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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

Well morale lifting is required as well - even our Army chief came to give pointers to Zardari in Lahore before his trip.

There are many things that can be done. "We need a bulldozer, its available with someone whom we have delayed payments before so they are not too happy with us, President makes a call, makes assurances and it gets done".

As the Commander-in-Chief, the President should be raising morale, yes.

But there is no way to get bulldozers up where they are needed in the short time window for them to be useful.

Ok i dont know much about the procedures used in this type of rescue..but in a way snow/ice is more workable than mud slide.....

how about using thermite?

In addition to the risk of triggering more avalanches, thermite would also not be good for any possible survivors.

The army chief is in the gayari area overseeing the efforts.

That is a good step.
The worse news is, the bloody media is giving no coverage to this incident but other bloody mass-murderers who are having a vacation.

The snow has turned hard like ice which is making the survival near impossible and rescue operations tougher.
We all should hope and pray for a miracle, but also prepare ourselves for the worst. :(
Pakistani commentators blaming Indian for the tragedy

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More than hundred defenders of this motherland are in the mouth of death in Siachin and our channels are telecasting usual halla gula.....??????????
this is true face of our media, We all pray for the safety and early re-union with their respective families........wish we could help them.....bcoz they were sons, brothers, fathers, lone earners, married, and soon to be married men............

Pakistan Army zindabad.
Pakistan Paindabad. :pakistan:
The media is constantly showing the tom and jerry show and no updates or anything on this incident. But maybe this is because there is no access for these guys in that area.

BTW, Zardari has announced 10 million dollars of the dargah. WTF!!!!!

Now the hopes are slowly dying down, it would take at least a week now to recover all the bodies.

Maj. Zaka ul Haq

Facebook Status Update of Maj Zaka before moving to Siachen

This status update is dated 5-Jul-2011, Is he still there ?

Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things and good things never die

We can always hope.

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