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Baba ramdev arrested....supporters attacked

It is good that he was arrested..his fraud camp broken ..there is a reason why govt could not take similar action against Hazare.

This guy is a total fraud..makes fool out of simple people.

In his yoga lesson he arranges for his own people to sit amongst the crowd..they raise hand/support his every silly claim.
You are congress supporter right? If you do not belive him fine, but I know tons of people that started doing yoga because of him and benefited.
Congress chors need to be kicked in next election.
They should apply for Guinness book of world record for most corrupt government of this world. Jo paise yeah kha gahe hai inka bap bharega. Inki Ma ka ... I am very angry, we will not tolerate corruption.
You are congress supporter right? If you do not belive him fine, but I know tons of people that started doing yoga because of him and benefited.
Congress chors need to be kicked in next election.
They should apply for Guinness book of world record for most corrupt government of this world. Jo paise yeah kha gahe hai inka bap bharega. Inki Ma ka ... I am very angry, we will not tolerate corruption.

I agree congress is corrupt and needs to be removed?
Who is ur alternative?Mayavati?RSS rathyatra advani?Narendra modi?U want to see another gujarat on a national scale?
These guys are disgusting segregationists who breed hate.
Problem is there is no national secular alternative to congress.
I'm not a congress supporter,i'm just aware that there is no national alternative.
Congress has signed its own death warrant. Congress party it self proved that they don't want the corruption to go away. By stopping Baba Ramdev's fast, it is not obvious to every Indian that congress party intentions are no good. Sonia Gandhi should not abandon her party and go back to Italy.

I am sure Baba Ramdev will go on fast again! What Anna Hazare says about this remains to be seen.

Bye Congress!
That's true. And I believe, Baba Ramdev has support of RSS, that's only something the Anna doesn't like. Baba should not have accepted support of any political party what so ever because that gave congress a chance to criticize him for the genuine issues he is raising.
Prophet Mohammed was a chu-tiya and a barbaric moron. He was worse than those terrorists in Pakistan.

A P0rKI forum will always remain a P0rKI pigs forum. showing its true colors. :angry:

By the way, Ramdev is a spiritual Guru. And legally, even religious gurus are not banned from fighting for social causes. There is no such law. Jai baba Ramdev. :tup:

I have no idea why u are bringing the islamic prophet in here,i'm not pakistani and i'm not muslim.
I get the feeling u wrote all these posts just to post this,this is what actually wanted to say.
This is an internal affairs issue keep pak out of this.
Ramdev is a good yoga instructor,thats it.Worthless otherwise making insensitive comments like homosexual people are like animals with a disease.While u may not approve of such practices this is no way to speak of people.A spiritual guru who flies on a private jet?why does a spiritual guru need to join politics?
In his yoga lesson he arranges for his own people to sit amongst the crowd..they raise hand/support his every silly claim.

If that were so, corrupt Government wouldn't be worried and had ignored him. Why send 4 minister to talk with him to break his fast? ;)

They are scared because he has a wide base, which corrupt Italian Congress fears and he is raising Black-money issue, which funders of corrupt congress as well as BJP doesn't want. :lol:
I have no idea why u are bringing the islamic prophet in here,i'm not pakistani and i'm not muslim.
I get the feeling u wrote all these posts just to post this,this is what actually wanted to say.
This is an internal affairs issue keep pak out of this.

I agree. But problem is that on Pakistani forum, people start abusing every non-Muslim faiths and figures. That's unacceptable.
That's true. And I believe, Baba Ramdev has support of RSS, that's only something the Anna doesn't like. Baba should not have accepted support of any political party what so ever because that gave congress a chance to criticize him for the genuine issues he is raising.

This is my biggest problem with him as well,aside from the fact that he is unfit to be people's leader.
If that were so, corrupt Government wouldn't be worried and had ignored him. Why send 4 minister to talk with him to break his fast? ;)

They are scared because he has a wide base, which corrupt Italian Congress fears. :lol:

He doesn't have the people's suport,he is only abusing the people's anger against rampant corruption to further his own ends.
I agree congress is corrupt and needs to be removed?
Who is ur alternative?Mayavati?RSS rathyatra advani?Narendra modi?U want to see another gujarat on a national scale?
These guys are disgusting segregationists who breed hate.
Problem is there is no national secular alternative to congress.
I'm not a congress supporter,i'm just aware that there is no national alternative.

But lets not forget that during time of congress major terrorist attacks have happened in India, largest scams in the history of India has occurred while congress is in power, on the other hand, you can see what Narendra Modi has given to Gujarat. See the growth Gujarat is facing among other states. So, yes, I do want to see Narendra Mania on national level.

As for the Gujarat riots, people of both religions murdered and raped each other, not just Hindus or not just Muslims. How many religious riots have broken out in Gujarat since then? None! Narendra Modi probably did make stupid move during riots but it was THEN! Congress's stupid moves have been quite consistent.

More over, no matter how much you would like congress to remain in power, it is not gonna happen. Sonia has signed her own permanent leave. I thought, Rahul being young blood would have something better to do than old farts but he is also too off from same trash bag.
That's true. And I believe, Baba Ramdev has support of RSS, that's only something the Anna doesn't like. Baba should not have accepted support of any political party what so ever because that gave congress a chance to criticize him for the genuine issues he is raising.

Ramdev has refused to take any politician, on stage. Neither BJP nor CangrAss.

In fact, he was joined by Muslim and Christian religious leaders. This is what is paining in Congressi's pseudo-sickular as$. ;):lol:
But lets not forget that during time of congress major terrorist attacks have happened in India, largest scams in the history of India has occurred while congress is in power, on the other hand, you can see what Narendra Modi has given to Gujarat. See the growth Gujarat is facing among other states. So, yes, I do want to see Narendra Mania on national level.

As for the Gujarat riots, people of both religions murdered and raped each other, not just Hindus or not just Muslims. How many religious riots have broken out in Gujarat since then? None! Narendra Modi probably did make stupid move during riots but it was THEN! Congress's stupid moves have been quite consistent.


Sickular Congress is master of votebank and caste politics. And it owns media.
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