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Awami League minister calls Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) followers "robbers" and "terrorist"

last time someone insulted islam in us, pakistan's streets were torched by angry pakstanis. this time, please control your anger. its bangladesh, ex pakistan and not us. the guy himself is a muslim and not a padri.
last time someone insulted islam in us, pakistan's streets were torched by angry pakstanis. this time, please control your anger. its bangladesh, ex pakistan and not us. the guy himself is a muslim and not a padri.

Please dont play with hypothetical innuendo with intention to use typical indo western deception paint (blame brush).
The minister in question is an utter cretin for making such ridiculous comments.

Only a fool would equate faith with money.

Hopefully he has lost his portfolio - most likely he will lose his constituency too.
If he said that in India. He would be sent to hell soon.

But Bangladesh produces lot of people like him. Talisma comes to my mind. Its funny that leftist in W.Bengal are pro-Islam and the ones in BD are anti-Islam.
may be because bangladeshis are free thinkers ... unlike Indian muslims... :p:
Awami League as deceptive trick spreading propaganda that minister will be removed BUT Awami League actually buying time. According to BBC bangla service, culprit Awami League minister actually sent to Mexico to represent Bangladesh and receive "award" on behalf Bangladesh. How Awami League could send such a bigot and Islam hater to represent Bangladesh??? That goes to show real face of Awami League and its anti Islam and anti Muslim agenda.

তবে বিতর্কিত মন্তব্য করে সমালোচনার মুখে পড়া ডাক, টেলিযোগাযোগ ও তথ্যপ্রযুক্তিমন্ত্রী আবদুল লতিফ সিদ্দিকী এখনও দেশে ফেরেন নি। তিনি নিউইয়র্ক সফর শেষ করে মেক্সিকোতে গেছেন। সেখানে তাঁর বাংলাদেশ সরকারের পক্ষ থেকে তথ্য প্রযুক্তিবিষয়ক একটি পুরস্কার গ্রহণ করার কথা। জাতিসংঘের স্থায়ী প্রতিনিধির কার্যালয়ের বরাত দিয়ে আজ মঙ্গলবার বিবিসি বাংলা এ তথ্য জানায়।

বিডিটুডে.নেট:লতিফ সিদ্দিকী মেক্সিকোতে
Latif’s remarks indecent, offensive, say citizens
October 1, 2014 12:41 am
Staff Correspondent

Citizens, including talk-show speakers, pro-Awami League ulema and politicians on Tuesday termed ‘insane’ the posts, telecommunications and information technology minister Abdul Latif Siddique after he made derogatory remarks on Islam and talk-show speakers.They also demanded his resignation and exemplary punishment.

Latif Siddique, on Sunday made derogatory remarks about hajj, a main pillar of Islam, and said he was dead against hajj and Tabligh Jamaat.The minister, while addressing a gathering at Jackson Heights in New York, also launched a virulent attack on TV talk-show speakers and did not spare even the prime minister’s information technology adviser Sajib Wazed Joy, also the son of Sheikh Hasina.

Islami Oikya Jote chairman Misbahur Rahman Chowdhury, an ally of the ruling AL, said the minister’s remarks proved that he was totally ignorant of Islam. ‘I think he lost his mental balance while delivering his speech,’ he added.‘Latif Siddique has hurt the sentiment of 1.5 billion Muslims of the world and must be given exemplary punishment for making derogatory remarks about Islam and its Prophet,’ he said.About Latif Siddique’s indecent remarks about the talk-show speakers, Chowdhury, also a regular talk- show speaker, said, ‘I will not make comments on his filthy remarks as I do not know what kind of family he comes from.’

Former secretary of Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association SM Rezaul Karim said Latif Siddique’s remarks were ‘indecent’ and ‘offensive’. ‘His statement goes against the spirit of free-thinking,’ he added.Rezaul Karim said the minister’s statement was a manifestation of ‘mental illness’.AL presidium member Nooh-ul Alam Lenin said the minister’s unbalanced and abnormal remarks had embarrassed both the government as well as the party.

AL lawmaker Israfil Alam, also a regular talk-show speaker, said, ‘His [Latif Siddique] remarks have embarrassed us all.’
Terming the minister an ‘insane’ and ‘indecent man’, Dhaka University law professor Asif Nazrul said he should be either sent to jail or a mental hospital.

He said, ‘The minister has committed crimes under penal code by making derogatory remarks about Islam. He must be arrested and given exemplary punishment.’

Senior jurist Shahdeen Malik said he was not surprised by the minister’s remarks as people were nowadays hearing and witnessing such irresponsible utterances and conducts by ministers. ‘In a democracy, such irresponsible comments would have led to resignation of the minister. But, ours is not a democracy,’ he added.

- See more at: Latif’s remarks indecent, offensive, say citizens | New Age

Latif’s remarks indecent, offensive, say citizens | New Age
Recently a man was sentenced to 7 years in prison for mocking the Hasina & mujib but this low life cockroach can get away with insulting the the basic pillars of Islam. This can only happen in a awami ruled BD.

What an idiot....this just gives fodder to those people in the muslim world who believe being left wing/secular means being anti-Islam

U don't need fodder in BD's case. AL has proven itself nothing but anti-islam and secularism is synonymous with AL. Witch hasina doesn't even have the legal mandate to be in power.
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Awami League as deceptive trick spreading propaganda that minister will be removed BUT Awami League actually buying time. According to BBC bangla service, culprit Awami League minister actually sent to Mexico to represent Bangladesh and receive "award" on behalf Bangladesh. How Awami League could send such a bigot and Islam hater to represent Bangladesh??? That goes to show real face of Awami League and its anti Islam and anti Muslim agenda.

He certainly is pro BD, no one has to be pro saudi to represent BD :lol:
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