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Arabs slam Pak stand on Yemen and Call on Pakistani Parliament to Fall in Line

LOL. The Chinese Government very smartly has a completely hands-off policy when meddling in affairs which could lead to an international fallout - if their interests are not going to be served, they will not bother.
You can try attacking pakistan now.

Arabs will not directly attack Pakistan. that is old fashion method. More or less using financial attack background tryiing to exert pressure. But you must see who is the backer.

George Soro onces try to attack Hong Kong financial but he forgets who is the backer of HongKong. End up getting his hands burn.

Another example is US stalling sales of attack helo to Pakistan thinking it will cripple PA and make him submit. End up China having the capapbilities to provide a equally capable platform WZ-10 gunship. Now what? US begging Pakistan to buy their Cobra gunship. :lol:

The arabs can try sanction Pakistan or play trick. Dont get their hands burn. :lol:
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Pakistan still has a triumph card. China beside her is all enough. The world largest second economy with 4 trillion forex reserve easily support any financial crisis and assist in building of infrastructure. A country with technology advances and manufacturing prowess to assist any advances of countries in military and technology.

Arabs is nothing.
LoL. If there is China then why Pakistan is becoming more instable day by day. China is a just backstaber. Nothing else.
UAE warns Pakistan of ‘heavy price for ambiguous stand’ on Yemen
DAWN.COM— PUBLISHED4 minutes ago

“Tehran seems to be more important to Islamabad and Ankara than the Gulf countries,” says Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash. — Reuters/File
KARACHI: Pakistani lawmakers’ call for the government to remain neutral on the escalating crisis in Yemen has evoked a strong response from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“The vague and contradictory stands of Pakistan and Turkey are an absolute proof that Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries,” UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash said.

Speaking to renowned Emirati newspaperKhaleej Times, Garhash warned Pakistan of having to pay a “heavy price” for taking on what he called an “ambiguous stand”. He added that Pakistan should take a clear position “in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulf cooperation Council”.

“The Arabian Gulf is in a dangerous confrontation, its strategic security is on the edge, and the moment of truth distinguishes between the real ally and the ally of media and statements,” Gargashtweetedmoments after the Pakistani parliament passed the resolution insisting on neutrality in the Yemen conflict.

Gargash went to symbolise Pakistan’s resolution as equivalent of siding up with Iran instead of the Gulf. “Tehran seems to be more important to Islamabad and Ankara than the Gulf countries,” Gargash said.

“Though our economic and investment assets are inevitable, political support is missing at critical moments,” he added.

The Parliament on Friday passed a unanimous resolution, vowing to defend Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity and the holy places of Makkah and Madinah. But none of these locations appear to have so far been threatened by the conflict.

“Pakistan should play a mediating role and not get involved in the fighting in Yemen,” the resolution stated, adding that “the Parliament of Pakistan ... underscores the need for continued efforts by the government of Pakistan to find a peaceful resolution of the crisis”.

“[Parliament] desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis,” it stated.

The Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes against the Houthi rebels on March 26 in support of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi after they seized the capital and forced him to flee to Aden.

UAE warns Pakistan of ‘heavy price for ambiguous stand’ on Yemen - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Pakistan is always dubious in taking stand for it self.. Initially the delegation visiting KSA gave message to the world that Pakistan is firm on decision of backing and supporting Sunni led coalition against houthis, that would have mean more of a conflict on Iran border which is anyways an on going issue for Pakistan. Now decision backed by Pakistan to stay out of the coalition along with Turkey questions Pakistan's credibility in the region for all Sunni regimes it may cost Pakistan future endeavours and image in the region. Oil and Aid is a concern now...
You can try attacking pakistan now.

Arabs will not directly attack Pakistan. that is old fashion method. More or less using financial attack background tryiing to exert pressure. But you must see who is the backer.

George Soro onces try to attack Hong Kong financial but he forgets who is the backer of HongKong. End up getting his hands burn.

You as in me personally? Well, let me get my lance and mount my horse.
Oh wait, I have neither handy.
Pakistan still has a triumph card. China beside her is all enough. The world largest second economy with 4 trillion forex reserve easily support any financial crisis and assist in building of infrastructure. A country with technology advances and manufacturing prowess to assist any advances of countries in military and technology.

Arabs is nothing.

What a friend you are!

you did covert support that too limited in kargil but at the same time you passed on Intel of oak generals phone conversation to someone.

blood and bluddy brothers. :coffee:
Did u just call me a chtiya. speaks volumes about ur upbringing. Manners son manners. U need to wake up and smell the coffee. Every one takes sides and our interests are connected more to the gulf Arabs and other Muslim countries then u r India tilting Iran. So u need to realize the changing dynamics of this new world.

Nope .. I didn't please call me when free "you" a Chutiya... I said those who think Iran or KSA give a shot about "muslim brothers" or UMMAH bs are infact C...

And to be honest you Dnt go looking for more trouble when your own house is on fire..
"Arab security — from Libya to Yemen — is the responsibility of none but Arab countries,” UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammed Gargash said.

Didn't this idiot know that......
How many troops have the Arabs sent to Pakistan to fight Pakistan's war......ever...!!!
Pakistan is always dubious in taking stand for it self.. Initially the delegation visiting KSA gave message to the world that Pakistan is firm on decision of backing and supporting Sunni led coalition against houthis, that would have mean more of a conflict on Iran border which is anyways an on going issue for Pakistan. Now decision backed by Pakistan to stay out of the coalition along with Turkey questions Pakistan's credibility in the region for all Sunni regimes it may cost Pakistan future endeavours and image in the region. Oil and Aid is a concern now...
Now guys check out this guy Kaoboy's nick and google.
You will know Raw's masterplansof breaking bangladesh, balochistan, sindh etc.
Just google for those who dont know.
The famous cowboys of indira

Fancy you Indian trying to discord r/s. You must be feeling sad nobody cares and back Indian :lol:
This is indian aim of life, trying to create misunderstanding between pakistan and all its friends mainly china. Well jealousy sees no bounds.
This is surprising coming from UAE government. That country is known to be the least likely country to get involved in any war directly in any meaningful manner.

As an international financial and commercial centre, they cannot afford to get involved in a serious conflict. Not to mention a few islands of theirs are under fierce dispute with Iran and Iran is very very powerful when compared to them.

However, this is reflecting one thing; Pakistan's will to stand independently and its leaders having the maturity to say NO to other's conflicts. IMHO Pakistan should send its top negotiators for a peace deal between Houthis/Iranian backers and the GCC military commanders in some neutral country like Turkey.

Getting physically involved will be dangerous for Pakistan's economy and also the loss of precious manpower in a war and political antagonizing of Iran and Syria.

Should be done in the right venue and on the right platform - they should take the matter to the UN.
If they think Turkey has to clean up every single mess in the Middle East then they can go to hell. Disgusting cowards.

Turkey can easily say that .Because they are in Europe and they dont need anyones help ,be in economy or in diplomacy.
But you know this is not good for Pakistan .Arabs may turn against Pakistan .
Then it is their choice.
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