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Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

Ok i dont know much about the procedures used in this type of rescue..but in a way snow/ice is more workable than mud slide.....

how about using thermite?
how about using thermite?

Any kind of explosive used in a avalanche zone could trigger new avalanches. It could also collapse any empty pockets buried underneath the snow. Unfortunately digging is probably the best option at the moment. First try to make contact with any possible survivors and only then come up with a game plan, if there are any. Else, it would be a painfully slow process.
Ok i dont know much about the procedures used in this type of rescue..but in a way snow/ice is more workable than mud slide.....

how about using thermite?

Well , thermite might be an option.

But melted ice makes water, which makes sludge kind of a surface, which is hard and like crystals.

Any kind of explosive used in a avalanche zone could trigger new avalanches. It could also collapse any empty pockets buried underneath the snow. Unfortunately digging is probably the best option at the moment. First try to make contact with any possible survivors and only then come up with a game plan, if there are any. Else, it would be a painfully slow process.

Thermite is not an explosive.

Nano-thermite is though.
This event should serve as an eye opener for both India & Pakistan, neither of us need these needless deaths. This tragedy could have stuck either side. The posts in these areas should be vacated by both sides with mutual consent on priority basis.
It's 80 foot thick means something close to eight storey building composted of snow and a lot of rock solid ice. Lets pray for a mirical to see all of them, most of them or at least some of them alive among their loved ones.

Lets hope we most of them. Avalanche's are not so uncommon in the area and lets hope they were prepared to deal with it.

This event should serve as an eye opener for both India & Pakistan, neither of us need these needless deaths. This tragedy could have stuck either side. The posts in these areas should be vacated by both sides with mutual consent on priority basis.

I am not sure if the two countries have enough mutual trust for such a move to realize.
Well , thermite might be an option.

But melted ice makes water, which makes sludge kind of a surface, which is hard and like crystals.

Thermite is not an explosive.

Nano-thermite is though.

drilling holes to say 20 feet at and 10 meters apart and depositing thermite down there will create a layer of water and top layer may slide off..
drilling holes to say 20 feet at and 10 meters apart and depositing thermite down there will create a layer of water and top layer may slide off..

Thermite will not be in a channel then, it will be on all sides, posing even more risks possibly. Collapsing layers are not what you want in those situations.

Maj. Zaka ul Haq

Facebook Status Update of Maj Zaka before moving to Siachen

If you read the american comments on yahoo / fox/ etc on this issue---it shows the true hatred that the american public has developed for pakistan----. Kiyani---you are pakistan's worst enemy.

Sir - this morning Sky news have allocated a tiny slot for this sickening news. There are 9 miners trapped in Peru and you would think that these people were descendants of the queen with continued breaking news about every single event regarding the rescue. You would think the almost 1 million Pakistanis in the UK would be better respected and updated but sadly no.
Those scummy leaders have a lot to answer for. Who really gives a damn if Zardari never came back from India - who really cares? I would rather be kept informed of the efforts of the rescue mission and any type of news regarding this matter.
All we can do is simply pray for then and their families. So sad and such a waste of probably the main bread earners of the families they were feeding....
Sir plz do not generalize for american public after reading a few comments on yahoo ... i have a lot of western friends who will never rejoice on this incident
Most of the American public don't hate Pakistan...they hate who hurts them and Pakistan never hurted them....and they know that....:)
The army chief is in the gayari area overseeing the efforts.
Shame on Pak media, showing everywhere Colgate guy.. No update on Siachin calamity.

NP bro could you please update me.
"There is no hope, there is no chance at all," mountaineering expert Colonel Sher Khan told AFP.
"You can survive only in the first 5-10 minutes," said Khan.
"Its a huge, huge avalanche," a senior military officer told AFP, adding rescue work would take several days.
"Adequate medical staff has been made available for the treatment of injured persons in forward field hospitals," it added.


I hope some miracle happens........

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