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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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Krait since Saturday why have you gone fundamentalist on us?

I ask because its a good thing. Much better than your measured posts.
Krait since Saturday why have you gone fundamentalist on us?
I ask because its a good thing. Much better than your measured posts.
Fundamentalist in what sense ? See buddy, I have my reasons for every person and every subject I comment upon. I may be against you in some matter but in this case, I am supporting what I feel right. May be it has something to do with me being too diplomatic generally that you find my this behavior out of ordinary. :D
Fundamentalist in what sense ? See buddy, I have my reasons for every person and every subject I comment upon. I may be against you in some matter but in this case, I am supporting what I feel right. May be it has something to do with me being too diplomatic generally that you find my this behavior out of ordinary. :D

Yes correct.

I do not like or do diplomacy. :)
The charges against Col.Purohit are falling apart as we speak for want of evidence.

By your standards you still dint find evidence against killers of Sikh masacar in 84, Gujrat killings of Muslims, preparators of attack on Babri Mosque, against Hindu terrorists who killed Pakistanis in Samjhota express so never mind that doesnt wash your hands

You know why he loved Javed Miandad because he liked his guts and aggression and wanted the gentlemanly Indian cricketers of those days to be like him.

oppsss it means Thackray would have praised me too because i liked his hardline/extremist policies.

so only the person who doesnt like his politics is a demon.
By your standards you still dint find evidence against killers of Sikh masacar in 84, Gujrat killings of Muslims, preparators of attack on Babri Mosque, against Hindu terrorists who killed Pakistanis in Samjhota express so never mind that doesnt wash your hands

Just like Pakistan against the famous social activist and charity worker. Unless evidence is produced and he is convicted in court he is just a Col. Stand true to your words.

And I have many things to say about the disputed structure at Ayodhya..but hey Dec 6 aint far away..So Ill save my words till them ;)

oppsss it means Thackray would have praised me too because i liked his hardline/extremist policies.

so only the person who doesnt like his politics is a demon.

He liked anyone who was frank and who spoke his mind with guts.
Doc/Krait - I am waiting to see your comments for the arrested of 21 year old girl in Mumbai for her posting in FB. ;)
Well its too harsh thing to do but problem is our volatile society and too high emotional quotient. What security forces and Police has learned over the years is someone make a comment in passing and rumor builds up and it may cause social unrest especially when people are emotional just like in case of death of Bala Saheb.

What was done to her is completely wrong but at the same time, we as a citizen should realize that we are responsible for stability of our society. One idiotic comment, one small fight can cause riots, violence, and god knows what. We should educate our people and kids to become more rational and think before saying or posting anything on Social network as Social Media is fastest way of information dissemination.

Because of this rapid rate of transmission of info on social network, rumors can spread like wild fire. One comment can result in counter comment which might be more harsh and then the rebuttal can be more harsh than the second one. Its a chain reaction.

India is very volatile country when it comes to popular public figures and religion.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean you speak without responsibility. Your words may have consequences. Words results in actions and such actions have caused wars.

People forget that to enjoy freedom, one should also be responsible too. Freedom shouldn't be taken for granted.
Well its too harsh thing to do but problem is our volatile society and too high emotional quotient. What security forces and Police has learned over the years is some idiot make a comment in passing and rumor builds up and it may cause social unrest especially when people are emotional just like in case of death of Bala Saheb.

What was done to her is completely wrong but at the same time, we as a citizen should realize that we are responsible for stability of our society. One idiotic comment, one small fight can cause riots, violence, and god knows what. We should educate our people and kids to become more rational and think before saying or posting anything on Social network as Social Media is fastest way of information dissemination.

Because of this rapid rate of transmission of info on social network, rumors can spread like wild fire. One comment can result in counter comment which might be more harsh and then the rebuttal can be more harsh than the second one. Its a chain reaction.

India is very volatile country when it comes to popular public figures and religion.

Bhai saab, yesterday at the bottom of my heart I was expecting the Sainiks to go on a rampage given their past behaviour and the magnitude of the loss. But they surprised everyone with their impeccable and the solemn way they carried themselves throughout the funeral. A crowd of more than 2 million is not controllable by anyone if it wants to. But yesterday the Shiv sainiks gave a hard, tight slap to those who were crowing on the media that "anytime riots could break out".
I agree, and this goes for our Indian brothers here as well.

When we post, we have a social responsibility.

We (nor the Internet sites we visit) do not live in vacuo.
By your standards you still dint find evidence against killers of Sikh masacar in 84, Gujrat killings of Muslims, preparators of attack on Babri Mosque, against Hindu terrorists who killed Pakistanis in Samjhota express so never mind that doesnt wash your hands
oppsss it means Thackray would have praised me too because i liked his hardline/extremist policies.
so only the person who doesnt like his politics is a demon.
Ma'am we have convicted killers of Godhara, where as in your country terrorists are freed by court because of lack of evidence which even Pakistanis hate. You really want to dig up all the graves ?

If you want discussion on 84 massacre and Godhara, there are other threads. You can open one. We can discuss it there. At this time we might derail the entire thread.
Doc/Krait - Sorry guys. I have to say I am disappointed with your take on this subject. But I do not want to derail the topic. Carry on folks.

P.S: Maybe Katju should be arrested for his interview in Hindu today as well. ;)
Bhai saab, yesterday at the bottom of my heart I was expecting the Sainiks to go on a rampage given their past behaviour and the magnitude of the loss. But they surprised everyone with their impeccable and the solemn way they carried themselves throughout the funeral. A crowd of more than 2 million is not controllable by anyone if it wants to. But yesterday the Shiv sainiks gave a hard, tight slap to those who were crowing on the media that "anytime riots could break out".

Yes, that really made me proud, Mumbai + Shiv Seniks+ 2 million people + Death of Bal Thackeray was enough a combo for some minor or major incidence but thanks to the sane behavior of all, things went peacefully without anything to worry for.
Bhai saab, yesterday at the bottom of my heart I was expecting the Sainiks to go on a rampage given their past behaviour and the magnitude of the loss. But they surprised everyone with their impeccable and the solemn way they carried themselves throughout the funeral. A crowd of more than 2 million is not controllable by anyone if it wants to. But yesterday the Shiv sainiks gave a hard, tight slap to those who were crowing on the media that "anytime riots could break out".
That's the thing that people ignore. Those people were so sad over his death that they didn't think about anything. I know what they shown was great restraint, but as a security personal, I have to hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Who knows, suddenly someone take this silence as sign of weakness and start more flaming statement to cause problems. As sorrow will reduce, it may turn into anger to went out the sadness. So as a Police, I would rather take preventive measures than be sorry.

But I agree, what happened yesterday was something we all should be proud of. 2 million people, so emotional, yet no violence.
Doc/Krait - Sorry guys. I have to say I am disappointed with your take on this subject. But I do not want to derail the topic. Carry on folks.

P.S: Maybe Katju should be arrested for his interview in Hindu today as well. ;)

Bro I live in Pune.

What some twit writes on the Net, affects me directly.

Just as the recent crap related to our NE brothers and sisters in my city.

So yes, you have a right to be disappointed.

As I to be pragmatic.
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