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AQ Khan: North Korea paid bribes to Generals for nuclear know-how

How inconsiderate of Dr Khan by exposing the “secret” letter of Byong Ho. Maybe if Mr Ho had used the official party paper with the letter head then the good doctor would have been more careful? But at least the good Doctor showed sense by killing and burying the messenger in his garden after the letter was hand delivered. (a standard operating procedure that has enabled to keep all the secrets with the doctor that not even the Pakistani and the North Korean states are aware of). But still how very naughty of the Doctor that in order to expose ISI and Pakistan Army, he exposed his long lasting friend Mr Ho.

since it is a secret we would never know why a heavy lift Boeing of PAF was needed maybe the body of Gen Kang’s wife was too heavy? God bless Pakistan Air force for beating the malicious plans of ISI and Pakistan Army.

So they are using laser printer for sending letter already? No type writers?
This proves that North Korea didn’t just spend money on weapons (while missions of its people starved) but also bought laser printers to print secret letters. Down with all that propaganda by the Imperialist Americans against the People’s republic of North Korea, Long live Kim Jong-il and down with Microsoft and Mac and Hewlett-Packard (since they are imperialist pawns).

See, how well meaning, good natured and polite the North Koreans are, who, although having an official communiqué with reference numbers and ranks etc are putting the protocol aside, and instead of talking state business, are wishing well for the doctor and his family at the start and end of the letter. Again the propaganda of the imperialist Americans is proven to be wrong. North Koreans might execute “traitors” of the dear leader after summary trials but that doesn’t mean they have lost their humane touch.

To avoid arousing any suspicions, it was important to congratulate the doctor via a hand delivered secret letter over the success of the nuclear tests after almost 2 months by someone who also happens to be informal enough to wish doctor and his family good health and happy life, how touching.

So CIA, NIS and ISI were colluding together against the great republic of North Korea and AQ Khan Network? Now that’s a shocking revelation no wonder AQ Khan never trusted Pakistan Army and the ISI, and that’s for good reason.

Another proof of Dr AQ Khan’s selfless righteousness and sacrifice, although it were Gen Karamat & Gem Zulfiqar getting minted with dollars and rubies, it was Mr AQ Khan going through all the trouble of giving the “agreed” documents and components “etc” (this etc is important because it’s a secret, use your imagination) to Mr. Yon.

the letter also explains (in the invisible ink) on how to identify Mr Yon who Dr AQ has never met before.

So when the missile components are delivered to Dr AQ Khan while CIA, NIS and ISI are away celebrating the death of poor Mrs Kang. Dr AQ Khan should hold an invisible placard in his hand with Mr Yong’s code name on it. Mr Yong is supposed to be wearing X-ray glasses to identify the placard.

When Mr Yong reaches Mr AQ Khan they should exchange a series of code words that the imperialist Americans and corrupt ISI and Pakistan army would never be able to comprehend.
So Dr AQ Khan should ask him if he is competent? To which Mr Yong is supposed to say yes… ( Dr AQ is supposed to stay quiet and raise his eyebrows, prompting him to go on) & Mr Yong is supposed to complete the sentence by saying that he has served in Iran, Egypt, Syria and Libya. To which Dr AQ Khan is supposed to say.. then WTF is he doing here? To which Mr Yong is supposed to sing the North Korean National Anthem backwards because he is very “competent” as disclosed in the “secret” letter.
As a final check Dr AQ Khan should demand his X-ray report and notice one rib bone missing on the left side of Mr Yong. Dr AQ Khan is then supposed to hand over the documents (about his property in Europe where Mr Yong can stay) and the components “etc” to Mr Yong.

Conclusion, Pakistan Army, ISI, CIA and NIS are working together against Dr AQ Khan and they must be stopped. And someone should get those Rubies back from Gen Karamat.

