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Bahawalpur : College Professor Brutally Murdered By His Student

This reads like a definition of secularism -

"You may belong to any religion, caste or creed, that has nothing to do with the business of the state"

Jinnah wanted neither a secular Pakistan nor a theocratic one. He established 'department for Islamic reconstruction' for a reason.

Jinnah was not born on the morning of 11 August 1947, addressed constituent assembly, died next day. He also said a lot of other things, some of which are mentioned below.

  • "What more can one really expect than to see that this mighty land has now been brought under a rule, which is Islamic, Muslim rule, as a sovereign independent State."

  • "Whatever I have done, I did as a servant of Islam, and only tried to perform my duty and made every possible contribution within my power to help our Nation. . . We Musalmans believe in one God, one Book - the Holy Qur'an - and one Prophet. So we must stand united as one Nation. You know the old saying that in unity lies strength; united we stand, divided we fall."

  • "You are only voicing my sentiments and the sentiments of millions of Musalmans when you say that Pakistan should be based on sure foundations of social justice and Islamic socialism which emphasizes equality and brotherhood of man."

  • "There can . . . be only one lingua franca, that is, the language for inter-communication between the various provinces of the State, and that language should be Urdu and cannot be any other. The State language, therefore, must obviously be Urdu, a language that has been nurtured by a hundred million Muslims of this sub-continent, a language understood throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan and above all, a language which, more than any other provincial language, embodies the best that is in Islamic culture and Muslim tradition and nearest to the language used in other Islamic countries."

  • "If President Roosevelt, under the pressure of the powerful world Jewry, commits the blunder of forcing the British Government to do injustice to the Arabs in Palestine, it will set the whole Muslim world ablaze from one end to another. Grave wrongs had already been done to the Arabs. If the Jewish immigration is allowed to continue, I have no doubt that not only the Muslim League will revolt but the whole Muslim world will revolt."

  • "Pakistan is the premier Islamic State and the fifth largest in the world. . . The constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed by the Pakistan Constituent Assembly. I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential principles of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in actual life as they were 1,300 years ago. Islam and idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of men, justice and fairplay to everybody. We are the inheritors of these glorious traditions and are fully alive to our responsibilities and obligations as framers of the future constitution of Pakistan. In any case, Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State - to be ruled by priests with a divine mission."

  • "The Prophet (PBUH) was a great teacher. He was a great law-giver. He was a great statesman and he was a great Sovereign who ruled. No doubt, there are people who do not quite appreciate when we talk of Islam. . . Islam is not only a set of rituals, traditions and spiritual doctrines. Islam is a code for every Muslim which regulates his life and his conduct in even politics and economics and the like."

  • "Why this feeling of nervousness that the future constitution of Pakistan is going to be in conflict with Shariat Laws? . . . Islamic principles today are as applicable to life as they were 1,300 years ago. "

  • “I could not understand a section of people who deliberately wanted to create mischief and made a propaganda that the constitution of Pakistan would not be made on the basis of Shariat.”
some people on pdf including IndusPakistan feel very bad when EDL declare all Pakistanis as pedophiles. When RSS types declare all practicing Muslims as traitors. When Indian army hounds jamat e Islami activists in Kashmir. When far right in West declares all Muslims are practicing 'taqiya' and are preparing to take over and out breed them. But he and his followers do the same and label the entire "mullah" and madrassa as extremists and terrorists. In this thread, these same people have declared every mullah and every madrassa as a partner in crime. And what's more ironic is the fact that a few members here have declared the entire muhajir community of Karachi as "Indians"---not very different from the bakhts who call all Muslims as "Pakistanis".

What they fail to realize is that a "mullah" can be tolerant like Tariq Jameel and an IBA graduate working in a well renowned multinational company can shoot 47 Ismailis in a bus.

FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press / Phil Whinnett

A teacher at a reputable college in Pakistan’s Punjab province was stabbed to death by a student for organizing a co-ed party. Reports say the attacker believed the inclusion of females at the event was vulgar and blasphemous.
Students were gathering in order to plan a “farewell party” when their classmate sprang on English language professor Khalid Hameed and began to stab him in the stomach. While the others rushed to their teacher’s assistance and tackled their classmate to the ground, Hameed’s wounds were already too severe, and he died en route to the hospital. Tragically, he was scheduled to retire in just four months.

“My father then fell down and I rushed to him; the student held his knife and started shouting ‘I have killed him, I had told him that a gender mix reception is against Islam’,” Hameed’s son Waleed Khan, who had dropped his father off at the office and witnessed the attack, told AFP. In a cruel twist, he revealed his father wasn’t even involved in organizing the event.

A note has been making the rounds on social media which was allegedly written by a group of students enraged over the decision to include women in the get-together. Local channel Samaa TV says that male and female students were supposed to take part in a folk dance, and the group fumed that it was “promoting vulgarity,” claiming that “Islam doesn’t allow it.”

While police were still checking if the attacker was a member of any extremist group, they said he considered the dance to be “un-Islamic.”

