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Babri Masjid Case Ruling Today

Hypothetically, if Israel continues to occupy its current lands for another 100 years, will the Muslims give up their claim to that land?
We are thankful to your ancestors as well, but you have no reason to bring in ram and Hindu festivities here. Shows your attitude towards people of other religions, and how you would treat a Pakistani Hindu if you ever come across one.

Goes to show narrow minded assumptions you can build DIY without much credence.

Each year I visit Karachi and meet one of my good friend whom I spend most of my time with during my stay. He is an electronics engineer and happen to be Hindu.

An indian salesman at work with releations like a family happens to be hindu! Ohh and he reads this site regularly and knows my screename here. I tried to get him to join it but he is least bothered.
Where were the secular credentials when the authorities let the demolition of babri masjid? When thousands of muslims were butchered and burnt alive?

If india needs democratic facelift, it has to stop incidents like these to happen in first place.

Ironically, that was our politicians' way of ensuring India's "secularism". Read up about the entire fiasco in the context of the Shah Bano case and the cycle of Hindu and Muslim appeasement. And considering the scale of the events, the incidents following that were pretty normal.

Again, stop bring Gujarat into this. The case has reached till the state's home minster which is unprecedented in Indian politics. It was one incident, and Indians are not particularly proud of it.
Where were the secular credentials when the authorities let the demolition of babri masjid? When thousands of muslims were butchered and burnt alive?

If india needs democratic facelift, it has to stop incidents like these to happen in first place.

Sure, they should have prevented the mob from getting near enough the Mosque to demolish it. That was a black mark. But really, even though India might not have a stellar record on this front, it is much much better than most nations.

Given the dynamics and nature of the Indian population with so many divides and poverty, we have done remarkably well on minority protection, though we can do better.

The point of this case was not to bring the Mosque demolishers to justice. There is a separate case going on in that regard. This case was purely to establish the title of the 3 acres of land, which seems to have been done admirably well, with solid justification for the judgement.
I think the court has taken a sensible and practical judgement while also ensuring that nobody is an outright winner or loser.

Just imagine if the verdict had been completely in favour of one side. Also, I think the judges realized that no government could have removed the idols of Ram which have already been placed there. No government would have the guts to risk the bloodshed that such an action would almost certainly provoke. By giving something to everyone, the possibility of a communal riot has been negated.

Interestingly, all the three judges - Sharma, Agarwal and Khan, accepted that Hindus believe that particular site to be the birthplace or Ram and that the idols should not be removed from there. It is the highlight of the judgement, in my opinion. On all the other points, there were differences.

Now, the Indian judiciary needs to ensure that it punishes those responsible for the demolition of the Babri masjid and of the instigators of riots that followed.
everyone stop discussing.

the matter will go to supreme court then we can argue

nothing is final yet
Sunni waqt board has stated publicly that if the disputed area is proved as Ram Janambhoomi they will withdraw their claim, the honorable court today ruled the same today, it's about time that the two party sit together and finish this with some 'give and take' method

For muslims the place doesn't have any historic significant, for Hindus it does, the same has been through ages which the court has vindicated today.

The core of the judgment today is the said disputed place is "Ram Janambhoomi" and court reached such a decision by taking into account proofs (ASI reports), history and faith

ps: Babar was Shia then how come Sunni waqt board was claiming the land?
Sunni waqt board has stated publicly that if the disputed area is proved as Ram Janambhoomi they will withdraw their claim, the honorable court today ruled the same today, it's about time that the two party sit together and finish this with some 'give and take' method
This seems to be the best way to move forward. Both parties should try and resolve this outside the court following on the lines of the judgement. The judicial system has shown them a path which would appease both sides and hopefully they will be mature enough to consider this with respect to each other. Settle this dispute and move on... the priorities and challenged in front of our country are much beyond this fight over a piece of land.

ps: Babar was Shia then how come Sunni waqt board was claiming the land?
Let's not get into Shia and Sunni here again. There are already too many parties to the case
c how this issue is raised in pakistan and how much knowledge they have abt this issue.

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Each year I visit Karachi and meet one of my good friend whom I spend most of my time with during my stay. He is an electronics engineer and happen to be Hindu.

An indian salesman at work with releations like a family happens to be hindu! Ohh and he reads this site regularly and knows my screename here. I tried to get him to join it but he is least bothered.

I expected you to come up with this. So when you, a regular Pakistani person, can get along so well with a local Hindu in a country where the constitution treats you differently, despite the few incidents of crimes against minorities, why do you paint India and Indians (especially Hindus) with the same brush and generalize about all our feelings towards Muslims when most of our problems are similar?
As my Indian friend put it..this is test of "ghairat" for indian muslims!
On the flip side I am happy and proud that my ancestors migrated to Pakistan. Though im not that religious but demolishing a mosque and building a mandir is a symbolic insult with long term cosequences generations over generations..imagine few years down the line, "mother narrating to her son, beta Babri mosque was demolished so Muslims can live peacefully in secular India..it was done for our good now pay your thanks to ram and here i made this fancy dress for you to take part in ram janambhoomi festival next week at your school"
The ridicolus part is the 1/3 land allocated as "wrestling ground".

The funny bit is that the Hindu hardline groups have the exact same argument with roles reversed.

Funny thing this religion.
I expected you to come up with this. So when you, a regular Pakistani person, can get along so well with a local Hindu in a country where the constitution treats you differently, despite the few incidents of crimes against minorities, why do you paint India and Indians (especially Hindus) with the same brush and generalize about all our feelings towards Muslims when most of our problems are similar?

You missed the part,
somebozo said:
An indian salesman at work with releations like a family happens to be hindu! Ohh and he reads this site regularly and knows my screename here. I tried to get him to join it but he is least bothered.

Serving in the armed forces is our family tradition we try to enroll maximum men (and women too). A lot of my family members are serving or have served in Pak Army. Similary I have plenty of cousins and releatives on Indian side serving or have served in Indian Army. We get to meet them every now and then on occasions / weddings / hajj & umrah visit. That does not make them friends during wartime.

One of my mom's cousin in Indian army had his arm and leg fractured by hand to hand combat with Pakistani soldier in 71 war.

Religion or releation has nothing to do with this..India = enemy.
No missle, bullet or nuke will differenciate against an enermy.

This video says it all!:partay:

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You missed the part,

Serving in the armed forces is our family tradition we try to enroll maximum men (and women too). A lot of my family members are serving or have served in Pak Army. Similary I have plenty of cousins and releatives on Indian side serving or have served in Indian Army. We get to meet them every now and then on occasions / weddings / hajj & umrah visit. That does not make them friends during wartime.

One of my mom's cousin in Indian army had his arm and leg fractured by hand to hand combat with Pakistani soldier in 71 war.

Religion or releation has nothing to do with this..India = enemy.
No missle, bullet or nuke will differenciate against an enermy.

This video says it all!:partay:

YouTube - Pakistani hindu Citizen Warns India .India Pakistan Preparing for WAR

and how do you know this chap is Hindu?
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