I am amazed that pplz here behaving so illetrate.....nobody write such kinda letterz...and Dr. AQ Khan will not go after such kinda letterz...its foolish to write such kinda letters which becomes evidence agaisnt you in future .....This kinda business alwayz happens verbally and hand to hand only.....So this is another CIA drama/movie scene against Pakistan to create suspicions and suspense . To confuse the pplz to use their minds to destabilize the Muslim country.......But Alhamdolillah! the curse has been written by Allah SBWT for the Devilz working against Islam no matter if it is CIA, MOSAAD or MI6 or anybodyelse.......ummm......:woot:
Gen Zulfiqar refutes US allegations about nuclear sell-offAPP Yesterday

Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan. – File Photo by AP

LAHORE: Former Chairman WAPDA, Lt. Gen (R) Zulfiar Ali Khan on Friday categorically rebutted the self-styled allegations regarding nuclear sell-off.

Talking to APP while refuting all the fabricated allegations, he said that Pakistan Army has been the biggest deterrent for enemies and now US is taking steps through which it thinks that it will succeed in pitching Pakistani public against Pakistani Army.

“Before making any comments on the substance of the article, I must emphasize that the whole story has not an iota of truth but a fabrication of a mischievous mind. It is now a well known and admitted fact that this by itself is a full fledged subject meriting separate treatment,” he said.

“Coming to the substance of the article in the Washington Post; it relies mainly on a so-called letter said to have been written by a North Korean official to Dr A Q Khan in 1998. This letter is absolutely void of authenticity and credibility for the following reasons:

He said it is not on any letter head; Bonafides of the signature/signing person are not known; It mentions a combined and co-ordinated operation in Pakistan by the CIA, the South Korean Intelligence and the ISI that is incomprehensible and mind-boggling; “The reference about myself in the so-called letter from North Korea does not exist in the eleven page account given by Dr A Q Khan to Mr Henderson as referred to by the Washington Post.. In response to Washington Post’s queries, he pointed out that during his tenure at GHQ, no contract was concluded with North Korea by the GHQ, nor was there any dispute between the two

Since he was not the dealing officer or, directly or indirectly connected with contracts with North Korea (if any) or the resolution of a possible dispute arising there from, the question of North Korea making any payments to him, major or minor, does not arise, he added.

The deal commonly referred to was an agreement signed between the two governments that is Pakistan and North Korea.

However, it was concluded much before he came to GHQ. It is public knowledge that an extensive and exhaustive inquiry was held into the allegations of nuclear proliferation and numerous people were thoroughly questioned and interrogated.

“It ought to be borne in mind that at no stage was my name mentioned in this context, leave aside accepting any benefit.

The queries by the correspondent of the Washington Post exhibited a crude effort to provoke people in authority by levelling unfounded and baseless allegations against them so that in reaction while defending themselves they may give away some information inadvertently which will fill in the blanks of information/data about the organisation, administrative structure, operation details about our strategic weapons programme, logistic arrangements pertaining to such weapons and the extent of R&D and production facilities. All of these falls in the category of national secrets and under no circumstance can be shared with anyone.”

Gen Zulfiqar said that US efforts, both overt and covert, spread over the last 10 to 12 years to gain access to such information is well known. Frustration emanating from their failure to gain an access, probably, prompted an effort like the one by Washington Post in the publication of this article.

In his considered opinion, this article has been written as an instrument to fulfil US long-term objectives mainly to malign and undermine Pakistan Army by casting aspersion on the integrity of an ex-army chief and other senior officers, he said.

He said Washington Post claims to be a reputed newspaper. If indeed it was, it should not have endeavored to malign the Army by citing a dubious 13-year old letter.