“Apparently, the accused has no link to any religious group but we are investigating about his past and the reasons behind his mindset,” said local police representative Farhan Hussain. The student is currently in police custody, and will be charged with murder.

The attack took place at Sadiq Egerton College in Bahawalpur, a school where women outnumber men two-to-one, a rarity in the conservative Pakistani education system. Several women on Twitter saw the murder as an expression of the country’s deep-rooted discriminatory attitude.

Meanwhile, the victim’s son said he believes the attack occurred as a result of “brainwashing.” He also lashed out at the government for seemingly allowing radical views to flourish.

“I demand justice,” Waleed told media. “I am feeling threatened. We have not been given security.”


Another Mumtaz Qatali (Statement of kILLER)
[Victim is even not an organizer of the event]


FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press / Phil Whinnett

A teacher at a reputable college in Pakistan’s Punjab province was stabbed to death by a student for organizing a co-ed party. Reports say the attacker believed the inclusion of females at the event was vulgar and blasphemous.
Students were gathering in order to plan a “farewell party” when their classmate sprang on English language professor Khalid Hameed and began to stab him in the stomach. While the others rushed to their teacher’s assistance and tackled their classmate to the ground, Hameed’s wounds were already too severe, and he died en route to the hospital. Tragically, he was scheduled to retire in just four months.

“My father then fell down and I rushed to him; the student held his knife and started shouting ‘I have killed him, I had told him that a gender mix reception is against Islam’,” Hameed’s son Waleed Khan, who had dropped his father off at the office and witnessed the attack, told AFP. In a cruel twist, he revealed his father wasn’t even involved in organizing the event.

A note has been making the rounds on social media which was allegedly written by a group of students enraged over the decision to include women in the get-together. Local channel Samaa TV says that male and female students were supposed to take part in a folk dance, and the group fumed that it was “promoting vulgarity,” claiming that “Islam doesn’t allow it.”

While police were still checking if the attacker was a member of any extremist group, they said he considered the dance to be “un-Islamic.”

“Apparently, the accused has no link to any religious group but we are investigating about his past and the reasons behind his mindset,” said local police representative Farhan Hussain. The student is currently in police custody, and will be charged with murder.

The attack took place at Sadiq Egerton College in Bahawalpur, a school where women outnumber men two-to-one, a rarity in the conservative Pakistani education system. Several women on Twitter saw the murder as an expression of the country’s deep-rooted discriminatory attitude.

Meanwhile, the victim’s son said he believes the attack occurred as a result of “brainwashing.” He also lashed out at the government for seemingly allowing radical views to flourish.

“I demand justice,” Waleed told media. “I am feeling threatened. We have not been given security.”


Another Mumtaz Qatali (Statement of kILLER)
[Victim is even not an organizer of the event]


Too early to jump to conclusions! Looks like the real matter is being shrouded deliberately in controversies!!!
No it's not. Being an idiot is not an ideology. Having now knowledge of Islam or insaaniyat is not an ideology. This person is no different to any of the other idiots who join terrorist groups. They are the product of our failed education system.

Ghazi sb,

I don’t agree with this murder, but at the same time I don’t agree with the westernisation of our schools, colleges and universities. We have Islamic values and these educational sites should be a place for education and tarbiyat
You have the right to remain silent in this country when it comes to Religious Extremism.
Every few month something like this happens. And All we have to say is, "This is against Islamic Values".
If only People will ever Understand a Basic Principle. "You are responsible for your own life and your Family Only, Stop being Guardians of everyone around you". No one need the comments of "This is Un-Islamic". Evey Muslim knows what is Islamic and what is against Islam.
A Fruit full thought for everyone who is ready to bash me is that I have never seen a Liberal Pakistani Standing up and Stabbing or Shooting a Religious Pakistani calling out "He is an Extremists and These are against Secular Values"
And This gentleman i am sure he is a devout Muslim who follows every tenant of Islam and have never Sinned or always asked for forgiveness about his sins. He and All of His kinds who think they have the right to slaughter anyone who according to them is against their Religion.
Ghazi sb,

I don’t agree with this murder, but at the same time I don’t agree with the westernisation of our schools, colleges and universities. We have Islamic values and these educational sites should be a place for education and tarbiyat

Do you know in Hebrew what is the word for Scapegoat?

Islam is selected as an ideal scapegoat for such activities. As a result rift is created between Muslims and their religion: Islam. i.e. Muslims begin to hate Islam, move away from it and the trap engulfs them! Excellent example is ISIS/Daesh and Talibans of Pakistan!

ISIS/Daesh created hatred for Islam, against Muslims and the so called Talibans of Pakistan helped create a Westernized Liberal Class of Pakistani Muslims, which are spearhead of foreign interventions, to this day!

