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Average IQ by Country

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Jul 14, 2011
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IQ scores are used for various purposes; right from predicting educational achievements, to special needs, job, or income. Scientists study the world's highest IQ score and reveal a number of qualities and predictions based on it.

The reason behind inventing the IQ test was to test the knowledge for children in order to find out which of them would require additional academic help.

» Israel, India, China and IQ - Blogger News Network



World Map of National IQ Scores

Members beware. This is a Troll post :D
Members beware. This is a Troll post :D

No, IQ scores are used for various purposes; right from predicting educational achievements, to special needs, job, or income. Scientists study the world's highest IQ score and reveal a number of qualities and predictions based on it.

The reason behind inventing the IQ test was to test the knowledge for children in order to find out which of them would require additional academic help. Relax
IQ maybe good at predicting success in a west like industrial societies but definitely fails in tribal/nomadic/hunter-gatherer cultures
very high iq chinese eat anything that crawls and low iq indians grow grains to eat. high iq chinese follow budhism a indian religion cant create their own. indian civilisation influenced chinese civilisation throughout history instead of high iq chinese people influencing indian civilisation

Actually, Buddha was born in Nepal. :P

And no, I don't eat everything that crawls on the floor. I eat chicken/beef/pork/vegetables/rice etc.
very high iq chinese eat anything that crawls and low iq indians grow grains to eat. high iq chinese follow budhism a indian religion cant create their own. indian civilisation influenced chinese civilisation throughout history instead of high iq chinese people influencing indian civilisation

Gun powder, Paper, etc.

Indians influence other mostly spiritually.

Actually, Buddha was born in Nepal.

We'll battle again Chinason.
Were these tests ever conducted in every country on a large scale? I read somewhere that some imbecile Western "researcher" published these results while he did not even learn how to conduct a scientifically accurate study. He used scores of Indian IQ Tests to estimate IQ scores of neighbouring countries, as one example of many of his blunders.
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