Gen Zulfiqar refutes US allegations about nuclear sell-off | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
I am amazed that pplz here behaving so illetrate.....nobody write such kinda letterz...and Dr. AQ Khan will not go after such kinda letterz...its foolish to write such kinda letters which becomes evidence agaisnt you in future .....This kinda business alwayz happens verbally and hand to hand only.....So this is another CIA drama/movie scene against Pakistan to create suspicions and suspense . To confuse the pplz to use their minds to destabilize the Muslim country.......But Alhamdolillah! the curse has been written by Allah SBWT for the Devilz working against Islam no matter if it is CIA, MOSAAD or MI6 or anybodyelse.......ummm......:woot:
i understand your faith on AQ KHAN like millions others but we are one of those who lost faith in him and i personally accepted him as a traitor or a black market don who gave us some business and in return asked us so much, My friend this isn't the first time! this is the second time. first time AQ khan gave his daughter a letter full of pakistani nuclear secrets to be handed over to USA in case ISI kill him, he actually black mailed us. now every word i say is 1000% dig able and you can simply find it through google. do you know that the Secrets which Musharraf is blamed to hand over to usa in a letter are the one which AQ wrote to his daughter dona in england and ordered er to give that letter to his friend in USA NY TIMES reporter, that letter was later recovered by ISI agents from USA and brought to Pakistan and Bush confronted that letter to Musharraf which means that Bush was aware of the letter and he had a copy of it which means that USA new our nuclear locations, now if you remember that Pakistan was itching to move her assets and they created an environment of fear of war and moved them during 2007 and it is all in new, then jackpot was 26/11 and indian aggressive behavior gave Pakistan an other excuse to move her assets to different locations for the fear of indian surgical strikes against her assets. AQ claim that he was treated bad and he was kept in house arrest during last government makes all sense because las GOP knew what kind of person he is this is why he wasn't allowed to give interviews. he claim that he had no money but where as he was living in 30 acer house WTF, he gave 2 million dollars to his daughter so how did he not have money? he is a sneaky moron who play dirty. OUR TRUE HEROS ARE DR SAMER MUBARIK AND 1000 others who gave their life for Pakistani nuclear program, those 100s who are still in jails for life for sending nuclear parts to Pakistan. how can AQ be called a hero who is so LOW and who has his sight set to become President of Pakistan? he play victim card all the time, old punk:) :pakistan::police::pakistan:
And the Top brass at the time are living in two bedroom apartments ??
Lets deal with the two general's mentioned in the letter specifically - I am not arguing whether other individuals in the 'top brass' engaged in corruption, but dealing specifically with whether the two individuals named by AQ Khan have displayed the kind of wealth and assets that AQ Khan has, without any additional sources of income outside of their official and legal military retirement benefits.

I doubt that.. there were middlemen from the Army involved..along with the civilian government and bureaucracy.
Such a pie does not go unnoticed..
Only if this was an official government to government program, and not a covert black market in nuclear and missile technology, in which case knowledge and access would be limited for obvious reasons.

three possibilities come out then.

1. The GoP/Army/ISI knew of AQ activities.. an sanctioned it. Putting the trust of our national security in his hands and looked the other way when AQ moved around.
conclusion: Those in the Army,GoP and ISI are daft idiots to leave such an operations without checks and balances.. the ISI really was badly led.

2. The GoP/Army/ISI knew of AQ activities.. an sanctioned it on a mutual benefit agreement.pimping out our national security in the hands of a opportunist in return for their piece of the pie.
conclusion: Those in the Army,GoP and ISI were corrupt selfish men who were prepared to sell out on the nation's future for their cut.

3. The GoP/Army/ISI did not know of AQ activities(apart from the Missile trade).. and were naive enough to think that AQ would not break their trust and think only of the nation in his clandestine trade.
conclusion: All of them were incompetent bufoons who would not even plant a tail to see what AQ was upto. A discredit to anybody out of the CSS , kakul or the like.
I would still go with (1) - the man was after all responsible for delivering significant technology to Pakistan, yet, as you pointed out, it was foolish to not keep tabs on him, and it was a failure and it was incompetence.

That said, perhaps the military and intelligence was aware of what he was doing, but chose to look the other way because they felt that the benefit of continuing to let him operate and deliver necessary technology to Pakistan through his network outweighed the cost of Khan making a few millions on the side by selling technology to others.

