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Baba ramdev arrested....supporters attacked

I agree, congress gave too much importance to him. They did double mistake, one by trying to negotiate with him. And second trying to break his fast. They should have allowed him to run out of his steam.
But I guess, it was police on ground that took the call, not govt in power.

No way, the unrestrained brutality was authorized directly by the High Command - the 2G family and their MMS sidekick. Kapil Sibal himself said this. 2G family and their cronies have a lot to lose.
Yedurrappa was accused in land scams .
Was there a statement by PM in waiting , Sushma swaraj , And yes Yedurappa is still a minister and also a CM of Karnataka , NDA is pathetic

Stop derailing the thread and be on topic

You are derailing the thread with Yeddyurappa etc. What Yeddy has done is peanuts compares to what Gandhi family has stolen over the past nearly one hundred years.
I never supported Baba ramdev,its good to hear that his political stunt,which was a prequel to the launch of his Bharat Swabhiman Party is over.

This revolt was never for the sake of common people,he was just mimicking Anaji for his political mileage,it is reported that Baba had shadowy deal's with more than 200 pharmaceutical companies,what about the black money he gathered so far.

Here we have a baba who arrives on a chartered flight and stays in an air conditioned tent for fasting against corruption,the corporate baba who commercialized yoga,who had a complete network of unregistered corporation's is speaking about corruption.

And have a look at his demands, astonishing,hilarious and ridiculous.

Abolish all Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes.
Hang every people involved in corruption,damn is this some barbaric era autocracy in which we live in.

I am not either supporting Congress for their action's which is against democratic freedom,but the entire drama is over for good.
Everyone has the right to voice against corruption. But when someone brings ...corrupt cong, mafia queen etc...it looks more like political propaganda...

About Ramdev...he should have waited about what comes out of Lokpal Bill. I would welcome BJP if they come out with any full-proof plan to get rid of corruption rather than gaining from anyone's campaighn. BTW, some people should not forget BJP too had the record of silencing Tahelca.com. I respect Anna Hazare, Arvind Kezriwal etc because they were agitating for something constructive that is intruduction of Lokpal Bill to improve the existing system rather than giving any vague call.

It is in fact, the huge donations come to many Babas in our country for charitable works can well be a route to invest black money. I know a broker firm which use a charitable organisation in Chennai to invest black money of its HNI clients. However I have not much idea about qactual process. Any person with knowledge in taxasion can explain it.
FLASH : Supreme Court issues notice to Centre on the forceful eviction of yoga guru Ramdev and his followers from Ramlila Maidan.

Centre is so gonna be Screwed.
Teargas was used coz Baba's supporters pelted stones and hit with baseball bats .
Police could have easily fired bullets and killed some but police showed some maturity

1) why police went there at 1'o clock?
2) why they attack on mob, If there were more people gathered in sonia gandhis sabha does she was ordered and mob ordered to go?
3) Law is an especially persons who r in authority misuse the same.

Forget all corruption must be removed. what your view on the same.
Dont consentrate on Baba consentrste against curruption.

Mindwell intelligency is not that u r intelligent to speak but to understand real problem.

Hell with curruption. Misuse of power and nothing else. may baba didnt follow law and permission but on other hand the action of police and government is rubish. political motivated attack with full of nonsencidity.

Doesnt matter any law break great job against Curruption.
I never supported Baba ramdev,its good to hear that his political stunt,which was a prequel to the launch of his Bharat Swabhiman Party is over.

This revolt was never for the sake of common people,he was just mimicking Anaji for his political mileage,it is reported that Baba had shadowy deal's with more than 200 pharmaceutical companies,what about the black money he gathered so far.

Here we have a baba who arrives on a chartered flight and stays in an air conditioned tent for fasting against corruption,the corporate baba who commercialized yoga,who had a complete network of unregistered corporation's is speaking about corruption.

And have a look at his demands, astonishing,hilarious and ridiculous.

Abolish all Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes.
Hang every people involved in corruption,damn is this some barbaric era autocracy in which we live in.

I am not either supporting Congress for their action's which is against democratic freedom,but the entire drama is over for good.

Most of your remarks are devoid of any substance. Why don't you go one by one. Start by substantiating your allegations about shadowy deals and black money.
Baba Ramdev betrayal sparks doom gloom in RSS : North: India Today

A pall of gloom descended over the saffron camp on Saturday evening following what was perceived to be a complete betrayal of a "mass movement" by Ramdev. His "treachery" has crashed the Sangh's hopes of discrediting the government on the issue of black money. The anti-corruption "movement" is all but over because, according to the RSS men who propped Ramdev, they promoted a "dubious icon".

