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Armed militias planning to take over US border to thwart illegal immigrants


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Armed militias planning to take over US border to thwart illegal immigrants
Published time: July 07, 2014 20:03
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A protester is handcuffed and placed in a police car after a scuffle broke out before the possible arrivals of undocumented migrants who may be processed at the Murrieta Border Patrol Station in Murrieta, California July 4, 2014.(Reuters / Sam Hodgson)

As militias vow to protect the Texas border from illegal immigrants, Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) said he believes the president has an ulterior motive for not moving quickly to prevent the overwhelming numbers of immigrants crossing the border.

Between January 1 and June 15, 2014, more than 52,000 unaccompanied alien children have been apprehended after crossing the Mexican border into the US, according to Customs and Border Patrol. The children are mostly from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. Including adults, over 181,000 undocumented immigrants who are “other than Mexicans,” or OTMs, have been apprehended along the southwest border in that time period. The majority of illegal aliens are coming through the Rio Grande Valley in southwest Texas.

As the United States struggles to deal with a huge wave of undocumented minors, the government is currently planning to convert an empty, 55,000-square foot warehouse in McAllen, Texas into an immigration processing center, located about one mile away from the Rio Grande Valley border patrol station. Meanwhile, the Army base in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, was designated as a third military base to house children illegally and will initially house 600 children before bumping up its capacity to 1,200. Over the last few months, similar housing facilities have been created in California and Texas.


A counter-demonstrator to protesters opposing arrivals of buses carrying largely women and children undocumented migrants for processing at the Murrieta Border Patrol Station is arrested on July 4, 2014 in Murrieta, California.(AFP Photo / David McNew)

With the overwhelming influx of undocumented minors, most of whom have not been vaccinated against infectious diseases like measles, there is fear of potential epidemics. According to the Daily Mail, a rabies outbreak has already been reported by Border Patrol, and officials in Texas are beginning to worry that other infections could spread as well. In Rio Grande, at least, the children are not being screened for diseases.

Enter the Texas and national militias to save the day, the groups say. Over the weekend, a call went out from a coalition of “Patriots” to help with a citizen militia operation called “Secure Our Border – Laredo” to defend private property in the Laredo area and other Texas locations from “drug cartels and from gangs, particularly the MS-13 gangs,” a spokeswoman for the group, Denice Freeman, told The Monitor.

A similar alert went out in mid-June on FreeRepublic.com. “All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure,” the alert said.

Tim Brown at Freedom Outpost calls the current humanitarian crisis an “invasion” that needs to be stopped by the militias.

“This sounds totally American and Constitutional to me. After all, it is constitutional militia, not National Guard or DHS, which are supposed to repel invasions. However, some elected representatives just don't understand the Constitution,” he wrote in a blog post.

During a conference call among militia groups after the first alert went out, one of the call leaders said there are 500 of their troops currently deployed on the Arizona/Mexico border, and as well as “boots on the ground” in CBP’s Laredo sector, Breitbart reported. A state representative, Steve Toth, was also on the call and said that Texas Department of Public Safety Director, Colonel Steve McCraw “is not looking for anyone to show up on the border to help DPS or the Guard. If you would like to join the Guard we would love to have you but don't show up on the border to help it will only cause confusion and lead to someone getting hurt."

While the state’s governor has not asked for help from militias, he hasn’t thrown his support behind the federal government’s handling of the crisis, either. He has been extremely critical of President Barack Obama’s reaction to the lack of border control in Texas.


Texas Governor Rick Perry.(Reuters / Mike Segar)

“This president, I will suggest, is totally and absolutely either inept or making some decisions that are not in the best interests of American citizens,” Perry said during a June 17 interview with Fox News.

He repeated that accusation in an ABC News interview on Sunday.

“I don’t believe he particularly cares whether or not the border of the United States is secure,” Perry told ABC’s Martha Raddatz. “And that’s the reason there’s been this lack of effort, this lack of focus, this lack of resources.”

“The president has sent powerful messages time after time — by his policies, by nuances that it is OK to come to the United States and you can come across and you’ll be accepted in open arms. That is the real issue,” he added. “He sends — I have to believe that when you do not respond in any way, that you are either inept, or you have some ulterior motive of which you are functioning from.”

Perry also believes many of the people being apprehended at the border are coming from the Middle East, not Central America.

“We also have record high numbers of other than Mexicans being apprehended at the border,” he said to Fox News. “These are people that are coming from states like Syria that have substantial connections back to terrorist regimes.”