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------

I am amazed that pplz here behaving so illetrate.....nobody write such kinda letterz...and Dr. AQ Khan will not go after such kinda letterz...its foolish to write such kinda letters which becomes evidence agaisnt you in future .....This kinda business alwayz happens verbally and hand to hand only.....So this is another CIA drama/movie scene against Pakistan to create suspicions and suspense . To confuse the pplz to use their minds to destabilize the Muslim country.......But Alhamdolillah! the curse has been written by Allah SBWT for the Devilz working against Islam no matter if it is CIA, MOSAAD or MI6 or anybodyelse.......ummm......:woot:

AQ Khan has to come out and deny the letter then, if it is a forgery being blamed on him.
Lets deal with the two general's mentioned in the letter specifically - I am not arguing whether other individuals in the 'top brass' engaged in corruption, but dealing specifically with whether the two individuals named by AQ Khan have displayed the kind of wealth and assets that AQ Khan has, without any additional sources of income outside of their official and legal military retirement benefits.

Only if this was an official government to government program, and not a covert black market in nuclear and missile technology, in which case knowledge and access would be limited for obvious reasons.

I would still go with (1) - the man was after all responsible for delivering significant technology to Pakistan, yet, as you pointed out, it was foolish to not keep tabs on him, and it was a failure and it was incompetence.

That said, perhaps the military and intelligence was aware of what he was doing, but chose to look the other way because they felt that the benefit of continuing to let him operate and deliver necessary technology to Pakistan through his network outweighed the cost of Khan making a few millions on the side by selling technology to others..

Similar shortsightedness has cost us elsewhere.
And the Top brass at the time are living in two bedroom apartments ??
I doubt that.. there were middlemen from the Army involved..along with the civilian government and bureaucracy.
Such a pie does not go unnoticed..

three possibilities come out then.

3. The GoP/Army/ISI did not know of AQ activities(apart from the Missile trade).. and were naive enough to think that AQ would not break their trust and think only of the nation in his clandestine trade.
conclusion: All of them were incompetent bufoons who would not even plant a tail to see what AQ was upto. A discredit to anybody out of the CSS , kakul or the like.


Knowing our millitary heirachy----it is the 3rd assessment of your that holds the truth. I mean to say that at every step after his release and Musharraf's departure----he is spewing venom against pakistan---what is shutting the muhajjir community up---are they as shocked with what he is saying or they in their 'I don't give a sh-it' mood.

Everything I have said and written about pak general command staff is slowly and surely coming true---actually it was true already years and years ago----but now the average joe----the average pakistani can understand---- the thick mucous of deceit and deception these generals had rubbed on the public has worn down so far----people can see the lies now---in the past, their love and affection for the millitary made them blind.
i understand your faith on AQ KHAN like millions others but we are one of those who lost faith in him and i personally accepted him as a traitor or a black market don who gave us some business and in return asked us so much, My friend this isn't the first time! this is the second time. first time AQ khan gave his daughter a letter full of pakistani nuclear secrets to be handed over to USA in case ISI kill him, he actually black mailed us. now every word i say is 1000% dig able and you can simply find it through google. do you know that the Secrets which Musharraf is blamed to hand over to usa in a letter are the one which AQ wrote to his daughter dona in england and ordered er to give that letter to his friend in USA NY TIMES reporter, that letter was later recovered by ISI agents from USA and brought to Pakistan and Bush confronted that letter to Musharraf which means that Bush was aware of the letter and he had a copy of it which means that USA new our nuclear locations, now if you remember that Pakistan was itching to move her assets and they created an environment of fear of war and moved them during 2007 and it is all in new, then jackpot was 26/11 and indian aggressive behavior gave Pakistan an other excuse to move her assets to different locations for the fear of indian surgical strikes against her assets. AQ claim that he was treated bad and he was kept in house arrest during last government makes all sense because las GOP knew what kind of person he is this is why he wasn't allowed to give interviews. he claim that he had no money but where as he was living in 30 acer house WTF, he gave 2 million dollars to his daughter so how did he not have money? he is a sneaky moron who play dirty. OUR TRUE HEROS ARE DR SAMER MUBARIK AND 1000 others who gave their life for Pakistani nuclear program, those 100s who are still in jails for life for sending nuclear parts to Pakistan. how can AQ be called a hero who is so LOW and who has his sight set to become President of Pakistan? he play victim card all the time, old punk:) :pakistan::police::pakistan:

