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Bahraini princess facing multiple torture charges


Jan 14, 2011
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A Bahraini princess is facing charges of torturing pro-democracy activists in the Gulf island kingdom.

Noura Bint Ebrahim al-Khalifa, who serves in Bahrain's Drugs Control Unit, is accused along with another officer of torturing three people in detention.

Hundreds of protesters were detained as Bahrain struggled to put down a popular uprising that began in February 2011.

The uprising, which began peacefully with calls for democratic reform, was crushed by the ruling al-Khalifas.
BBC News - Bahraini princess facing multiple torture charges
the old democracy vs monarchy thing.
and the UN and Human rights don't give a crap about the people of Bahrain, because the monarchs of Bahrain are true puppets of the west, no need to get rid of them...
and the UN and Human rights don't give a crap about the people of Bahrain, because the monarchs of Bahrain are true puppets of the west, no need to get rid of them...

The UN and human rights don't give a crap about Syria either... 60,000 innocent people killed by Assad, two years sucking blood,,, not a adam sh@#t
The UN and human rights don't give a crap about Syria either... 60,000 innocent people killed by Assad, two years sucking blood,,, not a adam sh@#t
That's not really true now is it? U.N is quiet about turkey and possibly western covert activities in Syria, it has condemned Syrian regime, put sanctions on the ruling party and froze the accounts of Assad's family.
The only reason they haven't sent troops there is to not get suckered into a bigger conflict with Iran and Russia
The UN and human rights don't give a crap about Syria either... 60,000 innocent people killed by Assad, two years sucking blood,,, not a adam sh@#t

oh yeah? you forgot the sanctions on the Syrian people? you forgot how many UN meetings just in cause of Syria?
All UN does is support terrorism and monarchs...
That's not really true now is it? U.N is quiet about turkey and possibly western covert activities in Syria, it has condemned Syrian regime, put sanctions on the ruling party and froze the accounts of Assad's family.
The only reason they haven't sent troops there is to not get suckered into a bigger conflict with Iran and Russia

To stop the bloodshed two things must be implemented:

1-UN peacekeeping force deployment or at least NO-fly zone.
2-Pecafuel political transition under UN observation.

How condemnation or sanctions are going to end the bloodshed In syria...? it is like saying hey look we condemn your act but its ok to go along with it....Now seriously:disagree:
P.S Russia can veto. Iran is not part of the equation.
To stop the bloodshed two things must be implemented:

1-UN peacekeeping force deployment or at least NO-fly zone.
2-Pecafuel political transition under UN observation.

How condemnation or sanctions are going to end the bloodshed In syria...? it is like saying hey look we condemn your act but its ok to go along with it....Now seriously:disagree:
P.S Russia can veto. Iran is not part of the equation.
and can you tell us why the UN didn't condemn Bahrain monarchs at all??

Plus the UN knows the truth, that Syria is facing terrorism, which is why they can't act, NATO doesn't need UN permission, NATO can use its own power, especially when Turkey said Syria shot a tukrish jet, why didn't NATO act??
To stop the bloodshed two things must be implemented:

1-UN peacekeeping force deployment or at least NO-fly zone.
2-Pecafuel political transition under UN observation.

How condemnation or sanctions are going to end the bloodshed In syria...? it is like saying hey look we condemn your act but its ok to go along with it....Now seriously:disagree:
P.S Russia can veto. Iran is not part of the equation.

Russia did veto on every resolution that U.N has tried to pass regarding syria

Iran is a part of the equation since Syria and Iran are allies. Syria is a complicated issue and all western countries have taken noticed.
Where as the brutality that the Bahrainian people faced went un-noticed and now you are trying to derail this thread...
The UN and human rights don't give a crap about Syria either... 60,000 innocent people killed by Assad, two years sucking blood,,, not a adam sh@#t

First of all giving no attention to Syria from UN or other international communities doesn't mean that Bahrain's case isn't that much important and should get forgotten, unfortunately it's a bitter reality that they've neglected Bahraini people while on the contrary to your claim ,which is laughable, western countries and their regional puppets have done what they've been able to topple Assad they've added fuel to the flames and certainly they are blameworthy too , besides who says that the blame lies just with Assad? can you proved that all those people who have been killed merely by Assad? thugs and terrorist are just some angels who've gone there for picnic, all those money and weapons that have been sent there just for fun?, is Al-Qaeda active there only and just only to show a rational version of Islam as we witnessed in the past?

Don't be blinded, western countries seek their interest in Syria, they don't care about Syrian people.
Don't be blinded, western countries seek their interest in Syria, they don't care about Syrian people.

you are rigtt. but dictator Assad also act no different than western. that is why he agree to destroy a caountry and a nation for the sake of his own throne.
you are rigtt. but dictator Assad also act no different than western. that is why he agree to destroy a caountry and a nation for the sake of his own throne.

I would smell a rat when I see all dictators' supporters and dictators gather to do something about freedom, democracy, human right and so forth.

For God sake don't decide on behalf of Syrian people let them to do it, stop interfering. It's none of us concern to make decision except Syrian people. Have you asked Syrian people opinion? have they let Syrian people to express it? just because someone out of Syria have decided to overthrow Assad due to their interests it couldn't be translated into the Syrian demands.

Instead of smuggling weapons into the Syrian boarders which has resulted what we see now and escalated the current situation try to empower them to hold a free election.
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