You have the right to remain silent in this country when it comes to Religious Extremism.
Every few month something like this happens. And All we have to say is, "This is against Islamic Values".
If only People will ever Understand a Basic Principle. "You are responsible for your own life and your Family Only, Stop being Guardians of everyone around you". No one need the comments of "This is Un-Islamic". Evey Muslim knows what is Islamic and what is against Islam.
A Fruit full thought for everyone who is ready to bash me is that I have never seen a Liberal Pakistani Standing up and Stabbing or Shooting a Religious Pakistani calling out "He is an Extremists and These are against Secular Values"
And This gentleman i am sure he is a devout Muslim who follows every tenant of Islam and have never Sinned or always asked for forgiveness about his sins. He and All of His kinds who think they have the right to slaughter anyone who according to them is against their Religion.

So answer my question:

Question: Was intermingling of Men & Women allowed during the times of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) or in Masjid-e-Nabawi or Baitullah Sharif or anywhere?

Personal Experience: In PIPS & College Abbottabad, when girls & boys were allowed to intermingle from Prep to Second Years, a lot of cases of per-mature pregnancies began to emerge. Now they are separated after 6th Class! Girls continue their study at PIPS Junior College, boys at Boys College.
Ghazi sb,

I don’t agree with this murder, but at the same time I don’t agree with the westernisation of our schools, colleges and universities. We have Islamic values and these educational sites should be a place for education and tarbiyat

Who has islamic values? Those organising these so called haram events, or those attending them? There was no compulsion to organise the event, or to attend it. The people who did so, did of their own free will. Either they do not consider it unislamic, or they don't care.

What right does this person have to enforce his interpretation of islamic on anyone else?

I was born and raised in a predominantly secular/christian country. I still live there today. I was taught right and wrong by my parents, they set an example by differentiating between halal and haram.

I have never drank alcohol, used drugs,or visited nightclubs and bars, even though there was nobody to stop me. I chose to do that when some of my closest friends were doing exactly that. Values are intrinsic to a person, they cannot be enforced.
Who has islamic values? Those organising these so called haram events, or those attending them? There was no compulsion to organise the event, or to attend it. The people who did so, did of their own free will. Either they do not consider it unislamic, or they don't care.

What right does this person have to enforce his interpretation of islamic on anyone else?

I was born and raised in a predominantly secular/christian country. I still live there today. I was taught right and wrong by my parents, they set an example by differentiating between halal and haram.

I have never drank alcohol, used drugs,or visited nightclubs and bars, even though there was nobody to stop me. I chose to do that when some of my closest friends were doing exactly that. Values are intrinsic to a person, they cannot be enforced.

Ghazi sb

Values cannot be enforced I agree but it doesn’t mean that western culture should be promoted ...what do u think?
Do you know in Hebrew what is the word for Scapegoat?

Islam is selected as an ideal scapegoat for such activities. As a result rift is created between Muslims and their religion: Islam. i.e. Muslims begin to hate Islam, move away from it and the trap engulfs them! Excellent example is ISIS/Daesh and Talibans of Pakistan!

ISIS/Daesh created hatred for Islam, against Muslims and the so called Talibans of Pakistan helped create a Westernized Liberal Class of Pakistani Muslims, which are spearhead of foreign interventions, to this day!

So answer my question:

Question: Was intermingling of Men & Women allowed during the times of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) or in Masjid-e-Nabawi or Baitullah Sharif or anywhere?

Personal Experience: In PIPS & College Abbottabad, when girls & boys were allowed to intermingle from Prep to Second Years, a lot of cases of per-mature pregnancies began to emerge. Now they are separated after 6th Class! Girls continue their study at PIPS Junior College, boys at Boys College.

It says a lot about the morality and low quality of the people at that college. I live in the UK and went to a mixed gender school upto 16, a mixed gender college up to 18 and a mixed gender university upto 23. I can say for sure nobody at school or college got pregnant, can't say the same about uni, but nobody on my degree course did.

Did people have sex - some of them yeah. They were just intelligent enough to use contraceptives.

Ghazi sb

Values cannot be enforced I agree but it doesn’t mean that western culture should be promoted ...what do u think?

If the part being promoted is not haram, there is no harm in it.

Was this an organised orgy, or a class gathering?
Who has islamic values? Those organising these so called haram events, or those attending them? There was no compulsion to organise the event, or to attend it. The people who did so, did of their own free will. Either they do not consider it unislamic, or they don't care.

What right does this person have to enforce his interpretation of islamic on anyone else?

I was born and raised in a predominantly secular/christian country. I still live there today. I was taught right and wrong by my parents, they set an example by differentiating between halal and haram.

I have never drank alcohol, used drugs,or visited nightclubs and bars, even though there was nobody to stop me. I chose to do that when some of my closest friends were doing exactly that. Values are intrinsic to a person, they cannot be enforced.

Ghazi sb,

You are on fire!

It says a lot about the morality and low quality of the people at that college. I live in the UK and went to a mixed gender school upto 16, a mixed gender college up to 18 and a mixed gender university upto 23. I can say for sure nobody at school or college got pregnant, can't say the same about uni, but nobody on my degree course did.

Did people have sex - some of them yeah. They were just intelligent enough to use contraceptives.

If the part being promoted is not haram, there is no harm in it.

Was this an organised orgy, or a class gathering?

‘The part being promoted was haram’...

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