A little addition.....US already knows the locations of our strategic assets through following means:

1. Spy/Military Satellites

Whenever Pakistan mobilized its nukes (in 1998 and 2007-8),we did it with extreme caution by transporting them with heavy escort.This type of movement alerts the "watchers",so the storing facilities are located.Similarly,when a production-ready nuke is to be delivered to designated storage site,same protocols are followed.

2. Stealth UAVs (Lockheed Martin RQ-170)

They have been sighted at USAF base,Kandhar.Now Taliban certainly don't have radars,so these UAVs are being possibly used to spy on the nuclear installations of Pakistan.They were also used to spy on OBL compound in Abottabad.

3. CIA agents and recruits

Thousands of US nationals have been given Visas for Pakistan.They aren't here for vacation,nor for investing or doing business.Every once in a while,we hear that "foreign nationals" were caught on a "hiking trip" around mountains where these installations are located,"with laptops and high-zoom cameras.
A little addition.....US already knows the locations of our strategic assets through following means:

1. Spy/Military Satellites

Whenever Pakistan mobilized its nukes (in 1998 and 2007-8),we did it with extreme caution by transporting them with heavy escort.This type of movement alerts the "watchers",so the storing facilities are located.Similarly,when a production-ready nuke is to be delivered to designated storage site,same protocols are followed.

2. Stealth UAVs (Lockheed Martin RQ-170)

They have been sighted at USAF base,Kandhar.now Taliban certaily don't have radars,so these UAVs are being possibly used to spy on the nuclear installations of Pakistan.They were also used to spy on OBL compound in Abottabad.

3. CIA agents and recruits

Thousands of US nationals have been given Visas for Pakistan.They aren't here for vacation,nor for investing or doing business.Every once in a while,we hear that "foreign nationals" were caught on a "hiking trip" with laptops and high-zoom cameras.

You are probably very correct US does have satellites that can even track/detect nuclear bombs on ground simply by using radiation emitted from the nuclear warheads.........and that's independent of any day/night/weather/poor visibility factors......even India has got a few satellites which would've used mapping and visual techniques.......there was no point using/testing stealth drones or UCAV on taliban they also would've been carrying radiation detectors.......and the presence of CIA agents could have been the last bad thing......hence if such mass scale mobilization did happen then.....I am sorry to say the nukes would've been located for sure......and the could be the biggest possible mistake done by the generals even bigger than the letter send by AQ's daughter.
You are probably very correct US does have satellites that can even track/detect nuclear bombs on ground simply by using radiation emitted from the nuclear warheads.........and that's independent of any day/night/weather/poor visibility factors......even India has got a few satellites which would've used mapping and visual techniques.......there was no point using/testing stealth drones or UCAV on taliban they also would've been carrying radiation detectors.......and the presence of CIA agents could have been the last bad thing......hence if such mass scale mobilization did happen then.....I am sorry to say the nukes would've been located for sure......and the could be the biggest possible mistake done by the generals even bigger than the letter send by AQ's daughter.

The US satellites cannot detect the radiation once the nukes have been stored,because they are surrounded by Radiation absorbing materials (Lead etc)...though they can detect them when they are in a ready to fire position,or are being transported/mobilized...
The US satellites cannot detect the radiation once the nukes have been stored,because they are surrounded by Radiation absorbing materials (Lead etc)...though they can detect them when they are in a ready to fire position,or are being transported/mobilized...

That's what I told.
About storage part yes it absorbs most of the radiation using appropriate metals..........but traces of radiation still escapes and the amount of such radiation depends on the metallurgy used.........but yes such a little amount can't be detected from space hence spies and agents can do the job.........in that case........remember US satellites could trace the small nuclear bombs stored in small lead containers deviced by KGB during early 1990s.
Khan details the payments Jon allegedly arranged in written statements that Henderson, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, shared with The Post. Henderson said he acquired the letter and the statements from Khan in the years after his 2004 arrest by Pakistani authorities.

