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Are people like Zahid Hamid responsible for the current state of PAK ?

What he says is covered under freedom of speech, you may not like it but he has every right to say it.
Even though he is a bit nutty, all he does is talk
He is not like the Indian extremists who actually go out and commit genocide and destroy ancient relics.
I would take him any day of the week over the nuts in India.

are you sure??we know many of the historical places are destroyed by muslim emperors...
Are people like Zahid Hamid responsible for the current state of PAK ?

Hmmm.More than Zaid Hamid, people who take him seriously are certainly contributing towards the current state of Pakistan.

He builds some sort of alter reality,completely against the facts on grounds.

Otherwise he is good fun.
are you sure??we know many of the historical places are destroyed by muslim emperors...

am I sure?

Yes I am 99.999999% sure that Zahid Hamid has never destroyed a historical site nor has he ever lead/incited a mob that killed thousands of people.
That is more than can be said for some of your "leaders"
Don't know about Pakistan, but he is responsible for giving us endless laughs. Hahaha.

On topic - Yes people like him are responsible for spreading hatred and brainwashing people. And every country has its own zaid Hamid, just that this one is a star.
Don't know about Pakistan, but he is responsible for giving us endless laughs. Hahaha.

On topic - Yes people like him are responsible for spreading hatred and brainwashing people. And every country has its own zaid Hamid, just that this one is a star.

You are Right Bhai ji even im amazed some times to see his mis guided conviction and how hard he tries to bully and force his point to other's during any show withowt thinkin and the expected reply if there was a noble prize for the best Madaaree he will surli get it :rofl:
Now its KSA's fault. :hitwall:

He is a Pakistani, his followers are Pakistani, Pakistani news channels call him, Pakistani universities calls him for lecture. Where the hell KSA comes in ?

Why you guys don't accept that the problem is in Pakistan itself and created by Pakistanis.

Are Pakistani people so dumb that any country can influence them ?

The problem is that when nation sleeps, others play.

I concur, its the fault of pakistanis whatever is happening in our country.
Although he is not considered an important person in Pakistan and that is heartening , but the fact that he is allowed to spew anti-Hindu hatred on TV channels openly and also that he is invited to universities to give his xenophobic speeches is disturbing.

And same thing goes to Indian extremism organizations like Sheo Senna.
If the hindustani's hate zaid hamid! I fail to understand why do hindustanis bring him up constantly!!:rofl:
indian troll's mother>
Warna zaid hamid a jaye ga!!!!
Vajpayee equates Islam with terrorism, The Milli Gazette, Vol. 3 No. 9

ya your right well he did what you never imagined

1. first made India get its Good boy Image and Snached your most Imp ally

2. took hard decisisions on Kargil war but never crossed the line

3.Was instrumental in almost all new infrastructre developments you see in India now

i know you love to hate him llzzz
What he says is covered under freedom of speech, you may not like it but he has every right to say it.
Even though he is a bit nutty, all he does is talk
He is not like the Indian extremists who actually go out and commit genocide and destroy ancient relics.
I would take him any day of the week over the nuts in India.

Please do elect him... it will serve the national interest....(whose national interest is a mystery :))
Zaid Hamid is not responsible for current situation it's the corrupt and incompetent politicians of Pakistan they fail miserably in solving problems every time they come.
that old guy is a good laugh..I do enjoy watching him.He speaks quite energetically.

Once I was watching this debate where he sticks to his idea of romantic Islamic philosophy,and gets bludgeoned left and right by the other folks.Then he tries to hide behind Iqbal and gives the grandmother of all arguments.Why this is right ? Because Iqbal said so,and Zaid Hamid happens to be the only person,who interpreted Iqbal correctly.He again gets abused black and blue for his dogmatism and then he says that he owns it with pride.After another round of criticism,he says,okay fine,let the time decide what is right and what is wrong.
I found out,most of his debates follow somewhat the same graph.....It was fun watching nonetheless.
ZH is donkey and stupid he is like a paid think tank to support some organizations.
He is against SC, he is against Govt, he is against elections he is against everyone except army i suggest ZH to watch Zero Dark thirty its slap on your face and people whom you defend.

As far as India is concerned they are full of Zaid Hamids Indian army chief i was surprised to see how he is begging, BJP, Shiv senic, and other saffron terrorists so instead of giving attention to donkeys like ZH you people better mind your own business.

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