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Azerbaijan Issues Warning Iran

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A member of Iran's Qajar dynasty, Sultan Babek Mirza paid a visit to Istanbul on December 6.

"Turkey is my second homeland." Mirza said.

We want to reunite with Iran although there are many ideas between my compatriots but if you are speaking of Muslims of Azerbaijan, i gotta tell you, they would choose Iran. Nowadays even Turkey is turning to Iran. So standing or uniting with Iran has no Inconsistency to uniting with Turkey.
In addition only Armenia is the occupier here not Iran or Turkey.
The only problem is Israel's presence in our country and inshallah we, Azeri Muslims, will **** them in the ***.:woot::rofl: Of course after receiving Iron dumb!!! Those fukin bastards need our dumbo government for a while after that those trashes will be expelled from Azerbaijan:partay:

I had the honor of spending few weeks of my life with Azeris from both sides, separately.
I wrote, what they told me. I was told that both Azeris and Kurds don't like to be part of Iran.
This is why.... border of Iran and Azerbaijan is always crowded on weekends.
I had the honor of spending few weeks of my life with Azeris from both sides, separately.
I wrote, what they told me. I was told that both Azeris and Kurds don't like to be part of Iran.
This is why.... border of Iran and Azerbaijan is always crowded on weekends.
Pakistan has great people bro, no doubt. You will be welcome anytime.
We need help of both of Iran and Turkey to end Armenian occupation of Nagorno-karabakh. It's impossible to achieve it without everyone of them. Iran's influence in Armenia and Turkey's help can lead to it i believe.
Unfortunately you have met my Pan-Turk countryman whom probably had no Islamic vision. I respect their belief but we need Iran. :-)
that also shapes Iran's foreign policy.
:tup: It is Islamic. We will not forget our roots.
What you heard from our MP, was Israel's voice. It will be choked in the near future.
go read some history before you open your mouth and talk about things you don't know because you are going to to ambares your self

aspirations of today, is no history.
Open your eyes and read the title.
I still can't believe some of you lot are naive enough to think that ethnicity/religion/identity matters in geopolitics. It really doesn't.

I feel that some members on PDF are being way too emotional and not as pragmatic as they ought to be.

In the real world, ethnicity doesn't matter at all. Countries only care about their own interests. No country on earth truly cares about the interests of other countries. If you try to romanticize the real world, then you're only setting yourself up for huge disappointments.

The English and Germans are both Germanic-speaking peoples, and yet they despise each other and have fought each other on numerous occasions. The French, Italians, and Spanish are all Latin-speaking peoples, and yet they've fought one another many times in the past.

Omanis are an Arabic-speaking people, and yet they've had better ties with India and Iran than they've had with other Arabic-speaking countries.

Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are both Turkic-speaking countries, and yet that didn't stop the Kyrgyz government from ethnically cleansing tens of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks over the last decade or so. Speaking of ethnic cleansings, the Turkic Uzbeks slaughtered and expelled roughly 20,000 Meskhetian Turks from their lands in the 1990s.

Like hell ethnicity matters in geopolitics. If it really mattered, then none of these atrocities would have been committed over the years.

As for Azerbaijan and Turkey, relations between these two countries deteriorated in the mid 1990s after the then Turkish government foolishly attempted to stage a coup against the Aliyev dynasty in order to annex Azerbaijan:


"According to a 1996 National Intelligence Organization (MİT) report, Turkish prime minister Tansu Çiller gave minister Ayvaz Gökdemir, police chief Mehmet Ağar, İbrahim Şahin, and Korkut Eken the green light to install Ebulfeyz Elçibey as president.[5][10] Elçibey was an ideological ally of Turkish Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) politician Alparslan Türkeş, who harbored aspirations of creating a Turkic state stretching across the Caucasus. Türkeş' support of the coup attempt also provoked a diplomatic crisis between Turkey and Azerbaijan, and the latter country officially requested a statement refuting the section of the report dealing with the attempted coup.[11]"

There's actually a very simple explanation as to why Turkey is trying to cozy up to Azerbaijan right now. It has more to do with energy than it has to do with ethnicity. Turkey is hungry for oil, and Azerbaijan is hungry for foreign investment.

That's the real nature of politics.

There's no Turkic brotherhood, just as there's no Arab or Muslim brotherhood either. The Safavid Turks and Ottoman Turks slaughtered each other for power.

Geopolitics is indifferent to people's identities.
I agree, only a fool, delusional ideologists or a delusional religious zealot will think religion matter in geo politics. Every country is out there for their own selfish national interests and furthering their country's influence by all means necessary. Turkey is supporting Azerbaijan for its own interests, Iran is close to India(a Hindu country who has been fighting their fellow Islamic country for decades.lol) and Russia(an atheist/orthodox country officially) for its own interests as well, Saudi Arabia is also in Yemen a fellow Islamic country and against the Islamic Muslim brotherhood in Egypt for its own interests as well. Western countries have also been allies with many Muslim/Arab countries from the gulf to Turkey to Pakistan to Malaysia , China one of the most atheist countries on earth and with a religion which Muslims might consider idol worshippers is Islamic state of Pakistan's closest allies for decades now Etc etc.
Thing is :INTERESTS TRUMP EVERYTHING IN GEO POLITICS. If a country believes cooperating with another country will serve its interests ,they will do just that irrespective of religion.

People should stop living in this islamic mullah bubble. Lol So I see nothing wrong for Iran(and Russia) siding with Christian Armenia against Muslim Azerbaijan, if Iran's interests are better served doing that, then so be it. :)
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Here is a video from a football match between Tractor Sazi of Tabriz vs Esteglal of Tehran in which Tractor's fans were chanting with "Khaleeg Arabi" Arabian Gulf.

Is that what made Ali Daei angry?
Okay, don't get angry next time because most of Azeris don't want to be part of Iran.
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