Henderson, who has written extensively about Khan, said he provided the letter to The Post because he lacked the resources to authenticate it himself.

Henderson said the letter and the statements constitute new evidence that Khan’s proliferation involved more senior Pakistani officials than Khan himself.

this part of the article seems a bit dubious to me, for me this brings the authenticity of the article into question.
A little addition.....US already knows the locations of our strategic assets through following means:

1. Spy/Military Satellites
Whenever Pakistan mobilized its nukes (in 1998 and 2007-8),we did it with extreme caution by transporting them with heavy escort.This type of movement alerts the "watchers",so the storing facilities are located.Similarly,when a production-ready nuke is to be delivered to designated storage site,same protocols are followed.

Thousands of US nationals have been given Visas for Pakistan.They aren't here for vacation,nor for investing or doing business.Every once in a while,we hear that "foreign nationals" were caught on a "hiking trip" around mountains where these installations are located,"with laptops and high-zoom cameras.

with due respect i would strongly push that a side, USA or any one besides Pakistani command and structure wouldn't know the locations of Pakistani nukes, no matter how good the tech is movement isn't done that easily, If that was the case then we would have had attacks on them at least by talibans but answer is no. it isn't possible. Pakistani army also doesn't know the exact location of nukes plus after AQ is fired we have leveled our missiles tech from 700km to 3,500km i strongly believe that Pakistan has baber and tipu ready which has 7,000km range, it is the matter of time when India test her long range missile Pakistan will do the same , As far as stealth UAV in Pakistani airspace? brother USA doesn't has stealth UAV in this region, go do research on it. What USA used during OBL mission were stealth helicopters along with our radars being jammed but this doesn't happen all the time or i should say it never happen ever before. it was a wake up call for many Pakistani who think that Pakistan can kick american a s s where is it is other way around, im more realistic person :) i look up to china which stayed a side from trouble for all these years and got stronger now she is flexing her muscles
with due respect i would strongly push that a side, USA or any one besides Pakistani command and structure wouldn't know the locations of Pakistani nukes, no matter how good the tech is movement isn't done that easily, If that was the case then we would have had attacks on them at least by talibans but answer is no. it isn't possible. Pakistani army also doesn't know the exact location of nukes plus after AQ is fired we have leveled our missiles tech from 700km to 3,500km i strongly believe that Pakistan has baber and tipu ready which has 7,000km range, it is the matter of time when India test her long range missile Pakistan will do the same , As far as stealth UAV in Pakistani airspace? brother USA doesn't has stealth UAV in this region, go do research on it. What USA used during OBL mission were stealth helicopters along with our radars being jammed but this doesn't happen all the time or i should say it never happen ever before. it was a wake up call for many Pakistani who think that Pakistan can kick american a s s where is it is other way around, im more realistic person :) i look up to china which stayed a side from trouble for all these years and got stronger now she is flexing her muscles

Look,I don't want to spoil your patriotic enthusiasm...but it is you who should be realistic in your approach...

Our nuclear weapons storage facilities are known to US...its simple,when they deny access to a mountanious area of Pakistan,suspicion arouses...With the current advancement in technology,it is very easy to identify them....They usually are protected heavily with no-go areas around them...Taliban cannot attack them because they don't have the resources to conduct a recci for the attack...
Pakistan Army does know about them...the personnel which move these things around know what they are dealing with...

FYI,Babur is a CM,which has entered production...and about Tipu (7000km)...its just a rumor...even the 4000km range missile is under-development...there is no point in keeping a missile lab-ready and not testing it due to international pressure...you may believe whatever you want to,but you don't have the sources to confirm its validity...I have discussed a lot on it...