Politifact Texas rated Perry’s claim as “Pants on Fire!”
I hope American militias stop the influx of these Mexican/Central American thugs from getting within America's border because Obama and his Marxist comrades are bent on allowing these people in for the sake of votes for the Democrat party.

I hope American militias stop the influx of these Mexican/Central American thugs from getting within America's border because Obama and his Marxist comrades are bent on allowing these people in for the sake of votes for the Democrat party.


Ex- f@cking -actly !!!! I couldn't have said it better myself.:tup:
Ex- f@cking -actly !!!! I couldn't have said it better myself.:tup:
But i don't understand though, why has this issue been overlooked for the past two decades?? Millions of them have already gotten in.
But i don't understand though, why has this issue been overlooked for the past two decades?? Millions of them have already gotten in.

This is the mystery. No one, Republican nor Democrat wants to deal with this. To me it's simple, you have to send them back. Besides everything else, it's not fair to the ones who come here legally. Like my parents. Plus, you need to know who and what these people are. This aint rocket science.
This is the mystery. No one, Republican nor Democrat wants to deal with this.
I think its because people were too distracted by other issues that they never bothered to take any bold initiative to intensify the border security.

To me it's simple, you have to send them back. Besides everything else, it's not fair to the ones who come here legally. Like my parents. Plus, you need to know who and what these people are. This aint rocket science.
90 percent (of course, im exaggerating but still) of them aren't here legally, and even the ones that are they certainly don't harbor any feelings of love for the country that took them in, certainly not most of them, because the gov.t's handing out citizenship like candy and now there's talk about amnesty?? You've got to be kidding me!!
.... because the gov.t's handing out citizenship like candy and now there's talk about amnesty?? You've got to be kidding me!!

And don't forget the drivers licenses for illegals. WTF are we doing ? I've read where the coyotes that run these people up here are telling everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras that the U.S. already is giving amnesty to drum up 'business'.
Some of these westerners are really shitty. When they advocate free trade, do they consider the comparative advantage of there economies? And how much loss less developed economies take due to it? and the unemployed labour force there?
Free trade for Goods ok but why not free trade for labour market as well?
Take all the advantage to buildup your economies and defy the effected labour of developing countries?
And don't forget the drivers licenses for illegals. WTF are we doing ? I've read where the coyotes that run these people up here are telling everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras that the U.S. already is giving amnesty to drum up 'business'.
The people running America are insane for allowing this to happen. I've read articles about how entire villages in central America are emptying out because every one's headed to the border! Is it seriously that easy to cross the border with Mexico??

Well, when you create a friendly and hospitable environment for them they will be attracted to it. If they had been met with guns and bullets at the border in the past im sure America wouldn't have been facing this crisis today.
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Some of these westerners are really shitty. When they advocate free trade, do they consider the comparative advantage of there economies? And how much loss less developed economies take due to it? and the unemployed labour force there?
Free trade for Goods ok but why not free trade for labour market as well?
Take all the advantage to buildup your economies and defy the effected labour of developing countries?

You need regulation, who knows who some of these Mexicans are, far to many shady characters on the border what with all the cartels and murders a stones throw away.
And don't forget the drivers licenses for illegals. WTF are we doing ? I've read where the coyotes that run these people up here are telling everyone in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras that the U.S. already is giving amnesty to drum up 'business'.
Obama must have given them a prior notice, you never know!
The people running America are insane for allowing this to happen. I've read articles about how entire villages in central America are emptying out because every one's headed to the border! Is it seriously that easy to cross the border with Mexico??

Well, when you create a friendly and hospitable environment for them they will be attracted to it. If they had been met with guns and bullet at the border in the past im sure America wouldn't have been facing this crisis today.

I've been down there, crossing into Mexico at San Diego. That desert is HELL !! It's so desolate and HOT ! Tons of them never make it. They find their bleached bones, but it still doesn't stop them from trying. I'm a little surprised that no one has 'hunted' these people yet. Of course I don't condone that type of stuff because it would be...........wrong, yeah, that's it. Wrong.
But i don't understand though, why has this issue been overlooked for the past two decades?? Millions of them have already gotten in.
There is no single factor for the low priority status of this issue, not even an overriding one among many.

It is a combination of...

1- The quantity of illegal immigrants is relatively low intensity, meaning trickles of individuals with sporadic spikes from organized crime.

2- Mexico is a benign state, meaning not politically hostile to the US.

3- Humanitarian concerns.

4- Political pressures from Mexico because remittances from the US is a major revenue source for Mexico.

5- Political pressures from Americans because Mexico is a major business and leisure destination.
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