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Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage

Lol, don't lecture on something i already know. I've lived in the US and boy o' boy do western countries lack moral values big time!
The thing is i can point to so many things that are morally corrupt in the west due to materialism and other factors involved in the deterioration of Morals in West but that would be very long and time consuming.

Maybe we need to be a bit more like you. Honour killings, gay killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides.

Such a moral country. Such a moral culture.
What they do in private is their own business why should it bother you?

Actually, it does bother me and it should bother anyone, anyone sane that is. Homosexual behavior is harmful, disgusting, and hazardous not only to the homosexuals, but also to people around them.

You are comparing gays to animals?
Where was i comparing gays to animals? What i was implying was that homosexuality is unnatural, causes diseases, and can't be considered "normal", just as no sane person would consider bestiality normal.

You are so backwards.
How? Just because i don't accept the sick, disgusting, disease ridden degenerate behavior of homosexuals therefore i'm backwards, what a logic you have!

How does it feel for many of these 'animals' to have achieved more than you?

And what is that supposed to prove? There are people in higher levels of societies but does that excuse them from doing wrong things? Its like your saying those homos are superior to the rest, then in that case you must be inferior to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs since they achieved more than you did in your entire life, funny what capitalist society can do to people's mentality:lol:.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

Maybe we need to be a bit more like you. Honour killings, gay killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides.

Such a moral country. Such a moral culture.

And where did i mention that any Muslim country was free from "Honour killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides"?
........And where did i mention that any Muslim country was free from "Honour killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides"?

On one hand, by accepting that Eastern countries are not free from such atrocities/evil............ and on the other hand by accusing the West of being morally incorrect for giving equal rights to their people.........you are just being a Hypocrite.
On one hand, by accepting that Eastern countries are not free from such atrocities/evil and on the other hand by accusing the west of being morally incorrect for giving equal rights to their people.........you are just being a Hypocrite.

You clearly are clueless and don't make any sense whatsoever. See, if you had the gray matter in your skull, i'm sure you would have known that i wasn't comparing Western society to "Eastern countries", it was Controlled Pair who went off topic and brought up Muslim countries and the "Honour killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides" rant.

Secondly, you accused me of being a hypocrite, again you don't make any sense. I would have been a hypocrite if i hadn't admitted the fact that Muslim countries aren't flawless, but i did so how does that make me a hypocrite?

Next time, do a better job reading and comprehending.
You clearly are clueless and don't make any sense whatsoever. See, if you had the gray matter in your skull, i'm sure you would have known that i wasn't comparing Western society to "Eastern countries", it was Controlled Pair who went off topic and brought up Muslim countries and the "Honour killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides" rant.

Secondly, you accused me of being a hypocrite, again you don't make any sense. I would have been a hypocrite if i hadn't admitted the fact that Muslim countries aren't flawless, but i did so how does that make me a hypocrite?

Next time, do a better job reading and comprehending.

I guess, your oversized grey matter is preventing you from thinking logically.

First of all, you thanked and replied in support of the below post.

Disgusting. Sometimes I think the disintegration of Western civilisation has to do with the moral decay of their societies.

Then you said, there are many things that are morally corrupt in the West....and their moral values are deteriorating....see below post...

Lol, don't lecture on something i already know. I've lived in the US and boy o' boy do western countries lack moral values big time!
The thing is i can point to so many things that are morally corrupt in the west due to materialism and other factors involved in the deterioration of Morals in West but that would be very long and time consuming.

And in reply to your such Hypocritical behavior, @Controlled Pair aptly raised the issues of atrocities in Eastern/Muslim countries.......which are also morally incorrect....aren't they??

So, How can we accuse the West of being morally incorrect(for giving equal rights to their people) when in our own countries people are killed due to prejudices,dogmas etc.??
I guess, your oversized grey matter is preventing you from thinking logically.
:lol: Again, you don't make any sense at all.

First of all, you thanked and replied in support of the below post.

Ok, and what does that prove?

Then you said, there are many things that are morally corrupt in the West....and their moral values are deteriorating....see below post...
Ok.... and?

And in reply to your such Hypoctitical behaviour, @Controlled Pair aptly raised the issues of atrocities in Eastern/Muslim countries.......which are also morally incorrect....aren't they??

Yes they are, but then how am i a hypocrite if i admitted that they are morally incorrect?

So, How can we accuse the West of being morally incorrect

I didn't accuse, i merely stated the obvious, and speaking of hypocrisy, the western governments are the biggest hypocrites, they say that they are fighting against Islamic Extremism and al=ciada but yet they supported the same extremists in libya just recently which in other words is considered morally incorrect.

(for giving equal rights to their people) when in our own countries people are killed due to prejudices,dogmas etc.??

What do you mean, people still die by the thousands in the USA alone due to gang violence, racism, prejudice, homelessness, joblessness, just because the western so called "open, liberal" media doesn't show it due to its obsession with Muslim countries doesn't mean the west isn't morally corrupt.
....Yes they are, but then how am i a hypocrite if i admitted that they are morally incorrect?.....

The answer is simple, when i'm not correct myself, I cannot accuse someone else of being incorrect....I have to correct myself first.

If, without correcting myself, I point finger at others, then it's only natural that people will point out my mistakes and call me a hypocrite.

It's like a thief giving lectures on morality to another thief .

The answer is simple, when i'm not correct myself, how can I accuse someone else of being incorrent??
It's like a thief giving lectures to another thief about morality. UNDERSTOOD.

Then going by your logic i have every right to lecture the hypocritical westerners since they are the ones who can't keep their noses out of Muslim countries internal affairs, and go to any lengths to interfere in our internal matters. I think i already pointed that out, but you purposely cut out 90% of my post in order to quote me out of context. UNDERSTOOD?
Then going by your logic i have every right to lecture the hypocritical westerners since they are the ones who can't keep their noses out of Muslim countries internal affairs, and go to any lengths to interfere in our internal matters. I think i already pointed that out, but you purposely cut out 90% of my post in order to quote me out of context. UNDERSTOOD?
I'm not saying that the westerners are perfect.
Ofcourse, you can lecture the Westerners on their "nosey" behaviour(but that is not the issue here)........BUT you certainly cannot lecture them on something they excel at i.e How to treat one's own countrymen as HUMANS?.
Good call. The only difference between a homosexual and a heterosexual is the sexual preference, so I don't see why they don't deserve the same rights that others do wherever they may live. It's not like stopping them from doing whatever they are rightfully entitled to do is going to stop any of the **** going on today.
Lol, don't lecture on something i already know. I've lived in the US and boy o' boy do western countries lack moral values big time!
The thing is i can point to so many things that are morally corrupt in the west due to materialism and other factors involved in the deterioration of Morals in West but that would be very long and time consuming.

Probably my moral values are different from yours. For me sexual orientation is not an important parameter to judge morality compared to say, telling truth,equality, obeying law, and being a good citizen.
I can see citizens of UK rate much higher in each of these parameters compared to India.
well. the tradition of marriage is now destroyed. RIP
whats next? children can marry each other?

---------- Post added at 01:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ----------

Maybe we need to be a bit more like you. Honour killings, gay killings, blasphemy killings, apostate killings, minority killings, forced marriages, child brides.

Such a moral country. Such a moral culture.

we learned from the british!
I don't understand the morality argument. Being gay is not a choice, it is how people are born, so by denying them rights, it is the same as denying someone rights due to the color of their skin. How is this moral to deny someone rights for something they're born with and doesn't affect their intellect?

I'm not gay btw. I love my women.

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