About stealth UAVs...brother,search wikipedia on RQ-170...you'll get the answer...
And USAF Blackhawks came through minimized RCS and terrain-masking...they have full potential to do it again,but on a very limited scale...
You are probably very correct US does have satellites that can even track/detect nuclear bombs on ground simply by using radiation emitted from the nuclear warheads.........and that's independent of any day/night/weather/poor visibility factors......even India has got a few satellites which would've used mapping and visual techniques.......there was no point using/testing stealth drones or UCAV on taliban they also would've been carrying radiation detectors.......and the presence of CIA agents could have been the last bad thing......hence if such mass scale mobilization did happen then.....I am sorry to say the nukes would've been located for sure......and the could be the biggest possible mistake done by the generals even bigger than the letter send by AQ's daughter.

It would really help if you get your self acquainted with the SOPs and protocols pertaining to discrete and covert transportation of the nuclear weapons by the strategic force commands around the world before you decide to feel sorry for our present and former “generals” by the way its not just the generals but it’s the NCA that makes such decisions which includes both the civilian and military personal with impeccable track record and highest security clearance.

Just like General Zulfiqar has pointed out, this so called letter is the continuation of many similar planed stories in the past that are designed to get an insight from any unintentional disclosure of information from Pakistani authorities when reacting

First one needs to understand the means to make a positive ID of a nuclear arsenal.
I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the scale and size of a military convey on a move. Any conventional army of the world with more or less a million personal engages in army exercises throughout the year from battalion to corps level and they have to use the same routes as used by 180 million population. So, NCA & SFC have the flexibility and freedom to choose where and how to conceal the movement of nuclear weapons should it be among the many conveys of the armed forces or among the many articulated lorries that travel in hundreds of thousands everyday on the roads.( there are over a million 18 wheeler/ articulated lorries on the grand truck roads of Pakistan travelling each day, so good luck there with your laptops).

In order to work, the radiation detectors have to be adjacent to the vehicles or containers transporting such material and they also need few minutes for the readings to make sense, these few minutes depending on how well the fissile material containing weapon is concealed. E.g. by using Boron and/ or Graphite containing layers within the containers.

Here the problem for the spy will be the mobility of these cumbersome detectors that would use photon or neutron bombardment on the suspect vehicle to get a specific signature suggesting radio active material but that presents another dilemma and that is they would be detected themselves by “broadcasting” their proton and neutron streams. So the “snuffers” will have to stay concealed themselves, be able to monitor the moving vehicles for few minutes to get the positive readings and stay concealed throughout the whole time.

During the 80s we caught many “diplomats” loitering over Kahuta and a security personal that served there during that time told me that the SOP was to bundle up that “diplomat” in a blanket and given a beating called “blanket parade” and then released when his embassy contacted the authorities.

The locals of the Kahuta were always very vigilant as well and they kept every visitor and traveller in the area under close supervision. In fact even villagers discovered the passive sensors shaped as rocks and debris placed along the roadsides by the Western intelligence agencies and alerted the authorities. and in one case one such device in a shape of a rock was handed over to Gen Zia who showed it to then American Ambassador

As far as the space and airborne espionage is concerned, that is dependent on the ground intelligence to keep an eye on particular movement as it doesn’t have any detectors that can penetrate the transport to make the positive ID for the material. What makes it more difficult is that the delivery system and the weapon itself never travel together in assembled form so a missile would just pass through like any other conventional military or civilian cargo on a train or an 18 wheeler, the actual “sting” might be transported through a transport helicopter or in a much smaller vehicle. Yes there is always that cat and mouse game going on between the authorities and local and foreign spies but that’s come with the job, the idea is to ensure that the hostile entities are always kept as much in the dark as possible or at least guessing and speculating rather than presenting them with information in a plate just because someone’s ego has been hurt.

Read this story to find out how much Mr Putin is worried if the movement and deployment of his strategic forces is monitored, he is actually making the announcement by inviting all the “laptop” holders to come and detect their movement and location

Putin warns Russia will move nuclear weapons to borders if Moscow is shut out of Western missile shield
we should exchange technology with whoever we want US can give india nuke tech israel all sorts of techs so can pakistan
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