During the meetings Ramdev and his deputy Balakrishan had with the Union ministers, the CBDT and ED officials showed them evidence of various illegalities in the setting up yoga centres and ayurvedic pharmacies by the Patanjali Yogpeeth. In fact, the Roorkee SDM's order of May 5 establishes that Ramdev's Patanjali Yogapeeth is involved in grabbing about 44 bighas of farmers' land in Aurangabad village in the Roorkee sub-division.

"They (the officials) may have put pressure on him. What can I say…He has struck a deal without even telling us," Govindacharya, the man mobilising the Sangh cadre to join Ramdev's "movement", said. He agreed that the government may have "put pressure" on Ramdev because he has several dubious land deals and a vast empire of yoga ashrams and ayurvedic pharmacies. "He may be protecting his commercial interests," he added.

The RSS had exhorted all its state units and the ABVP activists to join Ramdev. Govindacharya's Bharat Swabhiman Trust also was mobilising workers. But all this effort went to waste. "He (Ramdev) did not involve any of us in negotiating with the government. He and his deputy Balakrishna were the chief negotiators and he became the chief spokesperson. Our Ved Pratap Vaidik was involved but perhaps even he was not told about the deal's actual contours," he added.

Ramdev's agitation was being sponsored by the RSS and supported by the BJP/VHP. The BJP's president, Nitin Gadkari, had even issued a statement supporting Ramdev. VHP leader Ashok Singh had announced his plan to join Ramdev's fast and the Ram Janmabhoomi poster-girl sadhvi Rithambhara was present at the venue of the fast.

The RSS second-in-command, Suresh Joshi, had written to all state units of the Sangh to extend whole-hearted support to Ramdev's movement, which was officially launched on June 4. An extraordinary appeal, it was being perceived by the common swayamsevaks as an equivalent to the Sangh's war cry against Indira Gandhi during the Emergency.

The men working overtime behind the scenes were Sangh ideologue K.N. Govindacharya and his friends - Ajit Doval of the Vivekananda International Foundation, Janata Party chief Subramanian Swamy, RSS ideologue S. Gurumurthy et al - to be the figurehead of the "mass movement".

Despite a note of caution by some in the Sangh circles about Ramdev's credibility, these people still went ahead and projected him as an icon against corruption. The RSS had a limited goal to achieve in Ramdev's agitation - putting pressure on the government to disclose the names of the 18 Indians supplied by the LGT bank in Leichtenstein, a tax haven in Germany, and getting some kind of commitment to recover these assets. The idea was to discredit the government and make some brownie points on black money. But all these hopes crashed because Ramdev turned out to be "too smart". According to Govindacharya, the movement is "over". He said, "He (Ramdev) has spilt the milk. We did not even achieve our limited goal. All our effort has practically come to zilch."

On what the future holds, he said: "Right now, I am just watching him on television and laughing. Actually, I knew on Friday it was all over when I went to the Ramlila Maidan; I could figure out the way he was talking. Let me just take it in for now." The BJP, which had extended "moral support" to Ramdev, seemed very confused. "We don't know what has happened. All I can tell you is that the Congress is not serious about tackling corruption and they will undermine any effort to cleanse the system," BJP chief spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad said. The RSS did not say anything officially though a number of swayamsevaks were seen openly shouting slogans against the yoga guru.

The buzz in the Sangh circles is that an astrologer, who advises the saffron leaders on important issues, had told the organisers not to get too involved with Ramdev's movement as he would "fall flat on his face". By Friday evening, several cadres had called up the astrologer, telling him to keep a fast on Saturday as penance for his "wrong prediction".

For this reason, the soothsayer was actually fasting on Saturday when the twist in the tale appeared. "I am happy my prediction has come true," he said.

I can speculate your position on nationalist issues and organisations especially if your name is Ejaz or "Zeeshan".

You have not let me down.
Apart from all political wrangling, I am curious to know the status of Baba Ramadev as an adept of Hatha Yoga, in comparison with, say, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, most prominent exponent of Hatha Yoga in last century?
F**K U Congress

It took 1year for UPA to arrest RAJA
It took 6 months to arrest Kalmadhi

And if a person is peacefully protesting for a noble cause then he is arrested within 24 hrs

And still there are hypocrites supporting this Govt
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