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Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage


May 21, 2011
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Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage

Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage
Labour Party backs issue but allows MPs to vote with their conscience should same-sex marriage bill come to parliament.
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2011 08:15


Gillard had not publicly opposed the platform change but is against changes to the Marriage Act [Reuters]

Australia's ruling Labour Party has decided to support gay marriage, but consented to politicians voting with their conscience on the issue should a same-sex marriage bill come to parliament.

After passionate and emotional speeches from both sides of the debate at the party's conference in Sydney, delegates on Saturday agreed to change their party platform in favour of marriage equality for gay couples.

In opening the debate, Labour Prime Minister Julia Gillard had called for respectful discussion as she acknowledged division within the party on the issue.

Gillard had not publicly opposed the platform change but is against changes to the Marriage Act, which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

"You all know what my views on this debate are and I know many in this hall do not agree with my views," she said.

"But what is the most important thing is that as we have this debate in this hall, we have this debate in a climate and atmosphere of respect."

Endorsing 'human intimacy'

Gillard, who has said her government will not seek to change the Marriage Act, had called for the party to accept a conscience vote on the issue.

Her proposal was accepted by a vote of 208 to 184. The vote to change the platform to support gay marriage was accepted on voices.

After the outcome, Gillard said the conscience vote, which will likely fail in parliament given that the conservative opposition does not support gay marriage, was "the right decision".

"I wanted to have a conscience vote and we will," she told reporters.

Andrew Barr, the deputy chief minister for the Australian Capital Territory, who had called on the national conference to support gay marriage, said a private member's bill on the issue would likely go to parliament in 2012.

"Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex Australians are part of our community," he said.

"We're not nameless, faceless people who live on the margins of society. We deserve the respect and the dignity afforded to others. We deserve equality."

His amendment was seconded by Finance Minister Penny Wong, who said the relationships and aspirations of gays and lesbians were no different from heterosexuals.

"They are also about the sharing of a life together, with all the love, commitment, difficulties, joy and hope this human intimacy brings," she said.

"Our aspirations are not so different. In this, want the same opportunity others have. To make a commitment to another. To have it recognised. To have it respected."

But others within the party, including union leader Joe de Bruyn, argued that changing the platform would cost votes among traditional Labour ranks.

Equal rights

Same-sex couples in Australia already have equal rights with heterosexual couples in areas such as pension schemes and medical benefits.

The issue of same-sex marriage was repeatedly raised during the 2010 election and many within Labour had pushed for the party to change its platform.

Alex Greenwich, national convenor of Australian Marriage Equality, said he was disappointed that the matter would become a conscience vote but hailed the decision as a sign of movement towards marriage equality.

"The momentum for change is unstoppable because marriage equality is an issue which resonates with fundamental Australian values like fairness and inclusion," he said.

Source: Agencies

Australia ruling party endorses gay marriage - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Good decision. It is about time this gets legalized in India too.

---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

I'm all for gay rights. The only thing I haven't decided on is gay couples having children.
Same here. I am not really sure whether they should be able to adopt, but they can become biological father by using their sperm I guess.
Disgusting. Sometimes I think the disintegration of Western civilisation has to do with the moral decay of their societies.
No, your views are disgusting. Many great people have been gay, there is nothing wrong with it.
You said it!! That is the exact reason!!
Well go to a western country first. And compare their moral values with your. Dont go by the news, once you reach here, you will understand you were wrong all along.
No, your views are disgusting. Many great people have been gay, there is nothing wrong with it.

How can anyone not consider homosexuality to be disgusting? Homosexual behavior is not normal or natural, in fact it is the cause of many STD's. Its like saying bestiality is also natural.
Well go to a western country first. And compare their moral values with your. Dont go by the news, once you reach here, you will understand you were wrong all along.

Lol, don't lecture on something i already know. I've lived in the US and boy o' boy do western countries lack moral values big time!
The thing is i can point to so many things that are morally corrupt in the west due to materialism and other factors involved in the deterioration of Morals in West but that would be very long and time consuming.
How can anyone not consider homosexuality to be disgusting? Homosexual behavior is not normal or natural, in fact it is the cause of many STD's. Its like saying bestiality is also natural.
What they do in private is their own business why should it bother you? You are comparing gays to animals?
You are so backwards. How does it feel for many of these 'animals' to have achieved more than you?
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