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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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His most loyal man Friday, Thapa, is Nepali.

To add to this, Dr Jaleel Parkar was his close aide for about 5 years , a medical professional and a muslim by religion.
To add to this, Dr Jaleel Parkar was his close aide for about 5 years , a medical professional and a muslim by religion.

Institutionalized Muslim chosen by the family to make a statement.
Thank God good for India, this idiot should have died earlier we would have seen more India vs Pakistan cricket without disruptions.

Spoken like a brainwashed idiot.

This guy saved mumbai from underworld & helped mainitaining peace in maharashtra through this followers ready to die for his words. the very same guy was first who helped out kashmiri muslims in maharashtra giving them reservations in job/education also he and his party saved 100s of sikhs in 1984 when congress leaders & police were killing them on streets.

All you care is India-Pakistan cricket matches???Bal Thackerey was not a spineless person like congress leaders & people like you who would sing lovesongs for country who sponspored/planned 26/11.
this is the END of SHIV SENA!! lucky indians can't wait to hear similar news about zardari,altaf,wali khan & nawaz!!

Shiv-Sena is inspired by Chattrapati Shivaji's army, Thackerey just reminded marathas/maharashtris about their proud legacy.

Marathi Nationalism will thrive more now in form of Shiv-Sena & MNS.

Wait & Watch ...!!

I dont think people outside maharastra respect him much, especilly after rise of modi.

Narendra Modi Quotes :

“Balasaheb Thackeray was an epitome of courage and valour. He was full of life. He fought like a warrior. I’ve lost someone who always guided me

“He was a king-maker who stayed away from the hot seat of politics. His death marks the end of an era. He had carved a niche in Indian politics. He never compromised on nationalism and was a true nationalistic leader,”
come on let's have a match in bombay & we will let you win it too! look its simple india will win one day series 3-0 and the T20 will be 1-1 draw. simple

but if you wish to fix it differently then i think we need to speak to BCCI and PCB and convince them

Do you think you have probability of winning a single ODI with your current fcuked batting line-up??

You are too Optimistic I see.
Oh is it ? ;)

Whatever it could be dude, I'm only trying to prove that my dislike for Balasaheb haven't been biased by his treatment to my ethnicity, since it was not the Bengalis but Tamils in past and UP/Biharis in present are targeted by SS/MNS.

I don't like the regionalism or chauvinism that's all, while I'm fierce proud of my heritage and ethnicity, you'd not see my making an exclusive group and hanging out with them in Bengali Adda/Bengali corner thread.

Whatever man.

Parsis (including the South Mumbai snobs) love the Shiv Sena.

And what gives anyone the idea that a Parsi is any less a Marathi manoos than any other native Maharashtrian?

400 years ago when Mumbai was a small fishing village, who do you think came in an built the city?

Thanks for reiterating the point I'm trying to make.
i have the same Reply for u ... Stop fooling around ... making a Mockery of urself by debating on a Topic u dont have any knowledge about

Gujarat Riots Happened in 2002 & Mumbai Riots happened in 1992 ... so r u saying Mr. Balasheb had for seen the Future Gujarat riots & didnt kill any Muslims worrying about suffering the same fate ...

PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU REPLY!!! and if you don't understand skip replying :agree: it saves you an embarrasment.
I am convinced Headlines Today is a paid/funded Congress mouthpiece.

Rahul Shivshankar an un-iniformed North Indian jumping on to the Balasaheb bashing bandwagon.

And CNN IBN - well I find both Sardesai and his hugely irritating wife extremely non-interesting.

I see shades of a proud Hindu waiting to come forth in Arnob. There is hope yet.

yeah,i like arnab too.
Whatever it could be dude, I'm only trying to prove that my dislike for Balasaheb haven't been biased by his treatment to my ethnicity, since it was not the Bengalis but Tamils in past and UP/Biharis in present are targeted by SS/MNS.

I don't like the regionalism or chauvinism that's all, while I'm fierce proud of my heritage and ethnicity, you'd not see my making an exclusive group and hanging out with them in Bengali Adda/Bengali corner thread.

Thanks for reiterating the point I'm trying to make.

Regular office going Tamils never suffered from sainiks.
Lolz first of all Bal Thakrey was against UP people so how come I can be from UP.I am from Punjab.He had a special love for you pole vaulters that's why you are cheering here like a strip dancer with your skirt off !!


Thats called THAAKRIII BHASHA in marathi.
Hats off to you, Young Lady.
But she is not punjabi.. i seen lots of sikh comes from Calcutta does not make them bengali

Sorry cant do that.. 72 virgin already made my bed in Heaven.. ;)

Hope those 72 virgins are not long bearded talibs & mullahs parcelled to heaven by Drone & Nato forces.

Anyways all the best !! :lol:
Regular office going Tamils never suffered from sainiks.

Well the pretext was 'madrasis' are taking all the jobs.

note for thickhead churls: the word madrasi in quote is used to denote the way sainiks would identify south Indians.
Now is that desperation or your loyolity to equate him to Gandhi.
For all his humanity, he must be turning in his grave.

Its neither.. Actually I dont like the Thakrey clan at all... But the point was made to show that its not only the govt officials that get state funerals..
All right , but where was your condescending lecture when that moron docter death literally mocking the dead man ??

I can understand Pakistanis have problem with Bal Thackeray ,but that looser who claims to be a sikh who were actually saved by Bal Thackeray in Bombay from being butchered by the the congress goons like they were in New Delhi in '84.

I was pretty much available. There is a strict difference between insulting a man and insulting a community. Bal Thackeray is a man whom I have admired all my life, he is gone, what difference does it make fighting upon his name? Let his soul rest in peace. Move on, this is a secular country , with secular principles. What you and your friends have been saying throughout this thread is no less than conspiracy to which you seldom understand can be sued.
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