell me, other nations will allow this behavior by refuges and let itself burn because fearing of losing international relations. I don't think so pal, first sign of trouble and they will be on their way back to where they came from. While you (Afghanistan) use our hospitality on one hand, you allow our enemy to use your soil to attack us.

As far as passport is concerned.↓↓


Nadra blacklists 130,000 Afghans for possessing fake CNICs

ISLAMABAD: The National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) has blacklisted 130,000 Afghan citizens after confirmation.

One lakh more Afghan citizens would be investigated during the current year in the absence of their family tree. According to details received from Nadra’s sources, Afghan citizens have developed vast businesses and properties in all parts of the country including Islamabad and due to this authorities concerned are facing problems in identifying them.

However, Nadra has achieved success in figuring out 130,000 Afghan nationals in the country having fake Computerised National Identification Cards (CNIC).Sources further said that there was a possibility of identifying one lakh more fake CNIC holder Afghan citizens during the current year of 2016. It is worth mentioning here that more than 2.5 million Afghan citizens had secured Pakistani citizenship through illegal means when the CNIC cards were going to be computerised. The Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (Safron) and the Ministry of Interior have also informed the government in this regard and there is a possibility that a further million Afghan nationals would be identified after this.
The opportunity cost consequent to each country is higher for Pakistan. You had the internal instability of late 1970s and the subsequent Soviet invasion which set the scene for what would happen after. We lost more than you. In short Afghanistan has been more of liability to Pakistan than the other way around. Yes, perhaps slicing timeframe can produce slivers where the liability is greater with Pakistan but since late 1970s Afghanistan has been source of nothing but humongous size problems for Pakistan.

This whole jihadi/religious fanaticism was by product of the Afghan/Soviet imbroglio and Paskistan continues to suffer from that today. In fact that is why Pak passport is second to Afghan passport as causing alarm bells to go off. This all kicked off because of Afghan domestic politics and the Soviet relationship nurtured by Kabul that then derailed into invasion that precipitated the attention of another superpower. In fact it was Afghanistan's domestic failures which allowed it to become the footbal to be kicked in a Soviet/US soccer match which unfortunately Pakistan was sucked into by the late dictator Zia Ul Haq.Af-Pak region has never recovered from that time. Today in fact is still continuation of the same dynamic.

And another scumbag dictator's failures in the form of Musharaf created the present mess Pakistan is in with regards to Afghanistan.

@CHACHA"G" Must you use those childish captions in such a manner?

You have raised a couple of points and I can raise a couple more but following this course of argumentation will lead us to run in circles. I am offering a different approach which is " Right Now Right Here", not 5 years certainly not half century back. This was the exact same approach which was under taken by Ashraf Ghani at the beginning of his tenure, he spent lots of political capital in his outreach towards Pakistani military establishment and his approach was that we have tried to undermine each other in the past, lets have a new start, lets stop blaming each other for our ills and lets start new.

He was heavily criticized for his outreach by the hawks in Afghanistan, but the fact still remains if we follow the past we will get no where, we need to realize that we cant run away from each and thus need to address each others genuine grievances.

The fact still remains that we are both considered as a hell-hole by the rest of the world, the common still suffers and all we do is find new ways of undermining each other.

We think we are smart, but actually we are pretty dumb!

@A-Team In fact the single biggest external factor for rise of religious madness and the attendant Mullah power with industrial scale growth in madaris inside Pakistan is Afghanistan's failed internal politics that sucked in foreign powers leading to the "Afghan Jihad".

Thank you Afghanistan from a die hard secularist!

- Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviets not because of our internal politics but by hegemonic nature of the Soviet expansion. Pakistan was next in line, but you guys should count your blessing because we paid with million casualties. and the rest of the world took the credit for Soviet downful.

- Mullah Industry has been used by the Pakistani state to surprise nationalist pashtun movements and of course the Soviet invasion precipitated that.

- Have you ever asked yourself why were the Mullah factories not stopped after the Mujis won the war in Afghanistan, because it was a fancy tool for the Pakistani establishment to project power outside.

Running in circles ! You see the folly of this approach! :P

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